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Five years. Sorry, you are wrong, but it might take a while to prove you so. :-)

I walk around every day wearing things on my face. They are called glasses and they already augment my world.

2016-02-20 23:12:00 Scobleizer

Because the costs of developing an app don’t pay off, app developers tell me. Many of them.

That said, I bet you’ll see the biggest apps come to Windows Phone — eventually. Uber just got there last week.

You are missing — by far — the coolest apps, though, like the new Wineglass app that ROCKS. I write about that here: https://www.facebook.com/RobertScoble/posts/10152586756189655

2014-07-31 14:26:00 Scobleizer

Unfortunately you miss how app companies work. They can’t afford to build for every platform out there. Look at the new Timeful app, released this morning. it’s only on iOS: http://youtu.be/ztswLXT8wfs

Why? They are going after the most profitable, biggest, market first. I seriously doubt it’ll get to Windows Phone anytime soon (they are already working on Android).

2014-07-31 14:06:00 Scobleizer

I have NEVER bought any followers.

2014-07-31 14:03:00 Scobleizer

Quality. Quantity. Love.

Go to a hackathon that isn’t sponsored by Microsoft and you won’t see very many Windows Phones.

2014-07-31 05:49:00 Scobleizer

According to VCs and people in the world, including at major companies like eBay their position is actually not growing. I don’t know where you get your facts.

2014-07-31 05:48:00 Scobleizer

I should. Maybe you should tell that to the 640,000 people following me on Facebook, the 400,000 following me on Twitter, the seven million following me on Google+, the 26,000 following me on Instagram, or the 20,000 following me on LinkedIn.

2014-07-31 05:47:00 Scobleizer

This train is sailing over your head. :-)

2014-07-31 05:45:00 Scobleizer

Sigh. Startups are different. They are trying to make something out of nothing. Most fail. But the ones that succeed radically change the world.

Windows Phone? Um, no.

2014-07-31 05:45:00 Scobleizer

Easy. I interview hundreds of startups every year that are venture backed. Nearly none ship on Windows Mobile. The apps that do aren’t even close to as good a quality as on iOS. All you have to do is go to hackathons around the world, as I do. If you did you would rarely see Windows Phones. They have far less than 10% marketshare. Developers aren’t supporting them.

2014-07-31 05:44:00 Scobleizer

Rackspace has a LOT more interesting position in cloud than Windows Phone has in mobile.

2014-07-31 05:43:00 Scobleizer

It’s very clear you don’t read a damn thing I write. http://www.facebook.com/RobertScoble and I talk about Rackspace all the time. I’m also pretty down on Google lately.

2014-07-31 05:41:00 Scobleizer

Most of the interviews I did were actually outside of Silicon Valley. In fact, the coolest new startup, Estimote, was developed in Europe. This isn’t a Silicon Valley-only thing.

2013-10-05 13:29:00 Scobleizer

Fame is fleeting. What isn’t? If the product you do is appreciated by other people. So far our book has more than 100 five-star reviews on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Age-Context-Mobile-Sensors-Privacy/dp/1492348430/ so I have a feeling you will be seeing me a lot more over the next few years.

2013-10-05 13:28:00 Scobleizer

I used to work at Microsoft in 2003 through 2006. I also worked much of the 1980s at consumer electronics stores.

I disagree somewhat with you. What I learned on retail store counters is that, yes, you can sell people on things but they have one overriding need: not to appear an idiot to their friends.

Windows Phone doesn’t have the best apps. Doesn’t have industry support. Doesn’t have support at work or at home. And buying one makes you appear to be an idiot.

Microsoft MUST change that dynamic. But it hasn’t. When I spoke at NY and SF startup incubators lately (Betaworks and Rocketspace) not a SINGLE developer was excited by Windows Phone. Not a single one. Word gets around that developers are staying away and consumers assume that betting on such a platform might make them appear idiotic.

Remember the refrain “no one got fired for buying IBM?” I do. Microsoft figured out how to change that to “no one got fired for buying Windows.” But today only Android and iOS are “safe” as platforms and Microsoft MUST change that if it wants to end up with more than the 3.5% marketshare it has today in smartphones.

2012-09-04 22:34:00 Scobleizer
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The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss / tim.blog

Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Workweek and Lifestyle Design Blog

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Here is my out of office reply and it works WONDERFULLY:


Thank you for taking the time to write to me and I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you.

I’m now getting emails at a level that I can’t respond to everyone. This is an automatic response to an email you sent to [email protected].

I will make a best attempt to get back to you, especially if you are sharing world-changing technology or if you are building contextual software or services, since I wrote a book with Shel Israel on that trend. Our book, “Age of Context,” has been released at http://amzn.to/AgeOfContext

I also am looking for best-of-breed tools to help people build companies on top of cloud infrastructure, due to my role at Rackspace.

I do read every email, but I only can reply to about 5%, sorry.

Unfortunately if I don’t answer you within two or three days, it’s the same as hearing “no.”

To PR people, if you want me to cover your product you’ve got to give me more than one day warning. I don’t do press-release rewrites like other tech bloggers. It’s best to get in touch with me at LEAST A MONTH before you launch.

If you are looking for more about where I’m publishing, or just want to have an informal chat, visit https://www.facebook.com/RobertScoble which has links to all of my blogs, and social media accounts.

Another way to get through is to talk with my producer, Rocky Barbanica. You can reach him at [email protected].

Thanks and sorry if I don’t get back to you.

Liked by 3 people

2014-07-15 07:54:44 Robert Scoble
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The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss / tim.blog

Tim Ferriss's 4-Hour Workweek and Lifestyle Design Blog

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Here is my out of office reply and it works WONDERFULLY:


Thank you for taking the time to write to me and I’m sorry if I don’t get back to you.

I’m now getting emails at a level that I can’t respond to everyone. This is an automatic response to an email you sent to [email protected].

I will make a best attempt to get back to you, especially if you are sharing world-changing technology or if you are building contextual software or services, since I wrote a book with Shel Israel on that trend. Our book, “Age of Context,” has been released at http://amzn.to/AgeOfContext

I also am looking for best-of-breed tools to help people build companies on top of cloud infrastructure, due to my role at Rackspace.

I do read every email, but I only can reply to about 5%, sorry.

Unfortunately if I don’t answer you within two or three days, it’s the same as hearing “no.”

To PR people, if you want me to cover your product you’ve got to give me more than one day warning. I don’t do press-release rewrites like other tech bloggers. It’s best to get in touch with me at LEAST A MONTH before you launch.

If you are looking for more about where I’m publishing, or just want to have an informal chat, visit https://www.facebook.com/RobertScoble which has links to all of my blogs, and social media accounts.

Another way to get through is to talk with my producer, Rocky Barbanica. You can reach him at [email protected].

Thanks and sorry if I don’t get back to you.

Liked by 3 people

2014-07-15 07:54:44 Robert Scoble
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Scobleizer / scobleizer.blog

Spatial Computing Catalyst 👓

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I did talk with someone involved in Trapster but I was asked to keep him/her out of the story. 2014-01-29T15:58:58-07:00 Robert Scoble
Do you get any value out of it? What? 2013-11-24T21:07:11-07:00 Robert Scoble
I didn't delete your comment. This is one reason why I like social networks better. I don't get accused of that stuff there. 2013-08-21T20:03:55-07:00 Robert Scoble
That's the only reason to keep blogging that really resonates to me so far that's made here. Thank you! 2013-08-02T16:48:53-07:00 Robert Scoble
Well, that's one person. Personally you should really get over using Facebook only for friends and family. It's a great platform for doing that AND other stuff (and you can do that, with lists). 2013-08-02T02:07:36-07:00 Robert Scoble
We'll be in Sydney. I still don't know my schedule. Meeting a bunch of startups with the local Rackspace office. Send me email and I'll try to let you know where I'll be. [email protected] 2013-08-02T01:25:29-07:00 Robert Scoble
I don't know. But I haven't posted for a long time, so that might be the problem. I also deleted a bunch of plugins. Do I need a specific one to kick out a feed? Hmmm. 2013-08-02T01:19:17-07:00 Robert Scoble
Can't wait to see that! 2013-08-02T01:08:38-07:00 Robert Scoble
Hmm. It's interesting that no one copped to coming here via RSS yet. So, that means that you all came here from Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. So, I don't get why the social ether would be "lost." If anything I probably lost a lot of people who just don't care to click over and read me here.

