[email protected] has comments on 2 sites

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The College Fix / thecollegefix.com

Original. Student Reported. Your Daily Dose of RIGHT-Minded News and Commentary from Across the Nation

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No doubt the author supports this fascist crap. Liberalism is tyranny, and it must be extinguished

2017-10-17 11:19:00 Bill Collier

Hell awaits you.

2014-05-02 02:27:00 Bill Collier

Goobldygook! Nonsense! Racism is racism. Regardless of power. Hate does not justify hate. Your entire argument is nothing more than an apology to hate on white men and, as a white man, I am totally done with that. Whoever tells me to “check my privilege” is my enemy.

2014-05-02 02:26:00 Bill Collier
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Downtrend / downtrend.com

That's the direction of our freedoms.

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Fewer progs like you in circulation equals fewer crime, corruption, and murders. Progs hate freedom, freedom hates progs.

2014-05-27 11:04:00 Bill Collier

Adam, you are no better than this killer. You are a freedom takingt ideologue with a heart filled with hate because people refuse to bow before your god, the progressive superstate.

2014-05-27 11:02:00 Bill Collier

When a man uses the death of his son, which the liberal policies he supports caused, to deny freedom to others he deserves no sympathy. Being a victim is no excuse for being a freedom taker. His son’s blood is on his own hands, and yours if you support disarming innocent people who could have stopped this murderous nutjob right off the bat.

2014-05-27 11:00:00 Bill Collier