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Roosh V

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Tl;dr: clean your room, bucko.

2018-02-26 16:23:00 Matthew Forney

The problem isn’t just that American women are becoming masculinized, it’s that they lack all sense of human decency.

For example, the Jizzabellers and “empowered” women sneer at women like Roosh’s girlfriend who try to please their men. Maybe I’m just a romantic, but I thought that if you love someone, you’re supposed to want to please them, because you care about them. This isn’t masculinity/femininity, it’s basic kindness.

American women aren’t just masculine, they’re socially retarded. American men are socially retarded too, but I’m straight, so that doesn’t concern me.

2012-05-19 19:30:16 Matt Forney
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Matt Forney / mattforney.com

The blog of author and journalist Matt Forney

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John McCain is a senator, not a representative.

Don't call his office, look up your local House member and call them.

And if the main Congressional switchboard is swamped, you can call individual members' offices via the link in the post.
2018-01-21T18:05:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
It was merged into AltRight dot com. 2017-09-30T07:32:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I didn't write this article, Kid Strangelove did. 2017-08-18T12:56:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Been busy. Also been lying low online for obvious reasons. 2017-08-18T12:56:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Maximus? There's a name I haven't heard in a while...

You're not the first to notice that dating patterns in the West are based around navigating mental dysfunction more than anything else, and it's getting worse every year. I actually did a whole (subscription) podcast on why the whole alpha/beta schema of sexual dynamics doesn't apply to the West anymore (assuming it ever did).
2017-04-25T18:12:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
1. Ukrainians are very friendly and receptive to being approached, if a little cold on the first couple dates. Hungarians are icy when you encounter them in the wild, but if you're part of the same social circle, they're nicer than American girls.

2. Word on the street is that Poland and the Czech Republic are where you go for girls with big boobs. Hungarian girls are decent but nothing special, and Ukrainian girls are waif-like.
2017-04-19T12:06:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Any city in eastern Europe will have more attractive women on average than Chicago or any U.S. city (with the possible exceptions of NYC and L.A.). It's not just their physical beauty: they also have a feminine grace that even attractive American women lack. 2017-04-19T04:07:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I tried ignoring her for over a year. Her lies just kept getting bigger and more grandiose.

I published this article and she shut up twelve hours later.

My method worked.

Care to delve into your own history with BPD women? I'm sure, based on your comment, that you know so much about dealing with them.
2017-04-13T14:10:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I already wrote a post about Budapest in January: http://mattforney.com/brief-thoughts-living-budapest-hungary/ 2017-04-13T14:04:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Funny you mention your girl's sexual history: Ann was one of the easiest women to satisfy in bed I've ever met in my life. Like "sheets soaked, mouth dry, all the fluids in her body gone" easy.

I think hypersexuality in women is inherently linked to BPD and other personality disorders, since her brain was sexualized to a degree I've never encountered in any other woman I've met.
2017-04-09T14:57:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I did acknowledge my role in this whole thing, and I'm writing a more thorough post on how to spot borderlines and avoid them (by recognizing the flaws within men that lead them to get entangled with BPD women).

You're forgetting three things:

1. Ann obsessively read and studied my writing. She had a roadmap by which she could manipulate me, because she knew precisely what I was like, what I was interested in, and what I would respond to. Most men are never going to be in this position.

2. She's older than me, and by definition is supposed to be more mature and wise enough not to do these things.

3. BPD women are like a drug. They get men hooked through hypersexuality and love-bombing (see: Ann's effusive praise of me and her sexual aggressiveness), then control them through strategically withdrawing said drug (see: her random outbursts, benders and sudden disappearances). Getting off a drug is difficult, even more so when you don't even know you're on one.

Real sorry I couldn't be some perfect alpha male stereotype and that I do stupid things from time to time.
2017-04-09T14:54:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I already acknowledged my role in this drama. If I'd put my foot down at any point, it wouldn't have progressed to this level.

Fortunately, I've come to recognize the signs of borderline personality disorder (and what attracts me to BPD women), so I can do a better job of avoiding them. About a month after breaking up with Ann, I started dating a new girl who had all of her good aspects and none of the crazy.
2017-04-09T14:47:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
He's been a friend of mine for years. He's not Jewish.

Not that it should matter.
2017-04-06T10:45:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
How much did George Soros pay you to leave this comment? 2017-02-07T07:39:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Four articles, actually. And again, nobody cared about TRS or knew it even existed before Colin Liddell republished one of my TRS articles at AltRight:


Keep lying, though. Enoch taught you well.
2017-01-20T04:49:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
lol, I was in part responsible for the site's early notoriety, because Colin Liddell offered to repost my TRS articles at Alternative Right. Prior to that TRS got maybe 50 hits a day.

"Riding [Aurini's] dick"? Quite rich considering you've spent the past four years obsessed with where he puts his dick. Then again, knowing what your wives look like, I'd be jealous of Aurini too.
2017-01-19T22:23:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
1. Then he shouldn't have catered to an audience that hinged their loyalty on who he was married to.

2. You should tell Enoch that. He called TRS "neo-Nazi" when he desperately pleaded with Salon to help him lie to his own readers:

"The TRS creator then asked Salon to help him deny that he was Enoch: “If you give any fucks at all then you could print that this is all bullshit. We are now being harassed not only by communists but by actual neo nazis.”"


But I'm sure you already have a rationalization for Enoch trying to throw his own readership under the bus to save himself, like you rationalize everything else he does.

3. Considering that TRS feuds with everyone for the dumbest of reasons, they're the last people who should be whining about others "punching right." Case in point: they went after me during Heilgate, even though I was defending them and NPI and I heavily criticized Cernovich for accusing Spencer of being a fed, solely because I didn't spaz out and call Cernovich a cuck in the process. Why should I defend a group of people who get angry at me when I do so?

4. Enoch has a history of dishonesty and lying. He had no problem straight-up lying to my face at AmRen 2015, claiming he wanted to end the feud we'd had since 2013, then reneging as soon as he got home and he didn't have to worry about running into me. If a man's word is his bond, Enoch proved that day that his word means nothing.

This is my last reply to you. If you want to go down with the RMS Right Stuff, be my guest. Personally, I enjoy breathing.
2017-01-19T22:17:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Your comment was dumb, so I gave you a dumb response.

Face the facts: Enoch is a fraud, as is TRS in general. He's completely indefensible, right down to when he begged Salon to save him from his own "neo-Nazi" followers.

BTW, have you noticed that no one from TRS, including Enoch, is involved with AltRight.com, the new flagship of the alt-right? There's a reason for this.

Enoch's biggest defender right now is Greg "Intolerance of Homosexuality is Jewish" Johnson. That should tell you just what everyone else of importance in the alt-right thinks about TRS.
2017-01-19T18:33:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Does Enoch pay you more for anal? 2017-01-19T17:04:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I'm on the waiting list for gab.ai. The problem is that Twitter is virtually a necessity if you want to follow and influence the news cycle, though with the recent moves they're making towards permabanning right-wingers from their service, that may come to a rapid halt. 2016-09-22T02:28:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Appreciate the tips. As I said in the post, I already have partnered with a major alt-right site. The main reason I haven't revealed who it is yet is because we just did a joint interview/podcast about it today and we need to finalize some of the details. We'll be unveiling our plans over the weekend. I just wanted to give notice to my readers beforehand. 2016-07-07T04:18:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Opp = opposition, i.e. enemies. 2016-06-13T20:08:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Citizens United is a symptom of the bigger problem of corporate personhood. Without abolishing that, corporations are going to exercise an outsized influence on politics.

Additionally, public financing systems have their own downsides: they give the incumbent party an advantage and allow them to manipulate the system to their benefit (like you said). For example, in Belgium, the left- and right-wing parties in Belgium (both Flemish and Walloon) joined forces to cut public funds for the Flemish nationalist party Vlaams Belang due to the fact that it was an "undemocratic" party, despite its popularity with Flemish voters.
2016-06-07T13:58:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
if you dive into Wolf PAC's quarterly filings, you can see exactly what they're spending their donors' money on. 2016-06-07T12:33:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Manboobz is worthless when it comes to traffic. His website doesn't have many readers and those that DO read him don't click the links out of fear of being "triggered." 2016-02-23T04:05:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
The guy Shoe0nhead is kissing in the video isn't Armoured Skeptic, it's her mystery meat ex-boyfriend that she doesn't want the Internet to know about. 2016-02-19T19:01:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Shoe0nhead is an obnoxious attention whore (and a mudshark), Armoured Skeptic is a cuck. That's the context. 2016-02-19T19:00:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
The women that Roosh purportedly raped continued seeing him and sleeping with him after his supposed assaults. So yes, you are using a feminist definition of rape: the idea that a woman can claim to be raped even when she continues to sleep with her "rapist" afterwards. http://www.rooshv.com/the-accusation-that-im-a-rapist-is-a-malicious-lie 2016-02-11T15:25:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Don't know what's happening there: I keep approving your comments and Disqus keeps flagging them. I don't have control over the hyperlink issue either. 2016-02-11T14:12:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I'm going to be posting on Twitter, Ustream, Periscope, YouTube, my own blog, Return of Kings, and Right On. 2016-01-14T00:20:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
These guys are basically the alt-right equivalent of the "migtow" spambots who chant "ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES DON'T GET MARRIED BETA BETA BETA" (though fortunately that group of spazzes has taken a fucking hike). 2016-01-13T17:34:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Thanks, man. 2016-01-11T13:30:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
It's a joke referring to Haywire's Skrillex-in-drag aesthetic. 2015-12-15T12:25:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I met Haywire in person once, but I never slept with her. I'm not stupid. 2015-12-15T10:47:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Report the Twitter account "mattforneylive" for harassment and impersonation. Get the word out by linking to these posts and sharing the screencaps in it on Twitter with the hashtag #FreeMattForney. Contact journalists who might be interested in covering the story (Milo Yiannopoulos etc.). 2015-12-06T18:45:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
ROK and Roosh's other websites are being DDoSed right now. No word on when they'll be back up. 2015-09-02T11:47:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
All the articles on this blog say "Matt Forney" because installing a separate byline for guest posters would break the site. But cute conspiracy theory. 2015-07-13T13:54:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I released all the comments that said "April Fools" from moderation. 2015-04-01T21:16:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
What will you be talking about on Red Ice Radio? Feminism, the manosphere, how technology and cultural Marxism have destroyed human relationships etc. Also, when will you publish your next books Hopefully, my next one will be out by next month. I'm taking my time to make sure they're as good as they can be. and are you planning on doing any livestreams in the future? I'm doing one tomorrow night. 2015-03-04T16:14:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Thanks for the heads-up, Miss Sallie Lancaster of Melbourne, Australia. I'll be sure to notify the police. And CBP. 2015-02-26T19:53:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Wow, that guy's still around and still trolling (I don't believe he's a real person)?

The manosphere has a demographic problem? Return of Kings gets 1.3 million unique visitors a month, 52% of whom are age 18-34. In particular, 24% of the site's readers are 18-24, which is 1.89 times larger than the world average: https://www.quantcast.com/returnofkings.com#!demo

Same with my site. I have over 100,000 unique visitors per month, 21% of whom are age 18-24, 1.68 times the world average. https://www.quantcast.com/mattforney.com#!demo

That guy is an idiot. I don't even know why he's still around seeing as his troll posts are all but ignored by everyone.
2015-02-26T16:05:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Barbarossa is a liar and a degenerate. Bernard Chapin calls him "Cockaroacha" for a reason. 2015-02-26T16:05:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I'm not arguing with you. There's no arguing with someone who equates getting laid to "[running] across the edge of a cliff for 25 miles, then burn[ing] a pile of cash." You're just as deluded as the Tumblr feminists who think they're part dolphin or identify as "demiromantic sapiosexuals." You've so retreated into your fantasy world that you have no clue that you look like a complete freak to everyone who's not part of your little hugbox.

What's more, you claim that I'm dependent on women for validation, yet you and your fellow MGTOWs are dependent on other men for validation. The proof is you responding to this post. If you were truly going your own way and didn't give a fuck what other people thought, you wouldn't be leaving book-length comments on the podcast of someone who doesn't like you. You wouldn't care about my opinion at all.