My blog, at one point, was in the top 20 of RSS feeds.

As for TOS or mergers or shutdowns, doesn't affect me because I am on three or four social nets. So, if one tried to pull some monkey business I'd just route around and cause a PR mess for that one.
2013-08-02T01:08:00-07:00 Robert Scoble
Being the king of either blogging or social media doesn't matter. Being the context king, now that would get me a raise! :-)

Seriously, the frontier of communication isn't the blog. I think it would be something like Vine or Instagram video. I don't have time to play around with short videos, though. Sort of like Mark Twain didn't have time to write short stuff, either. :-)

It all works out for some reason. People know where to find me.
2013-08-02T00:56:41-07:00 Robert Scoble
Thanks Ryan. It's weird being back here. The UI on Wordpress is so industrial compared to Facebook and Google+. A bit like going back in time. 2013-08-02T00:31:28-07:00 Robert Scoble
Yup, more data sure seems to be a precondition to winning. Facebook has more data than most anyone about me. It will be interesting to see if Facebook can capitalize on that. 2012-09-12T23:12:28-07:00 Robert Scoble
PXLated: there are a few startups coming, but nothing out yet that really gets to where I want. 2012-09-12T00:00:39-07:00 Robert Scoble
I still love Highlight. 2012-06-24T10:10:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You're wrong. It's nothing like Foursquare's Radar. Too bad that you didn't even watch the video. You would have understood that if you had. 2012-03-05T15:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I travel a lot all over the world and I have always seen a lot of people checked in on Foursquare. The Tokyo Airport, for instance, is always swarming with hundreds of checkins. That said, this is quite different than Foursquare and a LOT more fun and useful around the clock. Foursquare is really only useful when you get someplace and want to learn about it. 2012-03-05T15:12:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Well, I'll try it. So far I'm totally not impressed especially when compared to Highlight or Glancee. Not the same thing at all. I think EchoEcho is answering a use case with no pain. I already can text my real friends, or call them. Plus, this sounds like it's so last year (last year's SXSW was all about group messaging apps, which I could use to find groups of friends anyway, just by texting everyone "where's the party you all are at tonight?"

But finding new people who are nearby me that I might have something in common with? Now THAT is something new that I couldn't do before.
2012-03-05T14:59:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Again, you are mixing these two things up.

It's fine that you are using Facebook with real friends, privately. Highlight does NOT change that!

Highlight only uses Facebook to see two things:

2. Your social graph (which in your case will be ultra awesome because you didn't add all sorts of social media wankers, like me, to it).

It then only does one thing with those:

1. It brings into your view people within 50 yards or so that have some likes OR some friends in common.

That's it. It doesn't do anything else.

It would totally fail if it tried to use Twitter or LinkedIn for this because most of us have polluted those graphs with other stuff.
2012-03-05T14:55:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Oneaway is close, but the UI isn't nearly as nice and it doesn't have the killer features that Highlight has: either a feed or maps of where we met. But thanks, I've added it to my phone and will try it over the next week. 2012-03-05T14:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I just tried EchoEcho. It's competely lame compared to Highlight. Are you invested in this?

The value of Highlight IS getting to see some other people. But it only shows you people you have some connection with, either through some common friends, or some common Facebook likes. EchoEcho doesn't even hook up to Facebook, which is where my real friends are (my real friends are NOT on my contacts!!!! and that's very common, just talk to my wife about where she goes when she wants to contact her friends. Hint, it isn't email, it's Facebook!) Again, since you work at Google you should disclose you have a conflict of interest here in pushing something that isn't Facebook oriented.

And pushing stuff out to SMS? Not good. I really hate getting more and more messages on SMS. My friends know the best place to find me is on Facebook, or email.

But you don't get what these things are good for if you are pushing EchoEcho as an alternative to Highlight. It isn't even close to as useful. See you at SxSW and I'll show you why.
2012-03-05T14:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Apple can't do apps like Highlight. Why? It would freak everyone out. Plus, Apple just doesn't get social at any level, other than to let Twitter and Facebook do it. So, not sure they would even try. 2012-03-05T12:50:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Apple can't do apps like Highlight. Why? It would freak everyone out. Plus, Apple just doesn't get social at any level, other than to let Twitter and Facebook do it. So, not sure they would even try. 2012-03-05T12:50:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I can see a ton of ways for them to make money without doing anything creepy with our personal data. Consumer apps will rarely charge. Why? Not many people will pay for apps, particularly on Android. 2012-03-05T12:49:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I can see a ton of ways for them to make money without doing anything creepy with our personal data. Consumer apps will rarely charge. Why? Not many people will pay for apps, particularly on Android. 2012-03-05T12:49:00-05:00 Scobleizer
RIM is dead. 2012-03-05T02:49:00-05:00 Scobleizer
By the way, this does NOT show you who your friends are. It shows you people you have something in common with and who are within 50 yards of you. Either people who have the same friends, or people who have same likes. This DEMANDS that Facebook be used! Anyone who says Facebook shouldn't be used simply DOES NOT UNDERSTAND what either Facebook is now, or these kinds of people discovery apps. 2012-03-05T02:05:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree. First of all these things do NOT put your Facebook info into public view. It only shows you likes you have in common with other people. These kinds of apps require an identity system that millions of people use. That's Facebook. No other system will ever be able to build up enough likes to make this useful (and enough people). I've put about 600 likes into Facebook. This is invaluable when used in an app like Highlight.

This kind of dependence will not only not stop, it will greatly expand based on what I'm seeing from developers. For instance, look at Etsy's Gift Guide. That is mondo cool and relies on Facebook's likes too.
2012-03-05T02:04:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yup, I thought I covered that with "if someone gets hurt." 

By the way, I still remember when people said this about Twitter. Folks forget it took Twitter about six months to get more than 15,000 users and back then everyone thought it was "lame" and a poor way to blog and, worse, encouraged too much wacky sharing of personal information. Who knew we all wanted to do that? Biz and Ev and Jack did.
2012-03-05T01:33:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I doubt it. Highlight's dev team is too small to deal with more than one platform. So is Glancee's by the way, which is why Glancee is getting KILLED on speed. 2012-03-05T01:20:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Facebook has consistently doubled ever since it kicked off at Harvard. But you do hit on one thing. Keeping things doubling is damn tough business. It'll be interesting to watch if Paul Davison can build a company out of this, and not just an interesting technology/app. Building a company (Twitter has 600 employees, now, for instance) is a different skill than building something that gets all the SXSWi attendees hot and bothered. 2012-03-05T01:11:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You are wrong. They are useful day to day in San Francisco. That said, they are less useful places that don't have early adopters. Twitter was just this way too. It had all the SF cool kids as early users too and other places weren't nearly as interesting. 2012-03-05T01:09:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yup, two strikes and you're gone. Highlight will eventually get to Android (if it keeps doubling) but the Facebook requirement will always be there for lots of reasons. I won't trust apps like this that don't hook into Facebook, for instance. 2012-03-05T01:08:00-05:00 Scobleizer
If you actually use it you'll realize this isn't creepy at all. Why?

1. All those people are within 50 yards, so stalking behavior is kept down (you can't follow any particular woman from place to place).

2. Only people with Facebook friends in common are displayed to you. So, if you behave like a jerk your friends will hear about it, believe me. That "social pressure" will keep you in line. (this is also the same filter that many women use to "filter out" jerks. They ask their friends what they think, if you hadn't figured that out yet).

3. Other anti-creep stuff will show up in a new version, coming this week.
2012-03-05T00:56:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That data is off by at least a factor of 10. These apps are so new maybe they aren't showing up on stats. 2012-03-05T00:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
It gets worse: https://plus.google.com/111091089527727420853/posts/gmyD7wGnCef 2012-02-24T04:33:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Thanks and I totally agree with your post.  2012-02-23T14:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I think Arrington is the same. He tells you what he's doing and who he is investing in. 2012-02-23T14:06:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Nope. 2012-02-23T11:33:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Mark: I'm sorry, I used the app twice and didn't even see the checkbox. I don't expect user experience designers to hide stuff at the bottom of the screen that is gonna spam all my friends. 2012-02-22T19:34:00-05:00 Scobleizer
The Twitter button should be up now. Thanks to my webmaster Rob La Gesse! 2012-02-22T14:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I'll get that done. Sorry I'm so lazy keeping my blog up to date. 2012-02-22T14:29:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's fair. Glad Path doesn't do this anymore.  2012-02-22T14:28:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That is always the danger when you attack a company. That's why I picked one with some redeeming value and from the best startup incubator in the world (Y Combinator). There are many other examples that I could use to demonstrate this kind of non-user-centric thinking. 2012-02-22T14:22:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, auto subscribing isn't good either. Everyone wants to build a new social graph without forcing users to do the hard work. 2012-02-22T14:19:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I have previously tweeted about many apps that do this and will continue doing so.

