[email protected] has comments on 4 sites

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WhoWhatWhy / whowhatwhy.org

Groundbreaking Investigative Journalism

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That’s exactly how CIA ruined Jonathan Pollard in 1990’s. Pollard was about to be released after 12 years in prison for illegally giving Israel information about Iraq missiles and chemical weapons we were supposed to give them according to our treaty with them anyway. Then CIA leaked phony reports falsely accusing Pollard and Israel of working for the Russians. The sources were never released because CIA and FBI both falsely said it would compromise investigations. Later, we found out CIA lied, and that investigation about Russians never existed. Liberty and Prosperity

2017-03-29 21:41:00 Seth Grossman
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Downtrend / downtrend.com

That's the direction of our freedoms.

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“Tea Party” conservatives knew from the day Obama said he would “fundamentally transform America” how toxic he was. But establishment Republicans like Krauthammer said we were uninformed and unreasonable and gave Obama Democrats the ammunition both he and Boehner Republicans needed to marginalize and defeat us. Liberty and Prosperity

2015-02-16 20:21:00 Seth Grossman
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Bearing Drift / bearingdrift.com

Virginia politics covered from a conservative perspective. News and commentary about Republicans, Democrats, the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia\'s

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Another problem is campaign finance “reform”. The reporting requirements are so complicated and expensive that it is a full time job just to fill out the forms every few weeks. What candidate can afford to hire an accountant to fill out the campaign finance forms? A candidate with (a) lots of money, or (b) a “pay to play” candidate who will give the firm of the accountant who fills out the forms “for free” before the election, a nice sweeheart job afterwards. Liberty and Prosperity

2014-09-12 03:17:00 Seth Grossman
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The Right Scoop / therightscoop.com

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The reason conservatives are a minority in Congress is that not enough of us have been willing to make the sacrifices and discipline to be candidates in primaries–even when we have little chance of winning at first, or donating our money and time to those who do. The establishments of both parties don’t have this problem. If an establishment candidate loses, the establishment rewards him or her with some government job or contract that often pays more money than the office the candidate was running for. Anyone who runs for public office knows there is a high learning curve and most serious candidates will do better or even win their second or third try. Conservatives can blame establishment leaders, or say the system is rigged. But the only way to change things is to learn the system to beat the system by running serious candidates for all offices in the June primary elections–just like the establishment leaders we complain about. Liberty and Prosperity!

2013-12-13 00:09:00 Seth Grossman