That's why MGTOW is a joke. If you were truly confident and assured of your life choices, you wouldn't be banding together online to commiserate and attacking anyone who called you on your bullshit. You MGTOWs are inherently insecure, because you believe deep down that you're wasting your lives jacking off in the basement. Again, you're no different then the hoards of feminist haters in my inbox telling me that they "don't give a fuck what [I] think" (even as they send me multiple page emails and death threats).
2015-02-26T15:55:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
And this is why people make fun of MGTOW; because when they do, you crybabies respond like nerdy kids on the playground. "TEACHER, HE'S MAKING FUN OF ME!"

You want to call yourselves "men?" Grow a thicker skin and stop reacting like little girls whenever someone criticizes you.
2015-02-26T14:21:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
So Danny, when was the last time you had sex? 2015-02-25T23:14:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Kind of like how feminists whine that society thinks that women's worth comes solely from how pretty she is. Another parallel between them and MGTOW. 2015-02-25T13:16:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
The problem is that I dropped my mic on the floor and apparently damaged it (my vocal sibilance has gone up in the last couple of podcasts). After trying to fix the problem by fiddling with the audio settings, I've ordered a new mic (as well as a pop stopper) because apparently there's no way to disassemble my current one without breaking it permanently. 2015-02-18T16:49:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I hope she's enjoying the attention, it's the most she's ever going to get for anything. 2015-02-14T21:04:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
When was the last time you got laid, sweetie? Be honest. 2015-02-12T03:43:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
At least you live in the Philippines (according to your IP address). You should be thankful you do, even white knighting losers like you can get laid there. 2015-02-12T00:21:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Why are you slut-shaming Filipinas, you racist misogynistic shitlord? 2015-02-12T00:19:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
According to your IP address, you live in the U.K.

U mad sis?
2015-02-11T19:15:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Filipinas are generally looking for men older than them, meaning that younger guys are going to have a harder time on Cherry Blossoms. 2015-02-09T17:47:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
I've doubled the dose, but the problem with too much l-theanine is that it lowers your blood pressure. That sounds like a good thing, but if you already have low blood pressure, megadosing Suntheanine can make it so you can't stand up without passing out. As a result, I stick to one capsule a day and combine it with other anxiety-killing supplements like phenibut and ashwagandha. 2015-02-05T15:13:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
Black men will be just fine. I met a black reader of mine in Davao (a very conservative city by Philippine standards) and he was killing it with online game. Anecdote and observation suggest to me that the Philippines is one of the best Asian countries for black men, second only to Japan.

Best comparison I can make between white and black guys in the Philippines is that it's like a guy who has 20 billion dollars versus one who has 15 billion dollars. Yeah, the guy with 20 billion dollars has more, but you both each have more money than you'll ever be able to spend, so the difference really doesn't matter.
2015-02-02T20:20:00-05:00 Matthew Forney
The two most meaningful relationships I've had in the past two years (including the one I mentioned in this post) were with girls I met via this blog. You can read about the first one here: http://mattforneybooks.com/life-during-peacetime/

There have been other girls, but these two have been the most important.
2014-10-21T02:04:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Hi, Caitlin's BFF. 2014-10-21T02:03:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
http://youtu.be/rX7wtNOkuHo 2014-10-07T14:15:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah. So many words, so little to say.

The point is that you fancy yourself a glorious defender of the white race when you fell for a ludicrously transparent con man. You're not qualified to lecture anyone on anything.

And really, watching you try and assert your Aryan bonafides is hilarious. I'd love to see you try and argue your points with the Aryan Nations militias up in Washington state and Idaho, the kinds of people you admire. You'd make it maybe two sentences in before they shot you, carved "SPIC" in your forehead, and strung you up from the nearest tree.

You're a hopelessly confused individual. My advice: get off the Internet and use your parents' money to hire a few hookers, do a few lines of coke and get a life. Right now, you're just embarrassing yourself.
2014-10-07T14:00:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I love how in a post about a massively stupid decision you made (and your insultingly self-pitying article about it), the only defense you can muster is "B-B-But WE'RE pureblood whites, too!" If the pro-white revolution you dream of becomes reality, you will be one of the first to face the firing squads. 2014-10-07T13:11:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
U mad, bro? 2014-10-07T12:47:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
It's automatic. I forgot how to set it up but if you check the AWeber and e-Junkie documentation you'll find the instructions. 2014-09-27T06:19:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Sounds like Singapore Airlines. On my flight from L.A. to Tokyo, they must have fed us three separate meals with complementary Singapore Slings. Then we got three more meals from Tokyo to Singapore. Also: entertainment kiosks with Mad Men, New Girl, dozens of movies and the original Fallout games installed. 2014-09-26T14:35:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
(Btw, when are you going to publish some fiction?) When I write something worth reading. 2014-09-24T11:54:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Already did:


Lindy West has no soul and no moral compass. She will gladly sell out her "current" fans and change her stances on issues to fit in better at GQ. She's going to be an MRA in five years.
2014-09-23T06:59:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I'm not a fan of Disqus, but installing it was necessary to cut my site's load times down. The standard WordPress comment system was hurting my blog's SEO. 2014-09-23T06:58:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
You'll feel mellow for about a couple hours. 2014-09-23T06:56:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Transcribing my current podcasts would run me around $60+ per episode. Until I can either find a wealthy backer or the show starts earning that much per episode, it's not going to happen. 2014-09-12T13:17:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
To get a .mobi file, you can either just pull the Amazon KDP conversion file or use this webpage:


The main issue with Amazon's files is that they're huge (usually around a megabyte or so). The ones created by this website are just as functional but a lot smaller in size.

For ePub files, I typically just pull the Kobo conversion, then do some light editing in Sigil to make sure the file passes ePubcheck.
2014-09-10T11:23:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Hi Zoe. 2014-09-06T04:09:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
No idea, I found it by Googling "O-face." 2014-09-04T00:38:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
You're not going to be able to escalate on the first date, friend or no friend. At least here in Davao, the culture is conservative and you need 2 or 3 dates minimum before sex. 2014-09-02T23:31:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
More chick-talk. Zip up your skirt, your vagina is showing. 2014-09-02T23:31:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Why are you so racist? 2014-09-02T23:26:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Your vagina is showing. 2014-09-02T14:41:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
You talk like a chick. 2014-09-02T00:24:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Hi, Caitlin's dad. 2014-08-31T01:25:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I just looked at your comment history. All you ever do is make the same catty, "let's you and him fight" kinds of remarks on every blog you go to.

Better zip up your skirt, your vagina is showing.
2014-08-20T11:45:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Is this your way of saying you need a spanking? Sorry boy, I'm straight.

Anyway, I don't believe you actually read D&P. If you did, you wouldn't be talking like a leftist SJW. Go back to Tumblr.
2014-08-20T00:18:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
That was a joke. He asked a stupid question, he got a stupid answer. 2014-08-20T00:14:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I redesigned my site based on Mike's critique of my old layout:


Go back to the minor leagues, kid.
2014-08-19T15:56:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Mike is actually my uncle. 2014-08-19T11:40:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Very true. That said, I distrust any woman in any country who comes to me of her accord. I've been burned by these hoes one too many times. 2014-08-19T06:21:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I use my computer's webcam and an Audio Technica USB microphone. 2014-08-19T06:07:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Depends on what you want to achieve, though I think a week is good enough for most small operators. 2014-08-17T04:32:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Just found it, I've been buried in work as of late. Will reply soonish. 2014-08-17T04:32:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Nope, it works fine for me. It DOES help if you try and keep to a regular sleep schedule in tune with your Circadian rhythm (go to bed around 10pm-1am at night, wake up early in the morning). 2014-08-14T12:02:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I'm so honored to meet you, Tucker. 2014-08-05T22:34:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Internet quality is good, not great, but you can do Skype calls easily. The only real problem you'll run into is if you like to torrent movies/video games or download huge files, as not only will they take forever, if you're using a 4G stick like I am, you'll end up burning through your allotted bandwidth really quickly (I use a Globe superstick for Internet, and if you exceed 1 GB in a day, they throttle your bandwidth down to 56k levels). 2014-08-01T01:48:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Monthly budget depends on where you are, but in Davao I'd peg it at around $800-1,000. Manila and Cebu are more expensive, the smaller out-of-the-way places like Cagayan de Oro are cheaper.

Biggest expenses by far are rent (I'm paying about $500 a month plus utilities for a condo in a decent locale) and imported goods like electronics and more American-type foods (orange juice is around $8 a carton, USB mics are hundreds of dollars). I spend maybe $20 a week on groceries, I can eat out every night and spend around maybe $3-4, and drinks are also priced around the $1-2 mark. Taxis are also cheap: I usually spend no more than $1-2 a day on transportation (you can save even more if you use the jeepneys, though I'm not big on them because of the lack of AC).

If you need health insurance, try World Nomads. Some credit card providers also offer free traveler's insurance (American Express does, for example).
2014-07-31T22:56:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Not really, no. You should go the traditional route of bundling your short stories in a larger collection. 2014-07-31T22:47:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Yep. I held onto Office 2000 for so long because I got it for free via one of my previous employers. I went and paid $150 for the 2013 suite because I didn't want to worry about offline usage issues. 2014-07-15T15:23:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
I suppose, though calling it "cycling" seems overdramatic. It's l-theanine, not gear. 2014-07-11T01:36:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Gotcha. I'll edit the review to remove that comment (I wrote this review something like six months ago). 2014-07-03T11:16:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
It's called a pseudonym. Hint: "Craven Moorehead" isn't the guy's real name either. 2014-06-23T21:27:00-04:00 Matthew Forney
Site icon

Matt Forney / mattforney.com

The blog of author and journalist Matt Forney

Comment Date Name Link

John McCain is a senator, not a representative.

Don’t call his office, look up your local House member and call them.

And if the main Congressional switchboard is swamped, you can call individual members’ offices via the link in the post.

2018-01-21 23:05:00 Matthew Forney

It was merged into AltRight dot com.

2017-09-30 11:32:00 Matthew Forney

I didn’t write this article, Kid Strangelove did.

2017-08-18 16:56:00 Matthew Forney

Been busy. Also been lying low online for obvious reasons.

2017-08-18 16:56:00 Matthew Forney

Maximus? There’s a name I haven’t heard in a while…

You’re not the first to notice that dating patterns in the West are based around navigating mental dysfunction more than anything else, and it’s getting worse every year. I actually did a whole (subscription) podcast on why the whole alpha/beta schema of sexual dynamics doesn’t apply to the West anymore (assuming it ever did).

2017-04-25 22:12:00 Matthew Forney

1. Ukrainians are very friendly and receptive to being approached, if a little cold on the first couple dates. Hungarians are icy when you encounter them in the wild, but if you’re part of the same social circle, they’re nicer than American girls.

2. Word on the street is that Poland and the Czech Republic are where you go for girls with big boobs. Hungarian girls are decent but nothing special, and Ukrainian girls are waif-like.

2017-04-19 16:06:00 Matthew Forney

Any city in eastern Europe will have more attractive women on average than Chicago or any U.S. city (with the possible exceptions of NYC and L.A.). It’s not just their physical beauty: they also have a feminine grace that even attractive American women lack.

2017-04-19 08:07:00 Matthew Forney

I already wrote a post about Budapest in January: http://mattforney.com/brief-thoughts-living-budapest-hungary/

2017-04-13 18:04:00 Matthew Forney

He’s been a friend of mine for years. He’s not Jewish.

Not that it should matter.

2017-04-06 14:45:00 Matthew Forney

How much did George Soros pay you to leave this comment?

2017-02-07 12:39:00 Matthew Forney

Four articles, actually. And again, nobody cared about TRS or knew it even existed before Colin Liddell republished one of my TRS articles at AltRight:


Keep lying, though. Enoch taught you well.

2017-01-20 09:49:00 Matthew Forney

lol, I was in part responsible for the site’s early notoriety, because Colin Liddell offered to repost my TRS articles at Alternative Right. Prior to that TRS got maybe 50 hits a day.

“Riding [Aurini’s] dick”? Quite rich considering you’ve spent the past four years obsessed with where he puts his dick. Then again, knowing what your wives look like, I’d be jealous of Aurini too.

2017-01-20 03:23:00 Matthew Forney

1. Then he shouldn’t have catered to an audience that hinged their loyalty on who he was married to.

2. You should tell Enoch that. He called TRS “neo-Nazi” when he desperately pleaded with Salon to help him lie to his own readers:

“The TRS creator then asked Salon to help him deny that he was Enoch: “If you give any fucks at all then you could print that this is all bullshit. We are now being harassed not only by communists but by actual neo nazis.””