Sorry, opt out is just horseshit. Think of the user here. I never even saw that checkbox. Why? Because it was underneath a big ass button asking me to push it. That's not taking the user's point of view.

And, anyway, why the f**k would ANY app need to post right when I start up the app. That does NOT mean I've used it. It just means I've loaded it. THIS IS NOT USER CENTRIC THINKING and is just virality gone out of control. It is extremely lame, especially for a company funded by the richest and best accelerator in the world.
2012-02-22T14:17:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I don't remember Path doing that, but it would have pissed me off too. This is exactly what's wrong with San Francisco-based startups. We don't ask "what's best for the user?" Instead we look to the platform owner for what the letter of the law is. That's extremely lame and I expect better from these well-funded companies. 2012-02-22T14:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, that's what threw me off. Really sleazy. Does anyone really think this shit will fly? 2012-02-22T05:41:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. They would get a lot more love by treating users with respect and not trying to sneak shit by them just to get some "virality." 

At Microsoft we knew that most people would never switch defaults. Heck, most people don't even understand what the defaults do anyway. 

This is sleazy and any decent user experience designer knows it.

I've loaded hundreds of apps on my iphone and it's very rare that an app does this kind of "opt out" bullshit. This total bull and anyone who defends this kind of opt-out stuff is just crazy and is working against this industry.
2012-02-22T05:33:00-05:00 Scobleizer
It's not just dangerous, it's sleazy. To defend it just makes me even more livid. Change the damn setting to opt in. 2012-02-22T05:27:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. 2012-02-22T05:26:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You aren't listening to feedback. You deserve to fail. 2012-02-22T05:09:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Screw you. I looked at that four times and didn't see it and I loaded that app twice on two different computers. 

It is NOT clear enough. Give me a break. Most other apps don't do this kind of stuff and try to sneak it by at the bottom of a screen.
2012-02-22T05:09:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I didn't see what you were showing me even on the screen shot until I looked at it four times. So, no, absolutely not clear enough and anyway WHAT THE F***? You should never even ask to do this until someone has used your app a few times and is sure that he or she wants to spam his/her followers. 2012-02-22T05:04:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I never even saw the checkmark. Opt Out is NOT acceptable. People click through these things so fast they don't see those checkmarks at the bottom. This is REALLY sleazy. Other apps don't try to fool their way through this stuff. 2012-02-22T05:03:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That is the version I did this video on.  2012-02-22T05:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Watch my video. It isn't clear at all. Are you changing it? Looks like you are. 2012-02-22T04:56:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I love Timeline and Open Graph stuff and that's different. It's not an endorsement asking for others to use it and it's pretty clear there's a difference. 2012-02-22T03:29:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, my bad. Sorry. I can't fix that. I fixed it in the other places I made the mistake. 2012-02-22T03:28:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Hmm, I just signed up for Pinterest. It asked me to follow my Facebook friends. That's allowable on Facebook's API rules. 2012-02-22T03:27:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I like Highlight better. I almost said Glancee, but someone said it does the same thing (I don't remember seeing a Glancee post, I'm off to check that on my wife's iPhone right now). 2012-02-22T02:47:00-05:00 Scobleizer
None of that stuff is even close to the same thing. 2012-02-22T02:45:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I like your point of view, even as I disagree with it. 2012-02-05T14:32:00-05:00 Scobleizer
My opinion of polite and informative are different than yours, I guess. 2012-02-05T14:14:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Tell me about it. Maybe if Facebook's comments aren't interesting enough they need to get better friends. 2012-02-05T14:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
13 and I won't grow up. :-) 2012-02-05T14:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I'm sorry you were hurt in the crossfire. I'll try not to do that again. 2012-02-05T14:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, but the informed reader can get there, so I won't change it. I really want you to visit both communities and make up your own mind. 2012-02-05T13:59:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, but I've been the subject on Hacker News quite a few times and they don't all get voted down. Especially the ones that have a tone that isn't overt, but is clearly saying "I'm better than him." 2012-02-05T13:49:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yes, but even the ones that aren't downvoted have this "I'm better than you" tone. 2012-02-05T13:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yes, I overly painted with too broad a brush. It's in reaction to the comments on Hacker News, yes. 2012-02-05T13:47:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I don't agree. Facebook has a lot of crap, but also I enjoy the comments there. On my own posts I delete the crap, so they get cleaned out. 2012-02-05T13:37:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I agree when you are talking about programming topics. When things turn a bit more toward the personal side of life then they are hardly educated at all.  2012-02-05T13:35:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I added that book to my reading list. Friday night I had dinner with the guy who invented the VCR and I'm reading his book now called "Winner Take All." http://www.amazon.com/Winner-Take-All-Competitiveness-ebook/dp/B001YQF3F6/ref=sr_1_6?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1328465051&sr=1-6

It's interesting too!
2012-02-05T13:05:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I think it's too late. The time to fight was 2008. Sorry. Now onto other stuff. 2012-02-04T21:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
We used to own that content, yes. When I gave you my business card you used to be able to put that in any damn database you wanted. Not anymore. 2012-02-04T20:36:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I totally mean that. I tried to be principled. It doesn't work. 2012-02-04T20:36:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yup, and there are even easier systems coming than Pinterest. They will win.  2012-02-04T20:32:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Today? I've given up and am living mostly inside the data black holes. In 2008? I saw that Facebook was sucking data in but not letting it escape. That was the right time to fight before it really got the mainstream addicted. Today? It's too late. 2012-02-04T20:29:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, and they told me only 1% of their users use it. Hardly a ringing endorsement for that platform! 2012-02-04T20:14:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Or the Gmail app. 2012-02-01T18:57:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I think she was talking about Diann from Waze, but I might be wrong. I'll check. 2012-02-01T18:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yahoo News told me they have seen millions of new views because of Open Graph, too. Foodspotting says they are seeing lots of growth because of it. So, your experience and opinions DO NOT MATCH with the DATA. Thank you have a nice day. 2012-02-01T18:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yahoo News told me they have seen millions of new views because of Open Graph, too. Foodspotting says they are seeing lots of growth because of it. So, your experience and opinions DO NOT MATCH with the DATA. Thank you have a nice day. 2012-02-01T18:48:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You are absolutely wrong about that. Spotify told me they have pushed five billion. BILLION. Songs through Open Graph in just a few months. Someone is using it and loving it. 2012-02-01T18:47:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You are absolutely wrong about that. Spotify told me they have pushed five billion. BILLION. Songs through Open Graph in just a few months. Someone is using it and loving it. 2012-02-01T18:47:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Right. I talked over the weekend with Kai Fu-Lee who used to run Google in China. He doesn't think Facebook will break into the Chinese market either. But what if Zuckerberg bought a company in China with his $5 billion in cash that the iPO will raise? 2012-02-01T18:20:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yes. Although I usually post the content on Google+ and the link to it on Facebook. Except for family stuff. 2012-02-01T18:19:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Google+ is going to be just fine, even as Facebook continues growing like a weed. 2012-02-01T17:54:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I don't know. Look at this: http://blog.flurry.com/bid/79682/iOS-Android-Shatter-Records-on-Christmas-Day

Apps are seeing huge growth this year.

And Xbox Live isn't that great for mobile devices.
2011-12-27T14:06:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You can't find Flipboard there. You can't find Band of the Day there. You can't find Skype there. You can't find Photosynth there. You can't find Workday there. And on and on and on. 2011-12-27T14:05:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I love idealists. Me? I follow the developers. They ALWAYS lead the way and they aren't moving. Yet. I'll let you know when they do. 2011-12-27T14:04:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You sound like one of those OS/2 or NeXT advocates back in the 1980s. Or, even worse, one of those Linux freaks back then. No, sorry, once consumer belief and behavior is set in place it stays that way for decades even if better technology comes along. 2011-12-27T14:03:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I simply don't believe you will end up with a Windows Phone. Let's meet again in a year and see what is in your pocket. 2011-12-27T14:02:00-05:00 Scobleizer
When I visited China they all wanted to use American services. At least until they put the firewall up, then they used the Chinese copy. I recently talked with the CEO of Fotopedia. He says China is his biggest market for iPhone apps already. 2011-12-27T14:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Really? Then explain this: http://blog.flurry.com/bid/79682/iOS-Android-Shatter-Records-on-Christmas-Day 2011-12-27T14:00:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Right. It doesn't matter how many they actually use. It matters that they know they COULD use the right ones (like Skype, for instance) in the future.

It's like when I sold cameras. Pros were given Nikons. So when the everyday people came in they bought Nikons too, even though they wouldn't use 1/10th the features that the pros use.
2011-12-27T02:56:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yes, and of the "pro" apps, which are the kinds funded by venture capitalists, the percentage is much lower. Even among Israeli companies! 2011-12-27T02:56:00-05:00 Scobleizer
OK, except that I watch https://twitter.com/#!/search/apps and so far it's Android and iOS. You can say I'm living in a bubble but that bubble is a world-wide bubble and easily watched by anyone. Go ahead and say I'm wrong. Let's meet back here in a year and see who is right.

San Francisco-based companies are in charge of the mobile world.

NOT companies elsewhere. At least not this year. I'll let you know when that changes. Or you can just watch Twitter and see for yourself.
2011-12-27T02:37:00-05:00 Scobleizer
OK, I updated my post. When I saw "I’ve left off app developers. They are another side of this market, but for this discussion I believe they are mostly irrelevant." I thought you meant that apps and developers were mostly irrelevant. You should have made that clearer in your post.

By the way, forget about my Christmas party (although it matches other things I've been a witness to, and is completely damning that Windows didn't come up once, something the non-geeks used to LOVE poking the geeks with). Instead just watch https://twitter.com/#!/search/apps for an hour or two and see what comes up. Mostly iPhones and Android apps. 

I believe that this matters a lot more now than carrier marketing. Carriers are no longer hungry for an alternative to iOS. Or, like MG Siegler says, too late!
2011-12-27T02:31:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Growing anything from 0 makes it easy to say they grew 400%.  2011-12-27T02:29:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's damning! 2011-12-27T01:11:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Be careful, though. I've had several developers tell me off the record that Microsoft didn't pay them anything close to what they were promised. Word on that getting around the community will kill all efforts dead. And, several, like Pandora, have just turned down all money because it would defocus their businesses from what matters, which is dominating iOS and Android. 2011-12-27T00:37:00-05:00 Scobleizer
The average consumer won't consider a phone until they see advertising about apps for it. Android and iOS are "safe" choices. Microsoft has to become one of those "safe" choices. It's a tough spot. But I'd rather be Microsoft than RIM. 2011-12-27T00:21:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yup. I think this is breaking down like the car market. Apple = BMW. Android = Toyota and Honda together.

The problem is that Microsoft is Nissan, or Kia (or worse), and that's not a position Microsoft is used to.

Thought leadership goes to Apple. Marketshare goes to Google. What's left for Microsoft?
2011-12-27T00:20:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sigh. Because it's not 2009. It's almost 2012 and buying a phone that doesn't have the Android or iOS app stores is unsafe. Just go to any store and listen to the conversations. Or look at the poll here: http://gopollgo.com/will-your-next-phone-be-an-ios-based-one-apple-or-an-android-based-one-google-or-a-windows-phone-7-based-one-microsoft It's clear what's going on and what will go on in the marketplace for quite some time. 2011-12-26T23:58:00-05:00 Scobleizer
We did a bunch of comparisons at my house this week. I actually agree with MG's analysis. Even top of the line Android phones still feel crappy and still jitter when you zoom in and out and scroll text when compared to iPhones. They also really don't have an answer to AirPlay, which is the coolest new feature. 2011-12-26T23:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, you are absolutely wrong NOW. Maybe your analysis wasn't wrong three years ago, but it is now. I talk with lots of consumers and watch their buying behavior. They absolutely care about apps. iOS and Android are "safe" choices. Everything else? Nope. 2011-12-26T23:51:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Market research firms are frequently wrong. 2011-12-26T23:42:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I was mostly talking about tablets in that post and I am pretty correct in that. At least until the Amazon Kindle Fire came out.

By the way, most of the "pro" developers are still building for iOS first. Why? That platform still monetizes better. Even with Android selling 3.5 times more devices. Even for Facebook iOS was in the lead until two weeks ago.
2011-12-26T23:41:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, that just isn't true. There are lots of companies selling low-cost tablets that don't matter. Amazon matters because it brought three things to the table:

1. Bet on an OS that developers are supporting.
2. Brought a low price.
3. Brought an ecosystem that can support the low price (and the developers).

#3 is most important, in my book. Otherwise we'd all be using Archos devices, which are quite nice and quite cheap.
2011-12-26T23:39:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Right. When I was on Fox last week my advice was "get rid of all your OS's and go onto one that developers will support. That means iOS or Android. Period." 2011-12-26T23:38:00-05:00 Scobleizer
If you think Google has crushed iOS you are sadly mistaken. It's crushing everyone else, yes. But I'm not so sure we're going to see a monopoly here this time. And apps are decidedly keeping iOS in the game, as it were. If it weren't for them the market WOULD be completely Google's. 2011-12-26T23:37:00-05:00 Scobleizer
So far they haven't changed the game. So, the answer is actually no. 2011-12-26T23:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
So far they haven't changed the game. So, the answer is actually no. 2011-12-26T23:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Three years from now? You are smoking some good crack if you think that's gonna be in play. Once momentum sets in place it doesn't change for decades. Microsoft taught me that when Windows smashed the "superior" Macintosh. Why? Apps. Developers. Apps. Developers. In fact remember Steve Ballmer yelling "developers, developers, developers?" I do. Why do you think he yelled that so much? It's the only thing that really matters in the platform game. 2011-12-26T23:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Three years from now? You are smoking some good crack if you think that's gonna be in play. Once momentum sets in place it doesn't change for decades. Microsoft taught me that when Windows smashed the "superior" Macintosh. Why? Apps. Developers. Apps. Developers. In fact remember Steve Ballmer yelling "developers, developers, developers?" I do. Why do you think he yelled that so much? It's the only thing that really matters in the platform game. 2011-12-26T23:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I guess you missed this news: http://allthingsd.com/20111212/exclusive-microsoft-replaces-lees-as-head-of-windows-phone-business/ 2011-12-26T22:59:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Wrong, it's not unfair. Microsoft has $60 billion. They are late. They didn't play their best hand. The management team there is in disarray. They aren't able to change market dynamics. This won't turn out well until they do. http://gopollgo.com/will-your-next-phone-be-an-ios-based-one-apple-or-an-android-based-one-google-or-a-windows-phone-7-based-one-microsoft says it all. 2011-12-26T22:54:00-05:00 Scobleizer
The problem is if you do develop a killer app and it goes huge on WP7 then people will invest in your company and the first thing they will ask you to do is port it to Android and iOS, which is where the market is.

Over at Kleiner Perkins (famous VCs) they told me they don't care about any phones other than iOS and Android. Until Microsoft changes THAT there WON'T be "killer apps" on only WP7.
2011-12-26T22:53:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, most of the apps that people keep hearing about are on Android or iOS. Not on Windows Phone. Most developers tell me they are actively NOT developing for Windows Phone. I'm talking about the "pro" developers, not the .NET ones who are playing around. I very rarely hear a developer talk about Windows Phone and when I do I ask "did you get paid?"

The answer is always yes. So far. And several told me that Microsoft didn't even pay what they promised them. Word about that gets around the developer community too. 
2011-12-26T22:51:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, I don't agree. I've had an N9 in my hand. It's nice, but it'll never take off against Android or iPhones for various reasons. Interesting that Loic had one, and wasn't using it, preferring his iPhone. That says volumes. 2011-12-12T07:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Bloatware mostly comes from the carriers, at least in the US. My AT&T was filled with it, mostly from AT&T My Samsung Galaxy SII had none of it.

There are some Android first apps. I've detailed a few. Mostly in three categories:

1. Things that do something with the keyboard. Swype, for instance.
2. Things that do something with the dialer.
3. Things that do something really crazy with wifi modems.