But I’m sure you already have a rationalization for Enoch trying to throw his own readership under the bus to save himself, like you rationalize everything else he does.

3. Considering that TRS feuds with everyone for the dumbest of reasons, they’re the last people who should be whining about others “punching right.” Case in point: they went after me during Heilgate, even though I was defending them and NPI and I heavily criticized Cernovich for accusing Spencer of being a fed, solely because I didn’t spaz out and call Cernovich a cuck in the process. Why should I defend a group of people who get angry at me when I do so?

4. Enoch has a history of dishonesty and lying. He had no problem straight-up lying to my face at AmRen 2015, claiming he wanted to end the feud we’d had since 2013, then reneging as soon as he got home and he didn’t have to worry about running into me. If a man’s word is his bond, Enoch proved that day that his word means nothing.

This is my last reply to you. If you want to go down with the RMS Right Stuff, be my guest. Personally, I enjoy breathing.

2017-01-20 03:17:00 Matthew Forney

Your comment was dumb, so I gave you a dumb response.

Face the facts: Enoch is a fraud, as is TRS in general. He’s completely indefensible, right down to when he begged Salon to save him from his own “neo-Nazi” followers.

BTW, have you noticed that no one from TRS, including Enoch, is involved with AltRight.com, the new flagship of the alt-right? There’s a reason for this.

Enoch’s biggest defender right now is Greg “Intolerance of Homosexuality is Jewish” Johnson. That should tell you just what everyone else of importance in the alt-right thinks about TRS.

2017-01-19 23:33:00 Matthew Forney

Does Enoch pay you more for anal?

2017-01-19 22:04:00 Matthew Forney

I’m on the waiting list for gab.ai. The problem is that Twitter is virtually a necessity if you want to follow and influence the news cycle, though with the recent moves they’re making towards permabanning right-wingers from their service, that may come to a rapid halt.

2016-09-22 06:28:00 Matthew Forney

Appreciate the tips. As I said in the post, I already have partnered with a major alt-right site. The main reason I haven’t revealed who it is yet is because we just did a joint interview/podcast about it today and we need to finalize some of the details. We’ll be unveiling our plans over the weekend. I just wanted to give notice to my readers beforehand.

2016-07-07 08:18:00 Matthew Forney

Opp = opposition, i.e. enemies.

2016-06-14 00:08:00 Matthew Forney

Citizens United is a symptom of the bigger problem of corporate personhood. Without abolishing that, corporations are going to exercise an outsized influence on politics.

Additionally, public financing systems have their own downsides: they give the incumbent party an advantage and allow them to manipulate the system to their benefit (like you said). For example, in Belgium, the left- and right-wing parties in Belgium (both Flemish and Walloon) joined forces to cut public funds for the Flemish nationalist party Vlaams Belang due to the fact that it was an “undemocratic” party, despite its popularity with Flemish voters.

2016-06-07 17:58:00 Matthew Forney

if you dive into Wolf PAC’s quarterly filings, you can see exactly what they’re spending their donors’ money on.

2016-06-07 16:33:00 Matthew Forney

Manboobz is worthless when it comes to traffic. His website doesn’t have many readers and those that DO read him don’t click the links out of fear of being “triggered.”

2016-02-23 09:05:00 Matthew Forney

The guy Shoe0nhead is kissing in the video isn’t Armoured Skeptic, it’s her mystery meat ex-boyfriend that she doesn’t want the Internet to know about.

2016-02-20 00:01:00 Matthew Forney

Shoe0nhead is an obnoxious attention whore (and a mudshark), Armoured Skeptic is a cuck. That’s the context.

2016-02-20 00:00:00 Matthew Forney

The women that Roosh purportedly raped continued seeing him and sleeping with him after his supposed assaults. So yes, you are using a feminist definition of rape: the idea that a woman can claim to be raped even when she continues to sleep with her “rapist” afterwards. http://www.rooshv.com/the-accusation-that-im-a-rapist-is-a-malicious-lie

2016-02-11 20:25:00 Matthew Forney

Don’t know what’s happening there: I keep approving your comments and Disqus keeps flagging them. I don’t have control over the hyperlink issue either.

2016-02-11 19:12:00 Matthew Forney

I’m going to be posting on Twitter, Ustream, Periscope, YouTube, my own blog, Return of Kings, and Right On.

2016-01-14 05:20:00 Matthew Forney

These guys are basically the alt-right equivalent of the “migtow” spambots who chant “ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES DON’T GET MARRIED BETA BETA BETA” (though fortunately that group of spazzes has taken a fucking hike).

2016-01-13 22:34:00 Matthew Forney

Thanks, man.

2016-01-11 18:30:00 Matthew Forney

It’s a joke referring to Haywire’s Skrillex-in-drag aesthetic.

2015-12-15 17:25:00 Matthew Forney

I met Haywire in person once, but I never slept with her. I’m not stupid.

2015-12-15 15:47:00 Matthew Forney

Report the Twitter account “mattforneylive” for harassment and impersonation. Get the word out by linking to these posts and sharing the screencaps in it on Twitter with the hashtag #FreeMattForney. Contact journalists who might be interested in covering the story (Milo Yiannopoulos etc.).

2015-12-06 23:45:00 Matthew Forney

ROK and Roosh’s other websites are being DDoSed right now. No word on when they’ll be back up.

2015-09-02 15:47:00 Matthew Forney

All the articles on this blog say “Matt Forney” because installing a separate byline for guest posters would break the site. But cute conspiracy theory.

2015-07-13 17:54:00 Matthew Forney

I released all the comments that said “April Fools” from moderation.

2015-04-02 01:16:00 Matthew Forney

What will you be talking about on Red Ice Radio?

Feminism, the manosphere, how technology and cultural Marxism have destroyed human relationships etc.

Also, when will you publish your next books

Hopefully, my next one will be out by next month. I’m taking my time to make sure they’re as good as they can be.

and are you planning on doing any livestreams in the future?

I’m doing one tomorrow night.

2015-03-04 21:14:00 Matthew Forney

Thanks for the heads-up, Miss Sallie Lancaster of Melbourne, Australia. I’ll be sure to notify the police. And CBP.

2015-02-27 00:53:00 Matthew Forney

Wow, that guy’s still around and still trolling (I don’t believe he’s a real person)?

The manosphere has a demographic problem? Return of Kings gets 1.3 million unique visitors a month, 52% of whom are age 18-34. In particular, 24% of the site’s readers are 18-24, which is 1.89 times larger than the world average: https://www.quantcast.com/returnofkings.com#!demo

Same with my site. I have over 100,000 unique visitors per month, 21% of whom are age 18-24, 1.68 times the world average. https://www.quantcast.com/mattforney.com#!demo

That guy is an idiot. I don’t even know why he’s still around seeing as his troll posts are all but ignored by everyone.

2015-02-26 21:05:00 Matthew Forney

Barbarossa is a liar and a degenerate. Bernard Chapin calls him “Cockaroacha” for a reason.

2015-02-26 21:05:00 Matthew Forney

I’m not arguing with you. There’s no arguing with someone who equates getting laid to “[running] across the edge of a cliff for 25 miles, then burn[ing] a pile of cash.” You’re just as deluded as the Tumblr feminists who think they’re part dolphin or identify as “demiromantic sapiosexuals.” You’ve so retreated into your fantasy world that you have no clue that you look like a complete freak to everyone who’s not part of your little hugbox.

What’s more, you claim that I’m dependent on women for validation, yet you and your fellow MGTOWs are dependent on other men for validation. The proof is you responding to this post. If you were truly going your own way and didn’t give a fuck what other people thought, you wouldn’t be leaving book-length comments on the podcast of someone who doesn’t like you. You wouldn’t care about my opinion at all.

That’s why MGTOW is a joke. If you were truly confident and assured of your life choices, you wouldn’t be banding together online to commiserate and attacking anyone who called you on your bullshit. You MGTOWs are inherently insecure, because you believe deep down that you’re wasting your lives jacking off in the basement. Again, you’re no different then the hoards of feminist haters in my inbox telling me that they “don’t give a fuck what [I] think” (even as they send me multiple page emails and death threats).

2015-02-26 20:55:00 Matthew Forney

And this is why people make fun of MGTOW; because when they do, you crybabies respond like nerdy kids on the playground. “TEACHER, HE’S MAKING FUN OF ME!”

You want to call yourselves “men?” Grow a thicker skin and stop reacting like little girls whenever someone criticizes you.

2015-02-26 19:21:00 Matthew Forney

So Danny, when was the last time you had sex?

2015-02-26 04:14:00 Matthew Forney

Kind of like how feminists whine that society thinks that women’s worth comes solely from how pretty she is. Another parallel between them and MGTOW.

2015-02-25 18:16:00 Matthew Forney

The problem is that I dropped my mic on the floor and apparently damaged it (my vocal sibilance has gone up in the last couple of podcasts). After trying to fix the problem by fiddling with the audio settings, I’ve ordered a new mic (as well as a pop stopper) because apparently there’s no way to disassemble my current one without breaking it permanently.

2015-02-18 21:49:00 Matthew Forney

I hope she’s enjoying the attention, it’s the most she’s ever going to get for anything.

2015-02-15 02:04:00 Matthew Forney

When was the last time you got laid, sweetie? Be honest.

2015-02-12 08:43:00 Matthew Forney

At least you live in the Philippines (according to your IP address). You should be thankful you do, even white knighting losers like you can get laid there.

2015-02-12 05:21:00 Matthew Forney

Why are you slut-shaming Filipinas, you racist misogynistic shitlord?

2015-02-12 05:19:00 Matthew Forney

According to your IP address, you live in the U.K.

U mad sis?

2015-02-12 00:15:00 Matthew Forney

Filipinas are generally looking for men older than them, meaning that younger guys are going to have a harder time on Cherry Blossoms.

2015-02-09 22:47:00 Matthew Forney

I’ve doubled the dose, but the problem with too much l-theanine is that it lowers your blood pressure. That sounds like a good thing, but if you already have low blood pressure, megadosing Suntheanine can make it so you can’t stand up without passing out. As a result, I stick to one capsule a day and combine it with other anxiety-killing supplements like phenibut and ashwagandha.

2015-02-05 20:13:00 Matthew Forney

Black men will be just fine. I met a black reader of mine in Davao (a very conservative city by Philippine standards) and he was killing it with online game. Anecdote and observation suggest to me that the Philippines is one of the best Asian countries for black men, second only to Japan.

Best comparison I can make between white and black guys in the Philippines is that it’s like a guy who has 20 billion dollars versus one who has 15 billion dollars. Yeah, the guy with 20 billion dollars has more, but you both each have more money than you’ll ever be able to spend, so the difference really doesn’t matter.

2015-02-03 01:20:00 Matthew Forney

The two most meaningful relationships I’ve had in the past two years (including the one I mentioned in this post) were with girls I met via this blog. You can read about the first one here: http://mattforneybooks.com/life-during-peacetime/

There have been other girls, but these two have been the most important.

2014-10-21 06:04:00 Matthew Forney

Hi, Caitlin’s BFF.

2014-10-21 06:03:00 Matthew Forney


2014-10-07 18:15:00 Matthew Forney

Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah. So many words, so little to say.

The point is that you fancy yourself a glorious defender of the white race when you fell for a ludicrously transparent con man. You’re not qualified to lecture anyone on anything.

And really, watching you try and assert your Aryan bonafides is hilarious. I’d love to see you try and argue your points with the Aryan Nations militias up in Washington state and Idaho, the kinds of people you admire. You’d make it maybe two sentences in before they shot you, carved “SPIC” in your forehead, and strung you up from the nearest tree.

You’re a hopelessly confused individual. My advice: get off the Internet and use your parents’ money to hire a few hookers, do a few lines of coke and get a life. Right now, you’re just embarrassing yourself.

2014-10-07 18:00:00 Matthew Forney

I love how in a post about a massively stupid decision you made (and your insultingly self-pitying article about it), the only defense you can muster is “B-B-But WE’RE pureblood whites, too!”

If the pro-white revolution you dream of becomes reality, you will be one of the first to face the firing squads.