But even then, it's just a handful of companies. Not much overall. Everyone else is iOS first. At SXSW I wasn't pitched a SINGLE TIME on Android. Not once.
2011-12-12T06:50:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Lots of people are, but they simply don't have the fit and finish of full-blown iOS apps. They also don't get into the app stores, so they don't get distribution. 2011-12-12T04:36:00-05:00 Scobleizer
The thing is you think I'm saying Android won't make it. I'm not saying that at all. It's just like the car industry. The coolest stuff comes out on Mercedes, BMW's, or high-end American cars before they move down market to Toyotas. 

You keep assuming that we will see bloatware free phones. Sorry, I have friends at carriers. That simply will NOT happen for the most part. That's one thing that will set Apple and Google's approaches apart. That said, does it matter? Microsoft beat Apple in an earlier battle. Google probably will win this eventually too. Just don't expect the cool apps to go there first for a long time.

You came across as patronizing and clueless because you couldn't understand why entrepreneurs and CEOS (at Salesforce.com's recent conference most of the 40,000 in attendance was on iOS) go with iOS. They go there because it is better and because it's ahead. Simple stop. Once you stop fighting that then I'll stop saying you don't get it. You do get a lot, though, I'll give you that. That said, it's clear you haven't really understood why so many of us go with iOS.
2011-12-12T02:37:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Actually Nokia had a LOT of smartphone marketshare around the world. But they didn't have a USABLE smartphone until they went with Microsoft Windows Phone 7 (coming on the market now). 2011-12-12T02:14:00-05:00 Scobleizer
By the way, I always pegged YouTube as the winner. Why? Because they were more embeddable and had cooler content. No, it wasn't because they were hosted on Rackspace (I wasn't an employee back then). 2011-12-12T02:02:00-05:00 Scobleizer
My brother Ben told me he will never buy apps. I haven't been able to convince him. He's an Android user. I don't know that you can convince those folks to buy apps. They just aren't rational about the topic. So, when you hit a wall like that you stop fighting and figure out some other way to get paid or you stay away from them (fire them as customers). 2011-12-12T02:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I like the second article you posted. "Both are winning," it concludes. Exactly. Who isn't winning? Microsoft, RIM? 2011-12-12T01:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, funny, my question to Eric (about noise) was right after that. 2011-12-12T01:44:00-05:00 Scobleizer
It's clear you don't get entrepreneurs. They go with best of breed because they don't have time for anything else. Loic told me he has tried repeatedly to go with Android and keeps coming back to iOS. I used Android (a modern Galaxy SII phone) in Europe because my iPhone didn't work. I went back as soon as I could. I just don't like Android and I don't see that changing anytime soon. 2011-12-12T01:42:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Early stage consumer apps are all about virality and anyone who says they aren't is an idiot. If you have a business model to take advantage of virality even better. But if business models matter, then developers would have another reason to stay away from ANdroid, according to this research: http://blog.inner-active.com/2011/05/android-developers-who-charge-for-their-app-can-say-goodbye-to-any-revenue/ 2011-12-12T01:26:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Funny, I pulled the quote out of InformationWeek: http://informationweek.com/news/mobility/smart_phones/232300176

I was there and I didn't write down the exact quote. Yours sounds just as accurate. In either case, he was trying to say that market share will drive developers to develop first on Android. I think that's not accurate. There are lots of other reasons that developers do things than market share. Hell, if market share mattered we'd all be using apps on Nokias, right?
2011-12-12T01:24:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Thanks for playing. The aggregation of Facebook's Open Graph stuff doesn't happen in the main feed. So I don't mind it one bit. 2011-11-30T16:54:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's over the freaky line, even for me. 2011-11-21T01:15:00-05:00 Scobleizer
When you post stuff that no one understands you really should explain more. 2011-11-21T01:13:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You're absolutely wrong. I've shared stuff that I don't know my friends will be interested in and I get replies back. I've also tried many new things over the past two months because of these new features. Truth is they are bringing a new form of serendipity into my life. 2011-11-20T19:27:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's why most of this stuff goes into a separate interface, called the Ticker, not into the main feed. 2011-11-20T19:25:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yes, we change our behavior all the time depending on who is listening. If I know I'm on stage in front of 1,000 people I will behave differently than if I'm at a bar with you in Amsterdam.

For me it's about a whole lot more than narcissism. I have other outlets to serve that. :-)
2011-11-20T16:01:00-05:00 Scobleizer
They already have that. Spotify gives you a way not to share your music. Other apps (see what Washington Post's Chairman said in the video above) you will have to simply decide whether or not to use them. Really easy. 2011-11-20T15:57:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. 2011-11-20T15:55:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I don't think so. I quite enjoy stalking all my friends' behaviors. Why? It brings new experiences my way. 2011-11-20T15:33:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's a bug. Unless someone else is using your account and you don't know about it. 2011-11-20T15:23:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Huh? This is definitely a media company and, sorry, media companies will rely on two business models: you looking at ads and you buying things (affiliate fees). That won't change anytime soon. What will change is whether you need to click on something, go somewhere else, to view the media. On Facebook the media comes to you. On Yahoo you have to go to the media. THAT is a HUGE difference! 2011-11-20T15:20:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Why, yes, I do live in the first world Batman! 2011-11-08T11:17:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I don't get what this has to do with Google+ pages. 2011-11-08T10:14:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I've been asking for that since day #1. That's a large part of what I mean when I say I want noise controls. 2011-11-08T08:40:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's one of the deepest comments I've seen in quite some time and one I totally agree with. I think there is a fear of dependencies, too. After all, if you build something on one team that another team relies on, well, then, you have to do real work and there is real politics involved there.  2011-11-08T08:40:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I bet that Google+ pages get into Google faster and higher than stuff posted on Facebook pages.  2011-11-08T08:04:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Over on the left is your picture when you sign into Google+. There's a little drop-down menu that lets you switch between your personal account and your business page. It's hard to find, I know, they should have made it easier to figure out. 2011-11-08T07:53:00-05:00 Scobleizer
good point! I was hoping that they were gonna roll out fixes at the same time they rolled out brand pages. 2011-11-08T07:46:00-05:00 Scobleizer
This is a new rant about features that didn't exist before yesterday. Stop being lame. 2011-11-08T07:34:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Heck, you are absolutely right! This is one place an API is desperately needed. 2011-11-08T07:23:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, and I didn't even discuss the lack of branding and differentiation. Every brand page and post looks like every other brand page and post. Very boring and very non-interesting for brands.  2011-11-08T07:22:00-05:00 Scobleizer
People hate advertising? Really? That's why we watch the Superbowl. Come on, dude, we love advertising if it's done well. 2011-11-04T00:52:00-05:00 Scobleizer
I find it interesting that it took just a few minutes for both Fred to show up in the comments here (Dave wrote back on Twitter). This is even better than email!

Oh, and over on https://plus.google.com/111091089527727420853/posts/Z2dcuZM3wwE Google+ there's more comments than there are here.
2011-10-30T19:32:00-05:00 Scobleizer
You missed a LOT. The biggest corporate fight of the decade is happening between Google and Facebook. It's fun to be inside the black holes of those two companies. But every now and again I should pop out for a fresh view!  2011-10-30T19:30:00-05:00 Scobleizer
That's right. 2011-10-06T13:09:00-05:00 Scobleizer
Did you watch the video? 2011-09-23T03:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry about that. The correct video is now up. 2011-09-15T05:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry about that. The correct video is now up. 2011-09-15T05:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry about that. The correct video is now up. 2011-09-15T05:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry about that. The correct video is now up. 2011-09-15T05:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Private circles gives you control over a lot. But, yes, this is a big issue. 2011-09-11T18:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm already willing to give those things over to them if I get something in return.

RFID not needed though. I already carry around my phone and I already share my location with Google (and many people).
2011-09-11T18:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup. Now you know why I left my blog pretty vacant for the past two months. 2011-09-11T18:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can't. You will be locked out of the system unless you make a fake identity (which is pretty easy, actually) that fits into their rules. Just call yourself "Jeff Smith" and be done with it. No one will be able to prove that's not your name. 2011-09-11T18:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, that is true. Where would you take it? 2011-09-11T17:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd rather just use Google+ or a Facebook page. But, yeah, BlogFrog has me interested. Depends on how interactive your comments are. 2011-09-03T03:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
:-) 2011-08-22T08:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, if they happen to have $4billion lying around then that would be interesting to see. But this won't give them escape velocity. webOS is dead and no amount of Chinese companies will save it. It might give a company like HTC, though, it's own pile of patents to use at the negotiating table, which would be useful, and they actually could use the hardware engineers, I'm sure. The OS engineers? I don't see a play there. 2011-08-21T18:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No, I don't believe that you read me right or at least you haven't been following me around. There's a reason I use mostly Apple equipment. It has far fewer bugs than stuff from other companies. That's implicit here, but doesn't remove the value of the patents or the engineers (many of whom worked at Apple where they built the iPhone/iOS). 2011-08-21T17:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually they are quite happy that now we have another channel to talk to 115,000 people without paying advertising costs. But maybe you'd like to talk to my boss about the value they are getting out of me? I'd be happy to connect you. 2011-08-21T16:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a big charge. Can you explain more? 2011-08-21T16:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It lets you post higher resolution photos than on Facebook.
It gets you more SEO juice than Facebook posts do.
You can post much longer items than Facebook lets you.
Videos are much cooler and much tightly integrated into YouTube than Facebook lets you.
Groups/lists (er, circles) are built in from the beginning, not bolted on like they were in Facebook.
It's integrated right into Gmail which Facebook never will be.

For a comparison to Twitter add all these things on, plus add on that you aren't limited to 140 characters and people are forced to use their real names.
2011-08-19T15:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yikes, thanks for correcting me on that. 2011-08-19T15:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh, Google+'s Hangout does multi-party video chats, though. For free. Not too shabby! Skype does that but you gotta pay. 2011-08-04T19:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
All you have to do is add everyone to a single circle and then it is as easy as Twitter. 2011-07-18T17:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, what made Henry Ford are the same things. Today's cars are far more complex and are much more enjoyable to drive than the Model A that made Ford a household name. Times change and it's time for Twitter to change too. 2011-07-18T12:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes and it isn't impossible. 2011-07-18T11:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have no choice to see spam in @ replies or search results. I follow 32,000. Why don't you? 2011-07-18T03:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hahaha! 2011-07-18T03:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, glad to have you back! 2011-07-11T07:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, it didn't work for me a couple of times yesterday while FourSquare did everytime! 2011-07-11T04:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My Disney trip was not paid. 2011-07-11T04:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you think Foursquare is about a mayorship competition you haven't really studied Foursquare much. For me it's all about the tips. They are incredible and help me have a better experience where I am. 2011-07-10T22:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Absolutely! All my photos are in the public domain anyway. Thanks! 2011-07-10T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never said I want the same UX. Stop putting words in my mouth. I want the same filtering, though. Er, search and sifting. 2011-07-02T17:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can use DataSift.com. here's a video on how that works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7aiKaCi8O8 2011-07-02T16:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, turn it around. When the VCs start talking about work (they will) can you only see the cool life pictures in that group? No. WHy not? There's no noise controls. 2011-07-02T16:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Even if you follow just five of your closest friends you will want noise control. I can't stand when my friends start talking politics, for instance. I'd like to sift those items out of my feed. 2011-07-02T16:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Even if you follow just five of your closest friends you will want noise control. I can't stand when my friends start talking politics, for instance. I'd like to sift those items out of my feed. 2011-07-02T16:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly! Only it gets worse when normal non techie friends get to Google+. Way worse! 2011-07-02T16:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And on Twitter I can use DataSift to search through that list and look for ONLY items that have Venture Capital in them. 2011-07-02T16:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And on Twitter I can use DataSift to search through that list and look for ONLY items that have Venture Capital in them. 2011-07-02T16:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
On Quora they are. On Twitter my VC list sees a LOT more VC related items. Why? Because that's the affordance of Twitter (it's for pimping your professional stuff). 2011-07-02T16:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
On Quora they are. On Twitter my VC list sees a LOT more VC related items. Why? Because that's the affordance of Twitter (it's for pimping your professional stuff). 2011-07-02T16:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Promotion=noise. :-) 2011-07-02T16:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bull. Over on Quora the same people discuss VC stuff all day long. What's different? Oh, yeah, Quora understands noise control. 2011-07-02T16:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Seth: that's bullshit. This thing is -- for all intents and purposes -- out now. It is NOT a private little beta and we MUST judge it on what they are shipping today. If I get search and sifting tomorrow we will rejudge the service. Until then it's not good enough for average people. 2011-07-02T16:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Those ties did not help Google Buzz and they won't help Google+ either. 2011-07-02T16:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, I have put a lot more hours in this car than the average person will put into Google+ in a month. So, yes, the new car smell wears off very quickly. 2011-07-02T16:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, I get that more than most people are giving me credit for! 2011-07-02T15:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It took me two years to convince my dad to get into Google. So, that works too. 2011-07-01T09:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, I didn't mention a whole raft of things, like the Android app which is very nice. 2011-07-01T08:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes. 2011-07-01T08:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My email is [email protected] and it's always been on my blog. 2011-07-01T08:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Of course. Implicit in this blog post is that your momma (IE average people) will be on this service soon enough, so we might as well enjoy this first weekend with just the tech passionate crowd on it. 2011-07-01T08:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Even God isn't perfect. After all, she or he designed California with its beautiful mountains and Yosemite and all that and then designed Nevada. I highly doubt anyone is gonna get fired at Apple because of what some blogger wrote either. That said, he did mess up pretty badly with the pros. Should have spent some time thinking about branding. 2011-06-26T05:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I drive like a madman in my Prius, and always go over a 2,000 foot mountain, too. I get 45mpg consistently, which is less than the stated, but the car is a lot nicer than a Mini in terms of space, etc. It's also twice what my BMW got and more than twice what our minivan (a Toyota Sienna) gets. 2011-06-26T05:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You should watch Steve Jobs talk to developers: http://almaer.com/blog/an-epic-conversation-between-steve-jobs-and-developers-from-wwdc-97 His #1 goal is to make great products. These three examples are NOT great product decisions. 2011-06-25T22:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Steve Jobs fired people when he came back for EXACTLY not making great products (which is how he setup Apple to be so successful today). These are NOT great products. And, I'll never apologize for asking for products to be perfect. That said, if I'm not doing the best job of learning about new technologies of anyone in the marketplace, I expect to get fired too. I work in an at-will state, where my boss can fire me for combing my hair the wrong way. That said, Time magazine named me one of the most influential twitterers out there, and Financial Times named me one of the top five most influential twitterers, I'm the most followed on Quora, I'm one of the top independent tech bloggers, etc etc so I must not be doing too much wrong. If you can make a case for me being fired, go ahead and make it. My boss is always listening at http://twitter.com/kr8tr and I'll be happy to give you his email and phone number too. 2011-06-25T22:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Apple has more money in the bank than any other company. They can make you quite a profitable offer! 2011-06-25T22:06:00+00:00 Scobleizer
EXACTLY! 2011-06-25T21:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Apple made a BIG deal about the new iMac supporting TWO external 27-inch monitors. That's why I bought it. What's worse is I already had a 24-inch monitor, but that one flickers. Yet another thing I'm arguing with Apple about, but that one I'm trying to get replaced since it's defective. 2011-06-25T05:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, I'm wrong then. I tried three different apps (Squrrl, ShowYou, and TED and they all behaved the same). 2011-06-25T05:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heheh. Depends on how you set the aspirational goal. The BMW was more fun to drive than the Prius. The Prius gets better milage, though. 2011-06-25T04:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. It's Friday night. Do I have to be serious all the time? 2011-06-25T04:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Depends on how you measure. My Toyota gets twice the gas milage of your BMW, which I sold you, remember? If it was so great I wouldn't have sold it. ;-) 2011-06-25T04:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I seriously doubt that anyone from Apple would comment on this. Unless I emailed Steve Jobs and even then it's only a 1/1000th chance he'd answer me, if that. 2011-06-25T04:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good point! 2011-06-25T04:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Dude, if I wrote a headline that said "things I'm slightly miffed at Apple for" would such a large response have happened? No way.