2014-10-07 17:11:00 Matthew Forney

U mad, bro?

2014-10-07 16:47:00 Matthew Forney

It’s automatic. I forgot how to set it up but if you check the AWeber and e-Junkie documentation you’ll find the instructions.

2014-09-27 10:19:00 Matthew Forney

Sounds like Singapore Airlines. On my flight from L.A. to Tokyo, they must have fed us three separate meals with complementary Singapore Slings. Then we got three more meals from Tokyo to Singapore. Also: entertainment kiosks with Mad Men, New Girl, dozens of movies and the original Fallout games installed.

2014-09-26 18:35:00 Matthew Forney

(Btw, when are you going to publish some fiction?)

When I write something worth reading.

2014-09-24 15:54:00 Matthew Forney

Already did:


Lindy West has no soul and no moral compass. She will gladly sell out her “current” fans and change her stances on issues to fit in better at GQ. She’s going to be an MRA in five years.

2014-09-23 10:59:00 Matthew Forney

I’m not a fan of Disqus, but installing it was necessary to cut my site’s load times down. The standard WordPress comment system was hurting my blog’s SEO.

2014-09-23 10:58:00 Matthew Forney

You’ll feel mellow for about a couple hours.

2014-09-23 10:56:00 Matthew Forney

Transcribing my current podcasts would run me around $60+ per episode. Until I can either find a wealthy backer or the show starts earning that much per episode, it’s not going to happen.

2014-09-12 17:17:00 Matthew Forney

To get a .mobi file, you can either just pull the Amazon KDP conversion file or use this webpage:


The main issue with Amazon’s files is that they’re huge (usually around a megabyte or so). The ones created by this website are just as functional but a lot smaller in size.

For ePub files, I typically just pull the Kobo conversion, then do some light editing in Sigil to make sure the file passes ePubcheck.

2014-09-10 15:23:00 Matthew Forney

Hi Zoe.

2014-09-06 08:09:00 Matthew Forney

No idea, I found it by Googling “O-face.”

2014-09-04 04:38:00 Matthew Forney

You’re not going to be able to escalate on the first date, friend or no friend. At least here in Davao, the culture is conservative and you need 2 or 3 dates minimum before sex.

2014-09-03 03:31:00 Matthew Forney

More chick-talk. Zip up your skirt, your vagina is showing.

2014-09-03 03:31:00 Matthew Forney

Why are you so racist?

2014-09-03 03:26:00 Matthew Forney

Your vagina is showing.

2014-09-02 18:41:00 Matthew Forney

You talk like a chick.

2014-09-02 04:24:00 Matthew Forney

Hi, Caitlin’s dad.

2014-08-31 05:25:00 Matthew Forney

I just looked at your comment history. All you ever do is make the same catty, “let’s you and him fight” kinds of remarks on every blog you go to.

Better zip up your skirt, your vagina is showing.

2014-08-20 15:45:00 Matthew Forney

Is this your way of saying you need a spanking? Sorry boy, I’m straight.

Anyway, I don’t believe you actually read D&P. If you did, you wouldn’t be talking like a leftist SJW. Go back to Tumblr.

2014-08-20 04:18:00 Matthew Forney

That was a joke. He asked a stupid question, he got a stupid answer.

2014-08-20 04:14:00 Matthew Forney

I redesigned my site based on Mike’s critique of my old layout:


Go back to the minor leagues, kid.

2014-08-19 19:56:00 Matthew Forney

Mike is actually my uncle.

2014-08-19 15:40:00 Matthew Forney

Very true. That said, I distrust any woman in any country who comes to me of her accord. I’ve been burned by these hoes one too many times.

2014-08-19 10:21:00 Matthew Forney

I use my computer’s webcam and an Audio Technica USB microphone.

2014-08-19 10:07:00 Matthew Forney

Depends on what you want to achieve, though I think a week is good enough for most small operators.

2014-08-17 08:32:00 Matthew Forney

Just found it, I’ve been buried in work as of late. Will reply soonish.

2014-08-17 08:32:00 Matthew Forney

Nope, it works fine for me. It DOES help if you try and keep to a regular sleep schedule in tune with your Circadian rhythm (go to bed around 10pm-1am at night, wake up early in the morning).

2014-08-14 16:02:00 Matthew Forney

I’m so honored to meet you, Tucker.

2014-08-06 02:34:00 Matthew Forney

Internet quality is good, not great, but you can do Skype calls easily. The only real problem you’ll run into is if you like to torrent movies/video games or download huge files, as not only will they take forever, if you’re using a 4G stick like I am, you’ll end up burning through your allotted bandwidth really quickly (I use a Globe superstick for Internet, and if you exceed 1 GB in a day, they throttle your bandwidth down to 56k levels).

2014-08-01 05:48:00 Matthew Forney

Monthly budget depends on where you are, but in Davao I’d peg it at around $800-1,000. Manila and Cebu are more expensive, the smaller out-of-the-way places like Cagayan de Oro are cheaper.

Biggest expenses by far are rent (I’m paying about $500 a month plus utilities for a condo in a decent locale) and imported goods like electronics and more American-type foods (orange juice is around $8 a carton, USB mics are hundreds of dollars). I spend maybe $20 a week on groceries, I can eat out every night and spend around maybe $3-4, and drinks are also priced around the $1-2 mark. Taxis are also cheap: I usually spend no more than $1-2 a day on transportation (you can save even more if you use the jeepneys, though I’m not big on them because of the lack of AC).

If you need health insurance, try World Nomads. Some credit card providers also offer free traveler’s insurance (American Express does, for example).

2014-08-01 02:56:00 Matthew Forney

Not really, no. You should go the traditional route of bundling your short stories in a larger collection.

2014-08-01 02:47:00 Matthew Forney

Yep. I held onto Office 2000 for so long because I got it for free via one of my previous employers. I went and paid $150 for the 2013 suite because I didn’t want to worry about offline usage issues.

2014-07-15 19:23:00 Matthew Forney

I suppose, though calling it “cycling” seems overdramatic. It’s l-theanine, not gear.

2014-07-11 05:36:00 Matthew Forney

Gotcha. I’ll edit the review to remove that comment (I wrote this review something like six months ago).

2014-07-03 15:16:00 Matthew Forney

It’s called a pseudonym. Hint: “Craven Moorehead” isn’t the guy’s real name either.

2014-06-24 01:27:00 Matthew Forney

Man Captain, this post really rustled a lot of jimmies.

2014-05-08 21:20:41 Matt Forney

Found one of the quotes from Jim Donald regarding his marriage:

She thinks that wives should obey their husbands, except, of course, that she frequently does not obey her husband.


In other words, he’s another “man” who huffs and puffs on the Internet to cover up for his flaccidity. I’m sure Sunshine has told him on numerous occasions how much she “loves” and “respects” him, two things he doesn’t get from his actual wife. All the Dork Enlightenment bloggers siding with her are probably the same way.

Stick to talking about the Cathedral, Jim; your spinelessness is showing.

2014-04-19 02:42:18 Matt Forney

infowarrior: It was in the comments to one of his posts on game/PUAs. I can’t remember which one, but I’m Googling around for it.

2014-04-19 00:07:19 Matt Forney

Actually, here’s something I forgot (in regards to Jim Donald and his readers hiding behind Sunshine Thiry’s skirt):

Jim Donald has admitted on his blog in the past that he’s in an unhappy marriage and that his wife effectively wears the pants (paraphrasing, but these are the sentiments of his comments). In other words, he’s another weak man who has latched onto Sunshine Thiry as a surrogate wife, like a baby mewling for his momma’s breast.

That is the Dark Enlightenment right there: a bunch of D&D nerds who can’t walk the walk. They screech about being “Fathers of Families” while working low-paid nursing jobs. They screech about the necessity of keeping women under control when their wives carry their balls around in their purses. They imagine that come the revolution, they’ll be the ones in charge, when in fact they’ll be the same pathetic losers they are now.

Sorry kids, but if you’re a failure now, you’ll be a failure no matter how society is organized. The problem isn’t the Jews, the Cathedral, or the evil wimmenz: it’s you.

2014-04-18 21:42:18 Matt Forney

Et tu, Jim?

I was going to post this on his blog seeing as he’s one of the few NRx/DE thinkers I still respect, but I realized it’s a waste. The Sirens have won. The soul of the Dark Enlightenment has been irreversibly corrupted. Sunshine continues to spin ridiculous lies and fabrications and these oh-so-manly patriarchs who talk of masculine dominance and feudalism fall to her knees. Edwin got it right upthread.

Note how all of them are focusing on the “doxing” (which, as Butterfly Flower has pointed out, is bogus seeing as Sunshine’s personal information had already been publicized on Free Jinger, GOMI and other anti-fundie forums a year ago; all I did was bring it to the DE’s attention) and not on her documented attempt to have one of her critics’ children seized by CPS. Don’t give me some Pharisaical “oh, it wasn’t really a threat” nonsense; the fact that she would even think of doing something like that shows what kind of person she is. If Sunshine were a liar, that would be one thing: it’s the fact that she’s a liar and has threatened to harm her critics that makes her dangerous.

Same thing with the crapola about how I “doxed” her daughter. GOMI/Free Jinger did that a year ago as well. And if Sunshine were truly concerned for her family’s safety, she’d have deleted her blog and gotten off the Internet already. The fact that she’s still prevaricating to her castrati NRx audience shows that all she cares about is getting attention.

Be advised that I will probably be closing comments on this post either tomorrow or over the weekend. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a done issue. I said I was turning my back on the manosphere/NRx/DE and I mean it; I’m not going to be like those losers who purport to quit the Internet but keep coming back to snipe at people from the sidelines. Sunshine and Danny can have it as far as I’m concerned. Maybe when she finally gets someone arrested over a false accusation or something, the NRx faggots will realize what a monster they let into their midst. Of course, by then it’ll be too late.

Laura (re: Dalrock’s stepping away): it wouldn’t shock me if he were involved in this. My friend, who I mentioned in the post as constantly making excuses for Sunshine, actually convinced her to delete her blog last week (the “Continued charity and also a break” post) and in the process showed her the material I dug up. Again, I won’t name him because I consider him a friend, but Sunshine tooled him and went back on her word. Had she just shut up and gone away quietly, I probably wouldn’t have written this post at all.

2014-04-18 03:38:16 Matt Forney

ETX: You win the comment thread.

2014-04-17 16:10:02 Matt Forney

Will: Exactly. These idiots have proven that they’re either codependents who are susceptible to the wiles of a narcissist (in which case they’re foolish sheep) or they value their fantasy online girlfriend over reality (in which case they’re as sick in the head as Sunshine herself). Or they’re just letting their hatred of me cloud their perception of reality. Doesn’t matter in the end; they’re all human garbage.

2014-04-17 00:44:15 Matt Forney

As an aside, the reaction to this post from certain quarters really shows how degenerate the manosphere/Dark Enlightenment has become. Here we have a woman who has been exposed as a dangerous charlatan and these faggots are defending her, dismissing the evidence against her with a wave of the hand. Even Dalrock has sided with Sunshine by deleting me from his blogroll. Everything she says is taken as gospel while me, the person who’s been blogging for nearly half-a-decade about this shit, is dismissed as just grasping for attention.

Geldings. Losers. Ass-kissers. I fully expect Broomhilda and her ilk to cheerlead for Team Woman, but the reactions of the men are embarrassing. They’re no different than the white feminists who kept running interference for Hugo Schwyzer up until the point where even he couldn’t deny his psychopathy. If you’re not willing to police your own ranks, to kick out the frauds and fakes, you deserve to marginalized.

At the very least, this dustup has shown me who I can trust and who I can’t.

2014-04-16 23:42:20 Matt Forney

Laura: Yes, though I did it more out of disgust with idiocy then to “spare” you. I censor idiots and retards as a matter of course, and anyone who supports Sunshine Thiry after reading this post is an idiot.

2014-04-16 23:05:57 Matt Forney

JMD: Hamlin House on Franklin, just north of the Theater District. Ordered a frittata and it was great. I usually prefer Betty’s due to their “blunch” special (where they serve dinner food like hamburgers during breakfast hours), but they only serve blunch on Saturday mornings.

2014-04-15 06:38:48 Matt Forney

Steve: Tyson is Carl Sagan in blackface (Sagan was also a fraud, but that’s a story for another time). Tyson has no substantive achievements to his name; the only reason he’s famous is because he can dumb down meaningful scientific concepts into snack-sized little factoids for the idiots to gnaw on. He’s part of the degeneration of science into cutesy pop culture junk food.

2014-04-07 19:23:12 Matt Forney

I’ve released all the comments that said “April Fools.”

2014-04-02 01:36:14 Matt Forney

Monolith: He won’t have a next post because I banned him for being a moron. His responses to my comment consisted of copypasta from Wikipedia on New York City population growth. Assuming he’s not a troll, he’s a perfect example of that New York-style “our shit doesn’t stink” attitude that has resulted in the white middle and working classes fleeing this state like the Reaper’s on their trail.

“New York attracts a wide diversity of people, therefore New York is the best place in the world!” Yeah, New York attracts Arab welfare bums, Indian welfare bums, Latin welfare bums, African welfare bums, hipsters on trust funds, and millionaires/billionaires. Talk about diversity!

Keep looking down on Middle America, New Yorkers. Meanwhile, they’ll keep outearning you, buying more real estate than you, having more kids than you and creating cleaner, safer, more prosperous cities then you.

2014-03-26 03:58:55 Matt Forney


Yes, ignore the fact that New York has been losing population for decades.

Ignore the fact that New York has been losing electoral votes and Congressional representation to Florida and Texas for decades.

Ignore the fact that New York state has the highest property tax burdens in the country (of the top ten counties with the highest property tax burdens, NINE are in New York).

Ignore the fact that independent studies have repeatedly shown New York is the least free, most business-unfriendly state in the U.S. (even worse than California).

Ignore the fact that THE CURRENT MAYOR OF NEW YORK CITY campaigned on how middle-class families are being shut out of the Big Apple.

Ignore the fact that THE CURRENT GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK STATE has focused his energies on trying to lure businesses back to New York (and failing, I might add).

No, apparently the cost of living in New York (artificially inflated by billionaires and trust-fund hipsters) is proof that New York is still the most desirable place in the world.

One of the things they like is the cultural diversity.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahehehehehehohohohoho *pauses to catch breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

2014-03-21 19:31:57 Matt Forney

LAchlan: So your aunt is a murderous psychopath? Thanks for sharing.

2014-02-12 23:46:10 Matt Forney

Wally: I did that for a reason; to keep Gockley’s site from getting a boost in Google’s pageranking. Considering that she’s stalking manospherians’ family members, I don’t think it’s a good idea to give their private info the exposure.

2014-02-11 21:05:39 Matt Forney

Bam! Sha-bam! Kaboom!

Gockley has responded. Notably, she didn’t bother to refute or deny a single thing I wrote about her, instead writing stuff like this:

My life has always been an open book. Now, it seems, it is an open book published without my permission on the internet.

But when you were stealing the private photos of manosphere bloggers’ family members and stalking us across the Internet, no, that was perfectly fine.

2014-02-10 02:30:53 Matt Forney

Doug, Theodore: I get where you’re coming from, but we have to be the bigger people here. Getting angry and calling Gockley and women like her names will just engender sympathy for them and force us on the defensive. In this specific case, I’m not trying to preach to the choir, but inform people who aren’t necessarily aligned with red pill beliefs that our enemies are psychotic and ill.

More to the point, calling Gockley names gives her power. She is, by any objective standard, a complete failure as a human being. She acts out her frustration by stalking manospherians because she has no power in her real life. By ripping the mask away and revealing the tragedy that is her life, I have stripped her of what little power she’s accumulated.

No insults we hurl at her could possibly make her life even worse than it is already.

2014-02-09 18:54:49 Matt Forney

And ZING! Barely three hours after I posted this article, Bodycrimes, one of the blogs where Gockley commented and stalked manospherians, has been taken off-line. Unfortunately, I screencapped her comments there. You can’t run and you can’t hide.

I also have the real name and location of the Bodycrimes blog owner, but I will keep it out of the public record. Gockley is the issue here; Futrelle and Bodycrimes were just her enablers.

2014-02-09 17:53:51 Matt Forney

Dr. Illusion: We shouldn’t call her names like “crazy bitch.” As much as she has tried to hurt us, she is a sick woman who doesn’t realize what she is doing. She deserves our pity, not our scorn.

2014-02-09 16:53:14 Matt Forney


2014-02-09 00:38:39 Matt Forney

BB753: I no longer agree with that article fully (mainly, I don’t think men should hit women, though I still have no sympathy for women who get hit; most of ’em had it coming), but point taken.

2014-02-03 21:57:19 Matt Forney

Laid: He has some of that in there, but the bulk of the stories are recreated from memory. I’m assuming they all took place over the course of years.

2014-01-08 19:14:11 Matt Forney

Mark: Okay, so you’re not a garden-variety hater. I apologize for censoring your first comment, but given the deluge of trolls I’m regularly subjected to, having a finely tuned banhammer is the only way to keep order. But I sincerely doubt that chodes with crappy game are a significant factor in the health of the strip club industry. A couple points:

1. Part of the Stripclub Bible is about putting the club “on lock” by helping them bring in business, akin to what Christian wrote about in Nightclub Bible. That’s his method; get the staff and owner to like you by helping them out, from which the pussy flows freely.

2. Christian emphasizes that his advice won’t work if you don’t have your shit together; in shape, have good game, style etc. It’s not a bunch of stupid pickup lines. If this book WAS a stupid PUA guide, I wouldn’t endorse it. Christian’s methods in Nightclub Bible worked for me, and Stripclub Bible is basically the same thing applied to strip clubs.

2013-12-10 22:29:07 Matt Forney

I was in EIGHTH GRADE. I was 21 when I wrote this.

2013-11-27 02:37:19 Matt Forney

Probably not. I use mod_rewrite caching, which is easiest on my server, and doesn’t allow dynamic caching.

2013-11-24 01:05:21 Matt Forney

Nate: Do you have “Don’t cache pages for known users.” selected on the Super Cache options page? If yes, this is a problem. If no, it isn’t.

2013-11-24 00:15:48 Matt Forney

Ironthumb: Not sure, but I had over 650,000 unique visitors last month and I’m still using Super Cache without problems, so you’ll need a fuckton more than that.

2013-11-15 23:12:14 Matt Forney

If this theory were to be true, why are Black American men so hypermasculine?

No, they’re not: they’re hyperfeminine. T. aka Ricky Raw covered this in his article “The Myth of the Ghetto Alpha Male”: underclass black men are controlled by their emotions, act like drama queens, don’t know how to let anything slide, and they hold grudges forever. They even dress like girls with their overly-long skirt-like shirts and pants around their knees.

As for Latinos, while the second and third generations are r-selected, the first generation is K-selected insofar as they have in-group loyalty. The problem is that they see their in-group as their fellow Mexicans or what have you instead of Americans at large, and are encouraged to do so by leftists.

2013-10-18 02:36:47 Matt Forney

Jeremy: Wow, I’m totally shocked that Paul Elam and his gang are intolerant of opposing views. Just flabbergasted. *sarcasm*

2013-10-15 22:06:03 Matt Forney

They’re coming from Facebook and Tumblr, a few from Twitter. There’s no big site that linked to it, just a lot of crybabies sharing it in rage.

2013-10-14 21:17:18 Matt Forney

All the butthurt from the Tumblr pansies is causing my servers to melt down, so I’ll be unplugging comments for the next 48 hours… or until you crybabies calm down, whichever comes first.

BTW, if you’re wondering why your comment hasn’t been approved, it’s because there are over 250 comments in my queue and I don’t have time to look at them all right now.

2013-10-09 00:39:35 Matt Forney

It’s satire, you dumbfuck.

2013-10-07 23:42:55 Matt Forney


Holy shit. You’re messed up. Get therapy.

2013-09-22 17:33:09 Matt Forney

Wald: Same girl we talked about already.

As for 2013: The Year the Manosphere Broke… I ranted to you on the phone for 45 minutes telling you that 1991 was where I got the reference. In fact, you were the first person to learn about my parallel between the rise and fall of the manosphere and the rise/fall of punk.

2013-09-05 16:06:20 Matt Forney

Captain: I know for a fact that he’s still a virgin.

2013-09-05 16:04:13 Matt Forney

Gabrielle: I’ve placed your comments on moderation until you stop spamming my blog. Apparently no one ever told you that the more you repeat an assertion, the less convincing it becomes.

And really, if you decide to go public (man, that’ll make for a riveting news story! I’m sure the New York Times will be all over that shit!), you’ll find that most people will side with me, because a) most peoples’ instinctive response to someone who attempts suicide over something on the Internet is to tell them to get over it and b) your sister is still alive. Ten-to-one she wasn’t even serious about killing herself and was just trying to get attention.

I will not be a scapegoat for your parents’ inability to raise their children.

2013-09-04 06:08:42 Matt Forney

Gabrielle: Firstly, given that two separate people have already tried to lie to me about their sisters committing suicide because of this post, you’ll have to produce some hard evidence before I believe a single word you say. Send me an email via the Contact page or I’ll assume you’re another faker.

Secondly, assuming you’re telling the truth, your sister’s suicide attempt is nobody’s fault but hers. Maddox dealt with this shit a decade ago:

If people who read my site end up killing themselves over it, then you have to wonder how long they would have lived in the first place.

Read the rest. That’s my response to you, assuming you’re not lying.

2013-09-04 05:04:52 Matt Forney

BB753: Her nose wasn’t quite big enough to compare to a grown man’s dick.

Magallanes: Nope, that was a completely different girl, years ago.

As for your (and BB753’s) other questions, they will be answered in due time (there are four more parts to go).

2013-09-03 20:37:39 Matt Forney

Rmax: I seriously thought about siccing the patented MattForney.com CensorBot on you, but seriously, what would be the point? How could CensorBot possibly make you look even stupider than you do already?

Are you even real? I hate that phrase, because sheltered leftists have turned it into a minor meme (used whenever they encounter someone/something they disagree with), but in your case I have to wonder. How could someone as deranged, illiterate and incomphrensible as you exist? How can you stay upright at a computer long enough—fuck, how can you even hold a job long enough to be able to afford a computer and Internet access when everything you’ve ever posted is unreadable babbling?

Actually, don’t bother answering, because I’ve banned you. You’re the manosphere’s equivalent of the homeless guy down at the bus stop ranting about government agents reading his mind in between panhandling for smack money. Go take your drivel somewhere else.

2013-08-26 20:34:56 Matt Forney

Natural Selection: Don’t bother. Every time a fatty or fatty fucker comments here, the patented MattForney.com CensorBot modifies their comment to be more truthful and remove bullshit. Since none of these losers allow open and free commenting on their sites (such as This is Thin Privilege, who linked to this article a few hours ago), I don’t see why I should let them spew their psychotic nonsense here.

2013-08-21 05:40:59 Matt Forney

has a professional career in sales and customer service

Read: she’s a cashier at Walmart.

2013-08-20 23:09:13 Matt Forney

The people who are pitting different K-selected groups against each other — the people you refer to as Rabbit People above — are mainly elite white liberals themselves, and it is worth noting that while elite white liberals espouse r-selected policies (welfare, apologetics for crime and dysfunctional behavior, pro-affirmative action) they are themselves living very much K-selected lives. See Bill and Hillary Clinton: one child.

No, they aren’t. It’s only because of birth control and abortion that liberals are able to have so few children. Anonymous Conservative has addressed this; while wealthy white liberals may only have one or two children, it’s only after a good decade of riding the cock carousel (or the pussy pole in the case of men). That’s not K-selection. Were it not for the pill, most white liberals would have humongous broods of bastards.

Bill Clinton is the essence of an r-selected asshole; raised by a single mother, he couldn’t stop sticking his dick into every halfway attractive woman he met. No impulse control = r-selection. As for Hillary, given Huma Abedin’s continued nonchalance in the face of her husband’s sexting escapades (now there’s a real r-selected asshole), I’m more willing to believe the rumors of their lesbian relationship every day.

Jesse: I had the same misgivings before I read the book. I wouldn’t give it my endorsement if I didn’t believe it was worth considering at the least.

2013-08-15 02:12:00 Matt Forney

Podsnap: Was going to, but iTunes will have to be a no-go:

Why was my podcast removed or not approved?
Unauthorized copyrighted material, profane metadata, erotica, illegal solicitations, and hate speech are prohibited in the iTunes Store. Podcasts with no episodes or with technical problems will be removed. Podcasts with no recent episodes can remain in iTunes but may disappear from some areas.