Amazing that you sold your monitor because of this, though! Did you see this solution: http://t.co/u41blmx
2011-06-25T03:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, I enjoy getting in the mud with fanbois. ;-) 2011-06-25T03:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Now THAT is a funny rumor! And, pray tell, what would Apple switch all of its developers over to if not Objective C? 2011-06-25T03:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, but a Yugo works fine too, but I far prefer owning a Toyota or, even better, a BMW. 2011-06-25T03:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, http://plizy.com/ solved this problem by making its own Airplay protocol (that uses the cloud). Why can a small developer solve the problem and Apple can't? 2011-06-25T03:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, http://plizy.com/ solved this problem by making its own Airplay protocol (that uses the cloud). Why can a small developer solve the problem and Apple can't? 2011-06-25T03:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree. Microsoft had tablets on the market in 2001. If they had done their job well the iPad would never have existed. 2011-06-25T03:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The new iMac is designed for three monitors. The fact that the three don't match up is lame. 2011-06-25T03:06:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sure! 2011-06-25T03:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What app are you using for porn? ;-) 2011-06-25T02:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I just bought Ergotron Arms. That is even a better way to solve the problem. 2011-06-25T02:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The first thing Steve Jobs did when he came back was fired idiots who weren't working to make Apple great. That BOTH instilled fear (and there IS fear at Apple!) and also got rid of people who made stupid decisions, which made making good decisions a LOT easier! 2011-06-25T02:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
All the videos we put up at http://building43.com are edited and use two cameras. 2011-06-25T02:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True enough. I never owned Final Cut Pro before (we bought it for my producer) now we own two copies, one for him one for me. 2011-06-25T02:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That is the lamest justification I've ever heard. Sounds like the kinds of excuses that lead to horrible design decisions all the time, including this one. 2011-06-25T02:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hah! Still has an optical drive, though. Come to think of it the old Steve Jobs would have gotten rid of that and said "upgrade it over wifi." 2011-06-25T02:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I'm solving the monitor problem by using Ergotron arms and mounting the cinema displays vertically, it's just that it's pretty lame for two teams not to communicate about these things, especially for a company that cares so deeply about design, like Apple does.

I do use Final Cut Pro. I actually like it because for me it's an upgrade to iMovie (which is what I use), but that's not who Final Cut Pro is marketed toward.
2011-06-25T02:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I personally like Klout's model of showing everyone's data. It IS user friendly. Especially for Twitter, where EVERYONE'S DATA IS PUBLIC! 2011-06-25T02:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are absolutely wrong there. Windows 8 won't have many good apps that are designed for the ground up for touch. That's ALWAYS been the problem with the Windows tablet strategy. Look at Excel. It looks like, and works like crap on Windows 8. 2011-06-25T02:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a $1,000 penalty over just buying a Cinema display. 2011-06-25T02:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Steve Jobs has fired people for far less. It's why Apple is what it is today. I know one guy who was fired after he couldn't answer this question very well "how are you going to make Apple great?"

As for Slicehost I can't comment much on that but the way it was decided on and communicated pissed off a lot of people, both inside and outside the company.

One last thing for you to think about: sometimes getting fired isn't the worst punishment possible and, yes, it's a bit of hyperbole. That's why I marked this as a "weekend bitchmeme."

Speaking of which, if I really wanted to fire these folks I'd take my business elsewhere and I haven't yet. It's the customer who really decides whether people get fired or not. No customers and no one has a job anyway.
2011-06-25T02:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Why release an incomplete product to the market? That's like BMW shipping a car without wheels. "Oh, sorry, we decided to ship the car now, but you'll have to pick up your wheels in a month." Very lame decision, personally. 2011-06-25T02:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, that was a single mistake that anyone could make. These products were thoughtfully designed by teams of people. Not the same thing. 2011-06-25T02:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They should never have released without it. FinalCutPro was a brand aimed at professional video editors. This is a toy. 2011-06-25T02:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, give me a break! Everyone knows when you use Twitter your data is public and usable by developers. If they don't they should have their heads examined. 2011-06-25T02:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I will probably do some more interviews on this.

Every source has color and for times when you only have black and white text on screen, the light off of this one is whiter and cleaner anyway.

Name a display that has deep color. I was at CES. In the LG booth there were some prototypes. They were using Nanosys' technology. I didn't see any other examples.

These guys are wholly focused on displays, not on other kinds of lights. Not sure there are implications there. Maybe.
2011-06-25T02:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I did ask off camera about ARM. Intel made them a custom chip. They said they could switch over to ARM without much trouble. 2011-06-25T02:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Absolutely wrong question. And, anyway, there is a Twitter app on WP7 and it totally sucks when compared to the iOS version. So, what good would making a list of apps be anyway? 2011-06-25T02:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Huh? Explain that one further. I've followed 32,000 people on Twitter. How does that compromise any of us? 2011-06-25T02:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Open the TED app. Play a video. Now click the Airplay button and push it to your Apple TV. Now, what if you want to open a different video on your iPad. After all the first video is playing on your big screen, why shouldn't you be able to poke around more on your iPad? Or, better yet, why shouldn't you be able to open up the Twitter app and read tweets while watching the video on your big screen? You can't. Of course I solved this by buying two iPads. Your milage may vary. 2011-06-25T02:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Of course! That's why I buy mostly Apple stuff and why I expect more from Apple than I expect from anything running Windows. 2011-06-25T02:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hey, if you buy a BMW and the doors don't line up... 2011-06-25T02:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The apps will generate over $250 million in mobile revenue this year, Kleiner says. 2011-06-24T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not much important, but now I'll start leaving secret messages on it just for you! :-) 2011-06-24T18:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree. HDTV didn't impact the world? Really? I totally disagree. The displays we have let us communicate better with each other. 2011-06-24T15:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I keep hearing that one is coming but wouldn't be shocked to hear it was next year. 2011-06-24T05:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are totally wrong. You are not seeing the real image. 2011-06-24T03:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No, I didn't know to ask! 2011-06-23T18:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, every source I have over in China is saying a high res screen is coming. 2011-06-23T18:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You will be instantly able to pick displays out that have this technology. Believe me. 2011-06-23T18:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes. Airplay lets you watch a video on your Tablet. If you then want to watch it on your big screen, you hit a button and push it to your big screen with an Apple TV attached. Every tablet should have that feature because it's revolutionary. Android doesn't yet have it, but Vizio is working on it. 2011-06-23T17:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes. Airplay lets you watch a video on your Tablet. If you then want to watch it on your big screen, you hit a button and push it to your big screen with an Apple TV attached. Every tablet should have that feature because it's revolutionary. Android doesn't yet have it, but Vizio is working on it. 2011-06-23T17:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree about the Apple point. It's provably wrong. Why do I say that? Because I have a Windows Phone 7 which has a provably better user interface/interaction model with no apps. It sucks, even though the UI is much nicer than that on my iPhone. Apple's magic is that they changed the market and made developers hot and bothered. I'm sticking with Apple BECAUSE the developers are. If every developer kept coming to my house showing me killer WP7 apps you better believe me I'd switch to that. 2011-06-23T16:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, and Foursquare worked wonderfully for me in Paris, Munich, and Geneva. So I have no idea what you are talking about. I even used Foodspotting and found many wonderful food photos. Finally, you guys have Spotify for music which is taking Europe by storm. 2011-06-23T15:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bullshit. I've been in Europe three times in the past six months. While speaking at LIFT I asked everyone what phones they use. They were more iPhone specific than most American conferences I speak at. And riding the subway in Paris, or taking a train in Switzerland, shows people are using just as many apps as they do in San Francisco. 2011-06-23T15:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You forget you stand in line with them for hours at a time in mostly shaded places where people CAN see their screens. You also forget that on Mainstreet you are standing with thousands of people waiting for parades. You also forget that the park is open until midnight, when there is no sun. 2011-06-23T15:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've slowed down buying them too, but if you really are only using 10 or 12 regularly you aren't trying very hard.  2011-06-23T04:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Try 500,000 apps available for iOS and 300,000 for Android. Whew! Too many apps! But, you are exactly right.

I remember when people would say "can we get rid of 10% of the features in Excel so that it won't be so bloated and take so much hard drive space and RAM?" Well, each feature was used by hundreds of thousands of people even if you only used 10%. So, no, can't get rid of them.