Given that future podcasts will involve me reading off obscene erotic search strings into the microphone, these are restrictions that I simply cannot abide.

2013-08-14 19:00:29 Matt Forney

Jesse Myner:

Thats the first thing stephen jay gould would ask.

You’re referencing that old fraud? A guy who fabricated his research and lied so he could advance a leftist, anti-white agenda? Way to establish your credibility.

2013-08-14 18:42:51 Matt Forney

Slumlord: Added a SoundCloud embed, try that.

2013-08-13 23:24:41 Matt Forney

Aurini: Irony of ironies, I used Audacity to record this podcast. Thing is, it’s always been a pain in the ass to use with Windows 7; I’m shocked that I was even able to get my mic working with the damn thing.

Dagonet: If that’s the case…

2013-08-13 20:46:04 Matt Forney

ETX: I will concede that the closing paragraph was ill-thought out. I included it here for authenticity.

2013-08-10 18:45:00 Matt Forney

Exocet: Yes on both, but here’s the thing: the U.S. has far more spree shooters than any other nation, and the number of shooters spiked starting in the eighties. Any moron can see that there’s a trend here.

Additionally, Ames also delves into the motivations of pre-Reagan shooters. He names one school shooting that happened during the Carter years; the woman who started it basically said that she was bored. All of the spree shooters since Wesbecker have shown the same motive: anger at their employers/schools.

2013-08-01 04:11:18 Matt Forney


You cite crushing unions and cutthroat competition as bad things, and your hatred of the rich is reminiscent of the Occupy crowd.

Occupy was an incoherent mess, but they got some things right. Read James Burnham’s book The Managerial Revolution. We no longer live in a society of entrepreneurs and trailblazing industry tycoons like Andrew Carnegie, but in a society where managers—bureaucrats, supervisors and CEOs—control the means of production. When you defend the rich, you’re defending people like John Corzine and Lloyd Blankfein who earned their wealth not through honest work or providing a valuable service, but through manipulating the financial system for their benefit.

By your own, and Ames admission, growth was stronger under Reagan.

Growth increased by less than one-half of one percent under Reagan. Ames’ point is that the the measly growth rate increase under Reagan in no way justified the sweeping changes he introduced.

Yes, more of the gains went to the top, but assuming you aren’t a loser, that’s a good thing.

Are you serious? Every single economic metric has shown that income mobility has fallen off a cliff since the eighties. The gap between the rich and the poor is wider than it’s ever been, the lion’s share of wealth is concentrated in fewer hands than ever before. Youth unemployment and underemployment are through the roof. If fewer people are able to rise out of poverty—or out of the middle-class into the upper class—after the eighties than before it, then we can conclude that Reaganomics was a well-meaning failure at best.

Unions are by definition socialist institutions designed to shield subpar workers from the consequences of their ineptitude.

Chambers of Commerce by definition are socialist institutions designed to shield subpar business owners from the consequences of their ineptitude. U C WAT I DID THAR

Unions exist to protect employees from predation by their employers. Does that mean occasionally protecting subpar employees? Yes. But I’d say that what they brought America—higher wages, a forty-hour work week, pensions and health insurance—was worth it. The reason why tradesmen, for example, still earn high wages is in part because it’s one of the few fields where unions are still strong. If business owners can come together to cartelize their fields through Chambers of Commerce and other trade organizations, then workers are perfectly justified in doing the same thing.

Maybe the real reason shootings have been so common lately is that the gap between workers sense of entitlement, and their actual productive value to the economy, has never been greater?

This has to be the most moronic line of argument I’ve ever heard. Get out of your fairy-tale Randroid world and look around you. Can anyone argue that there’s any connection between “productive value to the economy” and reward anymore? What exactly is George Soros’ value to the economy? Lloyd Blankfein’s? Jack Welch’s? John Corzine’s? Any one of the CEOs who get golden parachutes despite driving their companies into the ground? All of your corporate heroes have zero value to the economy—a definite negative in Soros’ case seeing as he made his fortune in short-selling currencies, and in Blankfein’s considering he basically threw a temper tantrum and threatened to sink the economy if Bush didn’t bail out AIG back in 2008—yet their net worth keeps going up.

Compare to Joe Wesbecker—Ames has plenty more examples in the book—who was a valuable employee at Standard Gravure because he worked the “folder,” easily the most dangerous job because it exposes the worker to toxic fumes. Despite being a loyal and productive employee, he repeatedly had his pay and vacation time cut and later had his requests to be transferred off the folder denied, even after he presented medical evidence to his supervisor that toxic exposure was threatening his health.

What sort of asinine logic can justify the argument that people flip out and commit mass murder because they’re entitled?

Regardless, my main reaction to this article is surprise that you embrace so many leftist economic ideas, yet still call yourself conservative.

You might want to inform Pat Buchanan, Taki Theodoracopulos, Paul Gottfried and the other paleocons that they’re leftists too, since they advocate the same things that I do.

I’m not in favor of an invasive cradle-to-grave welfare state, but right now we have the worst of both worlds: a government that keeps expanding (NSA, gov’t bureaucracy, higher taxes) yet leaves the average Joe to compete in a lawless economy in which he can lose his job for any reason (or no reason; there’s actually a law in my native New York state that allows employers to fire workers for no reason at all), works long hours for shit pay and is humiliated by his supervisors on top of it all. In a world where starving Chinese peasants will work twice as long for half the pay as American workers, the “free market” is a lunatic fantasy.

You also ignore—as do most so-called conservatives—that the majority of the CEOs and corporations empowered by Reaganomics are leftist to the core. Microsoft. Facebook. Google. Apple. All of them making billions a year, all of them foisting cultural Marxism down our throats. Even the supposedly “right-wing” corporations like Koch Industries are further to the left than most conservatives (the Koch media empire is fully in the tank for open borders). Please tell me why I should support economic policies that empower people who want to tear my country apart.

Your arguments remind me of a relative of mine whose argument for Reagan came down to “He gave me a raise.” She was in the Air Force at the time and didn’t receive a single raise when Carter was president; mind you that she was making the modern equivalent of $60,000 a year during Carter’s presidency. That’s the essence of Reagan’s legacy right there: “Fuck you, I’ve got mine.”

Some “conservatism.”

2013-08-01 02:42:55 Matt Forney

Jack: I’m surprised at you for not offering any factual refutations of Ames’ argument, instead lashing out like a menstruating feminist. If you’ve got data disproving the thesis that Americans were better under Carter than Reagan, I’d like to hear it. (Economic data: just about everyone with a brain acknowledges that Carter was a massive fuckup foreign policy-wise.)

Fact is, aside from his willful ignorance on immigration—which I already brought up—Ames gets it pretty much right from my perspective.

2013-07-31 23:51:45 Matt Forney


Not being a huge reddit fanatic, I don’t know if other subreddits are run the same way or if that even works for that format.

Both. For years now, Reddit has been a haven for people who can’t brook any disagreement with their worldviews. The Red Pill Subreddit is regressing to the mean. To be frank, the fact that Reddit is so overwhelmingly leftist makes this kind of thing somewhat necessary—there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to trolling the Red Pill, hence the need for no-tolerance moderating—but in my opinion, any site which requires you to behave like this isn’t worth having a beachhead on.

Dr. Illusion:

It’s nice to know I’m not the only person who never liked Minter. What do you think of Deti?

Same thing; no opinion of him either way, but the cult of personality surrounding him is completely unnecessary.

2013-07-29 15:32:10 Matt Forney

Because he told me he did.

2013-07-24 08:05:28 Matt Forney

For those wondering, the picture is from UAlbany’s Kegs and Eggs Riot from two years ago. Those kids know how to party.

2013-07-23 19:11:15 Matt Forney

I almost sent my condolences to Heinlein Funeral Homes!

I’d have loved to see you pull that off, seeing as they don’t actually exist.

2013-07-20 20:49:08 Matt Forney

Can anyone link to the bad reviews? Amazon is showing only 3 reviews, and basically all are positive.

At the moment, there’s one fake review of each book, but because there are few reviews period, they’re artificially dragging the average down. Additionally, the fake reviewer on Trolling for a Living has a habit of sabotaging manosphere books; s/he has a bunch of negative Roosh reviews.

2013-07-16 22:01:24 Matt Forney

Random: Nope. I might bring it back in the future for one-day only special sales, but the ship has sailed. Book was up for over six months and I made it repeatedly clear that I would be taking it off sale for the past three.

Hunter, Doc: Much obliged.

2013-07-16 20:48:33 Matt Forney

You have a higher opinion of pretentious, government subsidized Canadian artists than I do.

It has Kari Wührer naked. That gives it a bump.

2013-07-05 18:31:48 Matt Forney

Catholics have been hostile to founding stock and founding stock values since they started showing up in large numbers

If by “founding stock values” you mean sexual degeneracy, Balkanization and totalitarianism—four of the six Catholic SCOTUS judges are conservatives, while one is a moderate—then yeah, Catholics are hostile to them. Look around you, you Calvinist idiot. The “founding stock” of America are leftist Puritans to the core. They are the problem.

2013-07-03 21:21:22 Matt Forney

Jack: I brought that supposed “coup” up in the review; I couldn’t find a source for it either. The most charitable explanation I can think of is that Ian confused the Spearhead for another site, but I can’t possibly imagine which one.

Leap: Ian’s worldview doesn’t bother me so much as his fudging of the facts. And he completely dropped the ball on the MGTOW section.

2013-06-21 19:10:07 Matt Forney

Yeah, you told me you fixed it after I originally posted this review over a year ago.

2013-06-21 19:07:43 Matt Forney

TMG: Read the posts from NO MA’AM. Shared parenting is one of the biggest issues pushed by the MHRM and fathers’ rights groups, and the one most likely to become law. From what I understand, Massachusetts is taking big steps towards it. Massachusetts! The heart of American liberalism! They’re the state where the MRM program has had the most success.

Delicious Tacos: I don’t hate Lindy West. Hate implies that I view her as a threat. I feel sorry for her more than anything. She’s a vapid clown who is massively out of her depth. I’ve seen her “game” played far too often to be fazed by it anymore.

2013-06-12 19:54:54 Matt Forney

Spike: Nope. If nothing else, print books are great loss leaders; their mere existence will get people to buy the e-version who ordinarily wouldn’t, because to most people, a book isn’t “real” unless there’s a dead tree version available.

2013-06-08 19:05:41 Matt Forney

Ciceron: GNR had a few good songs, but you’re missing the bigger picture. Axl Rose was always a sellout hack; the way he treated Slash and his other bandmates proves that.

And I read Goad’s article; he was really stretching to have something bad to say about Cobain. The point was that Cobain took his life and beliefs seriously, to the point where he preferred to end his own life than sell out.

2013-06-05 17:48:24 Matt Forney

Brononymous: Don’t bother. Her entire argument against me boils down to: “You may be right, but you shouldn’t say it because you might hurt someone’s widdle feewings.” How stereotypically female.

Also, I find it comic she’s accusing you and me of being “bent out of shape” when the only people on this post who are angry and upset are her and La Strega. I wrote this post for my own amusement, and they were so offended that they felt the need to leave multiple tl;dr rants basically calling me an asshole.

Mission accomplished.

2013-06-05 02:07:02 Matt Forney

No, you imbecile, I don’t believe in multiculturalism, I believe in leaders leading their communities.

2013-06-04 18:53:50 Matt Forney

Mark, Alex:

Why are you arguing with someone who a) can’t be bothered to read the reams of articles showing the racist, anti-white nature of Knockout King and b) thinks being a “racist” is a crime worthy of death? She’s a morally bankrupt idiot.

Speaking of which dancer4ever, how’s Liverpool these days? Since that’s where you live, after all, according to your email and IP address. According to the Census Bureau, it’s still 95% white. Meanwhile, I actually grew up in Syracuse. I wonder what your employers would think about you cheering on violent murderers… assuming you even have a job.

2013-06-04 00:13:08 Matt Forney

dancer4ever: And that justifies a brutal vigilante killing? Nice sense of justice you’ve got there.

And “karma”? Are you nuts? These black kids didn’t know this guy from Adam. He could have been anyone as far as they were concerned. They didn’t kill him because he was a rapist, they killed him because he was white. Full stop.

2013-06-02 17:51:04 Matt Forney

Doc: That’s enough. Word of mouth will do the trick alone.

2013-05-31 19:52:35 Matt Forney

I merely wonder why you waste as much as a second of your supermodel-banging time ranting about fat women?

I wrote this during my refractory period. BOOM!

2013-05-28 22:33:46 Matt Forney

PROTIP to haters: if your fingers are too fat to spell my name correctly, don’t even bother.

2013-05-28 21:10:20 Matt Forney

Simon: LOL at you calling someone a “try hard nerd faggot” when all you ever do is insult people without offering any ideas of your own (and no, vaguely alluding to Christianity in your insults doesn’t count). Seriously, in close to two years of shitting on other peoples’ blogs and dismissing their work, have you ever accomplished anything of your own? Illuminated by the light of Jesus Christ as you supposedly are, you should be capable of doing more than acting like a snotty debutante whose limo got accosted by a squeegee man.

Apparently, those who can’t do, preach.

2013-05-24 00:01:10 Matt Forney

Looks like at least three people here forgot to RTFB.

2013-05-13 19:05:37 Matt Forney

AD: Repetition is the keystone of getting people to accept ideas.

2013-05-07 16:08:26 Matt Forney

Well, looks like someone got some sand in their snatch…

2013-04-26 05:12:05 Matt Forney

Fundamental disagreements with the group’s direction. Additionally, about a month after I left, I became persona non grata with the TRS blog’s owner. No skin off my back; if it comes down to my friends versus people off the Internet I don’t know, I’ll side with my friends every time.

Also, I can’t take the site seriously anymore seeing as I know that the people who run it are whiny-voiced little nerds.

2013-04-17 05:30:21 Matt Forney

You can always bid on it and get it for a lower price.

2013-04-16 19:25:03 Matt Forney


Obviously he cares about something – though I think he’s being honest in not caring about whether or not he persuades or convinces anyone – hmmm, doing the math on this… yup, seems to back it up: Dan’s a Rabbit Person.

Pretty much. He displays all the symptoms of Rabbit Fever: baseless personal attacks, making the political personal, grabbing onto irrelevant side issues (the article was about haters, but he won’t shut up about Portland, which is a side issue).

La Strega: You actually think Lindy West is a good writer, so it’s not like your opinion is worth anything. Maybe if I start inserting “HOLY FUCKNOODLES HAHAHAHAHA SICK MANSPLAINING BRO” every other paragraph, you’ll bump me up to an A-.

You are the cancer that is killing American academia.

2013-04-16 02:38:31 Matt Forney

Wow, nearly a year since I wrote this post and someone finally got the joke. Good job sir.

2013-04-14 22:02:53 Matt Forney

Check the date, genius.

2013-04-03 23:18:13 Matt Forney

gotnews / gotnews.com

Comment Date Name Link

The link to my Gab profile is broken. You can follow me on Gab here. https://gab.ai/mattforney

2016-11-23 05:04:00 Matthew Forney
Site icon

returnofkings / returnofkings.com

Comment Date Name Link

I’d ask you how much AA paid you to write this comment, but knowing how cults work, I’m pretty sure it’s $0.


2015-06-06 22:42:00 Matthew Forney

You’ve done your research on yourself, Sean Powell? That’s right, I know it’s you. You’re commenting with the email address sburke05079+facebook [at] gmail [dot] com, and Burke was your last name before you got married, as this screenshot from your blog shows.

So not only are you a cowardly snitch who gets people fired because of your hurt feelings, you have to hide behind a pseudonym when someone calls you out. Don’t worry, I’m screencapping all your comments and adding them as an update to this post so anyone who Googles your name from here on out can see what a chickenshit you are.


2015-05-22 17:24:00 Matthew Forney

You seem to have some unresolved anger issues, Brian. I suggest Midol.


2015-05-21 00:07:00 Matthew Forney

You’re entirely welcome to email me with details of how horrible Graham is and fill me in on the facts that I supposedly ignored. The fact that you’re choosing to leave insulting comments instead suggests you don’t have a factual leg to stand on.


2015-05-20 23:54:00 Matthew Forney

So it’s acceptable for your pal Powell to stalk Graham for months and get him fired from his job?

You leftists can dish it out but you can’t take it. If Powell and Galvano-Pickett are upset at being exposed for being vindictive trolls, then maybe they should have minded their own business and not hounded an innocent man over his political opinions. This is their fault and their fault alone.


2015-05-20 23:10:00 Matthew Forney

Gillibrand is a stick-her-finger-in-the-wind opportunist. When she was first elected to the House a decade ago, she was a conservative Democrat, because she represented a historically Republican district in upstate New York. When she was appointed to the Senate, she suddenly took a hard left turn in order to appeal to the Democrats who dominate the state as a whole.

It’s clear she’s beating the drum on rape hysteria because she thinks it’ll help her advance her career.


2015-05-10 22:23:00 Matthew Forney

I linked to them in the post.


2015-02-09 14:37:00 Matthew Forney

Indian Race Troll. They are a plague on Roosh’s forum, fouling up threads by whining about their brown skin and about how they can’t get white girls. See here for more info:



2014-12-17 02:21:00 Matthew Forney

Speaking from personal experience, Indian girls in the West are absolute nutcases. They manage to retain the worst aspects of Indian culture (sexual prudishness, a princess/daddy’s little girl mentality from years of being spoiled by their rich parents) while absorbing the worst aspects of American culture (SJW ideology and feminism and narcissism).

They’re not that attractive, either. Indian girls have decent asses, but their butts are always squishy and soft, even when they’re young, and they have too much body hair. At least they’re not as obese as the general population.

Additionally, virtually all of them are afflicted with a creepy racial inferiority. Indian girls hate being Indian, secretly want to be white, yet obsess over the “superiority” of Indian culture (a nation where poor people shit on the streets) as a way to make themselves seem “unique.” You think the male IRTs infesting the forum are bad, try dating an Indian chick if you want to experience true pain.

The worst Indian girls are the ones adopted by white couples. I have yet to meet a single one who isn’t a complete psycho. One of the nuttiest girls I ever dated was an Indian with white parents: she was a borderline who would provoke me into fights hoping that I would haul off and punch her, because she got off on the drama and the violence. (She was also a squirter. Take that for what you will.)

Beejoli Shah is almost certainly lying about being raped, because she is almost certainly insane. She’s not attractive enough to get attention from the white men she lusts after and she despises her co-ethnics for being “creepy” and “sexist.” Even if she’s telling the truth, the way in which she went about exposing her rapist shows that she’s not all right in the head.


2014-12-17 02:12:00 Matthew Forney

Not true. The identity of the man was never revealed, but he wasn’t an overnighter and isn’t in the film.


2014-12-15 21:53:00 Matthew Forney

He left the editor’s position several months ago after he was hired by Thought Catalog.


2014-12-04 05:57:00 Matthew Forney

“Please don’t email me again.”

I get that all the time on Twitter. Feminists will Tweet a death/castration threat at me, I’ll re-Tweet and Favorite it, and they’ll shoot back crying “Don’t re-Tweet me you misogynistic fuckhole” or something to that effect. Honey, you’re the one who contacted me! You’re the one who said you wanted to kill me or chop my dick off with a butcher knife, and you’re upset when I respond?


2013-11-06 04:17:00 Matthew Forney

True, but “gross” is a well-known feminist trigger word. They LOVE using it to describe anything they don’t like, even things that couldn’t under any circumstances be considered “gross.” That is when they aren’t just flat-out making words up, like “fatshamey,” “rapey” or “douchecanoe.”

“Degenerate” is too erudite for the average feminist.


2013-10-31 00:02:00 Matthew Forney

Guys, I’m ordinarily not big on these kinds of things, but let me tell you: the RoK Negative HIV (and Syphilis and Herpes) Test really works.

As you all know, I have a habit of engaging in unprotected sex with homeless junkies, many of whom are infected with HIV due to shooting up with dirty needles. While I haven’t been tested, in the past few years I occasionally have breakouts of sores on my crotch. Whenever I squeeze them, they shoot a thin stream of blood and pus straight across the room.

I used to tell my girlfriend that I got the sores in a motorboating accident, but she no longer believes me and insisted I get tested. When Roosh was demoing the Negative HIV Test a month ago, he approached me knowing my sexual history and asked if I wanted to test the product out. I accepted.

I got the urine and blood samples three days later in an unmarked, nondescript cardboard box. Because I’m currently based in New York, the false negatives were provided by [NAME REDACTED]. I mailed the samples to the free clinic and my test results came back negative! Wow!

When I showed the test results to my girlfriend, she was so overjoyed that she let me raw-dog her in the ass that night. I even ejaculated deep in her colon! As she dutifully limped back to the bathroom to wash up her behind, I did a fist-pump of VICTORY! I should note that in the month since I got the test, my girlfriend has had a sudden outbreak of IBS, but I’m pretty sure that’s the result of her German cooking.

Thanks ROK team!


2013-09-03 21:04:00 Matthew Forney

Keep sucking up, kid. Maybe some day she’ll let you pee in her butt.


2013-08-29 04:52:00 Matthew Forney

All these right-wingers using feminist shaming language to attack Bacon are proving Jim Goad’s argument that abortion shouldn’t simply be legal, it should be mandatory. Just saying.


2013-08-29 04:18:00 Matthew Forney

Paying for abortions to ensure a girl doesn’t get stuck with a kid she can’t afford to raise is not “taking responsibility for your own actions”? DOES NOT COMPUTE


2013-08-29 00:54:00 Matthew Forney

You’re attempting to call me “racist” while linking to Eradica, a site run by a schizophrenic neo-Nazi living off a disability pension? And using a year-old picture to discredit me?


2013-08-02 01:28:00 Matthew Forney

Stick with the shaved head look. At your age, there’s no downside to it.


2013-08-01 23:41:00 Matthew Forney

Stop shampooing for a few days.

I’m serious.

Scalp oil build-up is in part due to shampoo over-use. Your body naturally secretes oil to protect your hair and scalp, but shampoo washes it away, creating a cycle where your body overproduces oil to make up for the loss. If you wash your hair with nothing other than water for a week, your scalp will return to normal. Works for me.


2013-08-01 23:38:00 Matthew Forney

She chose to give up custody because both she and her husband believe in automatic father custody (the traditionalist way), because she wanted to start anew, and because she was afraid of her husband having a narcissistic meltdown if she took them away.

I should also mention that she married him after all of three days of dating. She has spectacularly poor judgment.


2013-06-19 05:36:00 Matthew Forney

No, he made all the decisions. The problem was that he was playing at being a mighty patriarch when he spent most of his time playing video games and trolling people on Facebook while she waited on him hand and foot.


2013-06-18 22:34:00 Matthew Forney

Funny, I recently witnessed something that proves everything Samseau writes about here.

Several months ago, I made friends with this woman who was living the ideal manosphere script (and in fact had been inspired by Roissy, myself and the manosphere in general): married young (while she was still in college), had only slept with one guy prior to getting married, had kids, kept herself thin and hot even after two pregnancies, and just generally tried to be a dutiful housewife. She contacts me on Skype circa March to inform me that she’s divorcing her husband and has shacked up with a mutual friend of ours in Canada.

Realistically, her husband was a useless narcissist (had no job, lived off of his trust fund, kept changing college majors and moving from city to city each month because he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do with his life, made her do heavy lifting when she was pregnant etc.), so I supported her through the ordeal. She and my friend were making big plans about building a new life together overseas, and I was happy for them.

Fast forward to two months later, after the divorce was finalized (she gave her husband full custody). My friend contacts me to tell me that she took off on him a couple weeks before to hang out with her survivalist buddies in Wyoming. She wouldn’t answer his calls or texts, but finally revealed a couple weeks later that she was moving back to that area to be “closer to the kids” (nevermind that by this point her ex-husband had taken the kids and moved several states away). She had also been badmouthing my friend and I behind our backs. Read between the lines.

If you can’t trust a near-virginal housewife to not divorce her husband and get gang-banged by a bunch of survivalists out in the middle of nowhere, who can you trust?


2013-06-18 21:56:00 Matthew Forney

One guy does not make a trend. You fail at basic math.


2013-06-11 22:27:00 Matthew Forney

It’s quite telling that every single person crying about this article has completely failed to mention the statistical evidence at the end that vindicates everything I wrote. Anecdotes like “well, I once heard about a friend of a friend who found Rohypnol in her beer” or “well, there are SOME guys who are attracted to unconscious girls” don’t cut it. We’re not chicks.


2013-06-11 17:56:00 Matthew Forney

To Elam’s credit, he booted that hysterical, divisive interloper Kristina Hansen out of his organization lately.

The problem is that we all know he’s going to make the same mistake again: letting women into his tent. Because nothing says “A Voice for Men” more than having GIRLS run the show right? Just like how Gloria Steinem and all those other feminists back in the 70’s let men speak for them?

The MRM—er, excuse me, the “MHRM” is one big bucket of fail.


2013-06-06 18:20:00 Matthew Forney

You’ve really done it now, Emmanuel. You’ve just pissed off the Men’s Rights Move—er, I mean the “Male Human Rights Movement.” Those guys don’t fuck around. Last time someone made the mistake of taking on the MHRM, they swarmed onto his blog and called him a “mangina” over and over again.

Oh yeah. You BETTER be afraid.


2013-06-06 18:17:00 Matthew Forney


Though nice that you confirmed that you’re “Harpo’s” sockpuppet. Once again you pathetic loser, enjoy your ban.


2013-04-06 01:16:00 Matthew Forney

If you weren’t an anonymous commenter and I hadn’t even been to Chicago, I might believe you.

Forney’s Law of Internet Hate: The amount of hate spewed by someone online is inversely correlated with their real life accomplishments.


2013-04-05 23:56:00 Matthew Forney

You didn’t address anything I wrote either: you just came in with your little Anontard trollish “you’re just ENTITLED” spiel (PROTIP: noting the absence of feminine women in a city does not equal feeling “entitled” to them, a distinction feminists and morons are perpetually incapable of making). In particular you ignored the fact that I wrote that women I’ve met in Madison, Minneapolis, Burlington, Pittsburgh and other Portland-esque cities were nicer, kinder, more attractive and more feminine.

If you talk shit to me, I talk shit back. You get what you give.

Bronan and I are friends in real-life, and he’s swole and objectively a high-value man. I’ll take his opinion over that of some anonymous loser with no face, name or reputation to back up his screaming.

Now you can either spell out where I’m wrong about Portland (since you’ve obviously been there and know the place so well) or you can shut up about things you don’t understand. Simple choice, buddy boy.


2013-04-05 23:50:00 Matthew Forney

I got a positive reception in Madison, Minneapolis and Burlington. Even Chicago wasn’t too bad. Portland is the odd (wo)man out.

And I’m “short” and have “zero muscle”? Funny how anonymous people on the Internet know me better than I do.


2013-04-05 23:24:00 Matthew Forney

Funny how guys like Bronan who actually live in Portland are corroborating everything I said in the article, and the only people disputing me are anonymous commenters who’ve never even been there. Odd how that works.


2013-04-05 23:21:00 Matthew Forney

Ten-to-one you’re the same hater who keeps coming back here to get banned by Roosh; you make the exact same arguments again and again and again.

And I know for a fact that you know absolutely nothing about living abroad, as evidenced by the fact that you can only speak about other countries in terms of Wikipedia stats, like the keyboard jockey that you are.

I couldn’t care less if you call me “fat,” seeing as I’ve been striving to lose weight for months now (and have) and I just successfully hitchhiked more than 3,500 miles across the U.S. from New York to Oregon (where I was nearly killed by police, handcuffed by border patrol agents, and kidnapped, among other things), and I’ve generally seen and done more in the past year than you’ll ever accomplish in your sad, trollish little life. And “Matt Forney” is my real name, too!

I don’t claim to be a pussy-hound or a player, though you’re welcome to project whatever fantasies you like on me. But when it comes to info, who do you think is worth trusting:

a) An online columnist who has lived in Denmark and Brazil, has a name and a rep, and has his picture online, or;

b) An anonymous commenter with no name, no accountability, and no life experience or evidence to back up his claims?

Thought so.


2013-02-04 06:54:31 Matt Forney

Awaiting the chorus of haters who will claim you’re just bashing Danish girls because you’re a loser who can only get laid in third-world countries… even though Brazil isn’t third world and the haters have never left the U.S.


2013-02-03 23:35:36 Matt Forney

I strongly suspect that “Peppered” is megatroll Jason’s new sockpuppet. Same whiny, dishonest, woe-is-me style of argumentation.

What a fucking loser.


2013-01-20 02:13:05 Matt Forney

Just a heads-up: the links to the book’s Amazon page are broken.


2013-01-19 06:54:01 Matt Forney

If we’re “intellectually bankrupt morons,” Jason, why are you wasting your time with us? Surely an ubermensch like yourself can find more productive uses of your time, like selling oil futures for MEGAPROFIT!, buying a new high-rise Manhattan penthouse, or snorting blow off of the ass of a Colombian hooker.

Don’t answer that, BTW. If you truly believed what you spew here, if you were anything more than a dejected troll stuck masturbating to YouPorn, you wouldn’t be shitting up ROK with the same arguments day after day; you’d be out making money like a boss. Winners don’t get into prolonged arguments on websites that they don’t like; losers do.

You’re a loser, Jason. Go back to playing with your action figures in the corner; the grown-ups are doing grown-up stuff.


2013-01-18 06:54:36 Matt Forney

I have no idea why Roosh and the staff here continue to let this joker “Jason” post. He’s been vomiting his BS on ROK literally since it began and I can sum up every comment he’s ever made in one line:

“Game is a lie, women only care about money.”

Even though Athlone and just about everyone here has repeatedly shredded him, he keeps leaving his whiny, trollish comments on every post, contributing nothing of value to the discussions. Not surprised that he’s pulling out the MRA/MGTOW “woe is me IMMA BE DIVORCE RAPED” card now, seeing as every comment he makes reeks of failure and hopelessness. It’s clear that he’s never traveled outside the country, or even left his mom’s basement in the past ten years.

Roosh can run the site however he likes, I suppose, but I have no idea why he tolerates letting someone who is diametrically opposed to everything ROK stands for constantly derail comment threads with his blubbering.


2013-01-18 06:36:57 Matt Forney

Whatever is pretty boring, but in Houellebecq’s defense, it was his first book. His later novels (particularly the Elementary Particles and Platform) are much better.


2012-12-07 23:50:42 Matt Forney

It didn’t help that the writer gave O the personality of a dog. She was just an empty shell to be manipulated by her masters for awesome sexual pleasure.

That’s a feature, not a bug. Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey do the same thing; the protagonists are poorly characterized and only vaguely described. The idea is for the reader to insert herself into the heroine’s role, a la how porn movies reduce the guy down to a dick on legs.


2012-10-30 22:49:40 Matt Forney
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You So Would... / yousowould.wordpress.com

A blog dedicated to my experiences with women in the capital, being a man, and general narcissistic musings

Comment Date Name Link
So... that's it? Seriously? When you remarked about this on Twitter, I was expecting that you would be calling out one of the big bloggers. But I hadn't even heard of this guy before you brought him up. Not only that, few if any people would praise his actions or hold him up as a role model, so your holier-than-thou "Well, I'm not as bad as THIS guy!" shtick falls completely flat. I don't care for the blog post that you linked, but unlike you, I'm not going to engage in some obnoxious public display about it. If there are blogs I don't like, I don't read them. Simple as that. That's how the manosphere has always worked; crummy or creepy bloggers are ignored. By writing this priggish post, all you've done is gumming up the works. Also YSW, a warning: after four years of being involved with the manosphere and its predecessors, I've noticed one consistent pattern: bloggers who engage in these kinds of Pharisaical histrionics don't last long and end up isolated and alone. And no, it's not because we think that manipulating a whore into fucking in exchange for paying off an $800 phone bill is role model behavior; it's because we hate moralistic scolds who make loud proclamations about their morality, for the same reason Jesus warned about hypocrites who prayed loudly in public and made shows of how good and holy they were. The fact that half of the people giving you kudos for this post are women (in a wing of the Internet called the MAN-o-sphere) should give you pause. Nobody likes a prig. 2013-05-14T03:05:32+01:00 Matt Forney
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Kid Strangelove / kidstrangelove.wordpress.com

How I learned to stop worrying and love the girls

Comment Date Name Link
I think the stereotype about hipsters being cold and unfriendly comes from Portland hipsters, mainly because everyone in Portland (and the rest of the Pacific NW to a lesser extent) is cliquish and unfriendly. Not as much experience with NYC, but hipsters everywhere else I've been (Chicago, Madison etc.) are more welcoming. 2013-04-24T03:22:34+00:00 Matt Forney
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Uncouth Reflections / uncouthreflections.com

... and no shortage of opinions

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Jesus, 7-Eleven...

When I came home to Syracuse after being gone for nine some-odd months, I found that 7-Eleven had bought up one of our local convenience store chains. Now you've got 7-Elevens everywhere. Even the little rural town near Ithaca where my dad grew up now has a 7-Eleven, standing out like a sore thumb among all the rustic brick buildings. It's not just the corporate homogenization that bothers me, it's the fact that 7-Eleven's selection of products sucks compares to Wilson Farms, the chain that they replaced. I have yet to find a single 7-Eleven anywhere in America (and I've been from Portland to Chicago to Boston) that carries Full Throttles, for example.
2013-03-31T20:13:51+00:00 Matt Forney
Hmmm, that's weird. I commented on this post because it just popped up in my Google Reader, didn't notice that it was from August. Oh well, carry on. 2012-11-05T02:35:56+00:00 Matt Forney
Syracuse native here, though I've also lived in Albany, Plattsburgh and Ithaca. I'm presently living in North Dakota because---you guessed it---the job market back home is horrible. It's also too expensive relative to quality of life; I spent a fair portion of summer in Madison, WI, which is roughly the same size as Buffalo or Rochester but both far cheaper and nicer to live in. Even here in NW ND, where the cost of living is spiraling upwards, things are still cheaper than the cheapest part of upstate. Syracuse isn't the worst place to grow up, but the city's provincialism and Debbie Downer attitude really wore on me. I was at the debut of God Bless America at the Palace in Eastwood last May, and Bobcat Goldthwait (himself a 'Cuse native) joked that the city had a "Droopy Dog" mentality. A lot of the surrounding towns are still pretty pleasant though. I was always partial to the Ithaca area myself. And everyone from New York owes it to themselves to take a drive up the Northway to Montreal; the Lake Placid/Saranac Lake area is absolutely gorgeous. 2012-11-05T02:33:52+00:00 Matt Forney
That should read "Just to create art? No." 2012-10-21T19:16:33+00:00 Matt Forney
Just to create art? To create good art? Most definitely. 2012-10-21T19:15:38+00:00 Matt Forney
Sleep, sleep, sleep. A good nap during optimal sleeping hours (10pm - 6am) cures just about anything. 2012-10-20T18:31:17+00:00 Matt Forney
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dannyfrom504 / dannyfrom504.com

hide yer daughters: blogging about horse shit, women, minimalism, and food

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In Dickless Crowder's defense, his marriage might end up lasting because a) he and his wife are both devout Christians and b) they were both virgins when they got married.

But Christ, what a simpering tool.
2013-02-16T09:48:58-02:00 Matt Forney
Happy belated birthday. 2013-01-24T20:48:25-02:00 Matt Forney
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Anatoly Karlin / akarlin.com

Russian Reaction

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Congratulations, and keep it up.

2013-01-25 07:21:18 Matt Forney
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therationalmale / therationalmale.com

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Off-topic, but what’s your email Rollo? I need to send you something. Get me at:

therealmattforney [at] gmail [dot] com

2013-01-03 13:55:12 Matt Forney

Free Northerner / freenortherner.com

Iron Sharpens Iron

Comment Date Name Link

I appreciate the link, but Tim (from Spootville) wrote that post, not me.

2012-11-09 02:13:28 Matt Forney
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Patriactionary / patriactionary.wordpress.com

Old Strong Religion

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Thanks for the update, I love Spike's writing. 2012-09-20T19:09:12-04:00 Matt Forney
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Stares at the World / staresattheworld.com

The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the Earth, and men see it not.

Comment Date Name Link

Thanks for the link, bro.

2012-06-10 20:21:55 Matt Forney