This is why apps are so important. I might have an app on my phone where I'm the only user, but that makes the device invaluable for me.
2011-06-23T04:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have a Xoom and the apps suck on it. Maybe you should have bought an iPad, which has MUCH better applications available for it. 2011-06-23T03:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I deleted more than 150 apps recently as part of my spring cleaning. I grok that, but the list I posted to Quora has really useful apps. What's interesting is that is the head of the tail and represents only a very small portion of the apps available. Who am I to tell you that your banking app isn't useful? Or that your stock trading one isn't. Or that the app to help you do math homework isn't, etc. It is ridiculous on its face to say that all we need is 10 apps. 2011-06-23T03:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I met him over in Europe several times. He is a true-green Fandroid. Gotta love the fans on both sides of the fence! If they weren't there this all would be boring. 2011-06-17T18:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't go anywhere near that. Just that there will be sizeable gains in marketshare percentage. 2011-06-17T01:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Now that's an interesting point! So, Google's profitability will be low on tablets. I agree. 2011-06-16T17:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Now that's an interesting point! So, Google's profitability will be low on tablets. I agree. 2011-06-16T17:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, the Vizio tablet is a 4:3 screen. So, do your own fact checking too! 2011-06-16T17:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, the Vizio tablet is a 4:3 screen. So, do your own fact checking too! 2011-06-16T17:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. Look back over the past few months and I've been arguing that all that matters is apps. Those are also fun conversations to read back on. 2011-06-16T17:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. Look back over the past few months and I've been arguing that all that matters is apps. Those are also fun conversations to read back on. 2011-06-16T17:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Cuban cigars, actually. 2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Cuban cigars, actually. 2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
So, explain to me why Android sells more phones than iOS does.  2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
So, explain to me why Android sells more phones than iOS does.  2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I see businesses buying a lot of Android phones lately. Your (and my) arguments that Apple stuff is better doesn't matter to the bean counters. 2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I see businesses buying a lot of Android phones lately. Your (and my) arguments that Apple stuff is better doesn't matter to the bean counters. 2011-06-16T17:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree with that. 2011-06-16T17:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree with that. 2011-06-16T17:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
All that might be true, but explain to me one thing: why did Android phones take off? I've been asking people who own Android and one of the common reasons they give is that it's $200 less than an iPhone. 2011-06-16T17:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
All that might be true, but explain to me one thing: why did Android phones take off? I've been asking people who own Android and one of the common reasons they give is that it's $200 less than an iPhone. 2011-06-16T17:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No apps, no sale. It's as simple as that for me. I have Android tablets and they just don't do as much as the iPad does (and they do it with less style). But, Android phones taught me there are a lot of consumers out there who care about nothing more than price. 2011-06-16T17:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No apps, no sale. It's as simple as that for me. I have Android tablets and they just don't do as much as the iPad does (and they do it with less style). But, Android phones taught me there are a lot of consumers out there who care about nothing more than price. 2011-06-16T17:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
There are many killer iPad apps. Here's a list of some of them (I need to update it because a bunch more have come out lately): http://www.quora.com/iPad/What-are-the-must-have-iPad-apps-Why?q=Must+have+ipad+apps 2011-06-16T17:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
There are many killer iPad apps. Here's a list of some of them (I need to update it because a bunch more have come out lately): http://www.quora.com/iPad/What-are-the-must-have-iPad-apps-Why?q=Must+have+ipad+apps 2011-06-16T17:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have a new 65-inch Vizio TV and I disagree. It's a great TV for the price ($3,000). Yes, there are better ones out there, but they cost a LOT more! I guess you could argue that Toyota makes a crappy car when compared to BMW too. 2011-06-16T17:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Why limit themselves? I just spoke at IdeaLab today. They are NOT developing any Windows Phone 7 apps. Why not? Limited resources. And this is one of the best funded incubators in the world. Google them. 2011-06-11T07:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Dude, I have a WP7 device and I'm trying out every app people are recommending to me. The apps aren't nearly as good quality as on iOS or Android. Get your facts straight. 2011-06-11T07:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have been to Europe three times in past six months. There the iOS bias is even more than here. 2011-06-10T15:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Now, let's go through the app quality. I have my WP7 phone filled with apps but they suck when compared to iOS versions generally. Especially the biggies like Twitter and Foursquare. 2011-06-10T15:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It isn't only the Finns. Most of the pro developers are ignoring WP7. 2011-06-10T15:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Android gave free phones to thousands of developers and beat Microsoft to market by two years. They also got sales by deals with carriers, who needed a competitor to Apple. That door is no longer open which is why Microsoft's sales are sucking. 2011-06-10T01:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you think WP7 is close to having enough apps you haven't tried out many of these: http://www.quora.com/iPhone-Applications/What-are-the-must-have-iPhone-apps-Why?q=Must+have+ 2011-06-10T01:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree with that logic. Most of the app value is in long tail. 2011-06-10T00:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly, and it's the long tail of apps that will really roar. You telling me Microsoft is going to pay my bank to deliver an app? No way. 2011-06-09T19:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Most of the apps I've seen have been built by .NET types who are playing around. NOT professional developers. Plus, growing quickly is saying nothing. They only have around 20,000 apps. Apple has 500,000 and the ones I've compared head-to-head aren't close to the same quality as those on iOS. 2011-06-09T19:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, it's willpower. I agree. I don't have much. 2011-06-05T21:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Twitter's Macintosh app. You get it from the Mac app store. 2011-06-05T21:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually their datacenter is about as noisy as any other. 2011-06-05T21:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, because these folks do no live in SV. Thanks for playing. By the way, it matches what I'm hearing from developers in Mexico, Israel, China, and elsewhere. 2011-06-03T13:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never like when companies or fans hope that the stupidity of their customers will stay in place. Why, in a global market, would customers in Brazil behave any differently than those in San Francisco? Hint: they won't. Nokia and Microsoft are in a deep hole. Will they get out? Not until they get developers on track and they are not (even in Brazil, I talk with best companies there often too). 2011-06-03T06:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good points! 2011-06-03T06:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
99% of my blog is interviews with tech execs. The fact that you stopped reading because you don't like the occassional opinions posted here says far more about you than it says about me. Plus, you aren't listening. The developers HATE your system! You sure sound like a Microsoft employee. 2011-06-03T06:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I just tried Netflix compared to iOS and the iOS started faster, started playing faster, and looked better when it was playing. Try again. 2011-06-02T08:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good point. But, I say, take ownership of the term and then others can't use it against us. 2011-06-02T07:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, I'm using the IMDB app now, and it only got four stars on WP7's marketplace. Most of Apple and Google's top apps garner five. 2011-06-02T07:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Every single one of the developers I talked with is an Xbox Live user too. That's why my idea of going completely with an Xbox brand resonated with them. 2011-06-02T07:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sigh. The world moves faster today than it did three years ago. So, the comparison isn't appt. It also isn't resonating with developers on the ground. The Finnish ones aren't alone. The apps I've seen aren't as good as the ones on iOS, so I have no idea why you think they are so great. What are the best five apps on WP7 in your opinion? I'd like to see those. 2011-06-02T07:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I haven't seen a notification, but if it comes via email I turned all those off anyway. 2011-06-02T07:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
yeah, you like my studio's arrangement? More improvements coming soon. I like it a lot more. 

Unfortunately people love numbers and Klout has an interesting number. Plus it's big and orange. :-) Game away! 
2011-06-02T06:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
We'll see. I think you are smoking something good in that pipe and you also aren't admitting that Apple will have a new release out soon, and that Google is working on updates every quarter too. So, when will we see that super duper Nokia/WP7 phone? Next year, right? And when will it have apps? Next year? No way. Sorry, devs are gonna wait to see if it sells. 2011-06-02T06:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, that doesn't fly. Zagat's developer told me Windows Phone 7 doesn't even register (and they have one of the better apps for WP7). Stories like that get around and developers learn quickly that they better stay on platforms that have the "heavy app" users.

Here's a hint: out of the 23 apps I saw at, or around, SXSW, none were on WP7 and only two were on Android (of course everyone says "we're porting to Android" but they all start on iOS). Why is that? Because that's where the users are who BUY APPS and who TRY NEW THINGS!
2011-06-02T06:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They are businesspeople. I called them fanboys because they know that Apple users are more likely to buy apps, which funds their businesses. So far no one has shown them a way to build a better business. And, you guys better get a clue. This is being repeated by developers world wide. Look at Techcrunch Disrupt. Did you see a single app demoed on WP7? I didn't and I was watching for it. 2011-06-02T06:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I should have disclosed that. Makes the indictment even worse, actually. 2011-06-02T06:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Andrew: that's because most people are using crappy Feature Phones. Of course when you put something shiny in their hands they are impressed. I am impressed a lot about WP7's home screen. But, sorry, it falls down in a lot of other areas. Big time. 2011-06-02T06:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, normal people want to meet Ashton. You sound like a Silicon Valley developer who hasn't developed anything for the mainstream yet. 2011-06-02T05:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
We talked a lot about HTML 5. Quick answer: no. Long answer? They will use HTML 5 in their apps to make development easier, but they all want to get access to the app stores on Apple and Google devices. That's where the action is, they said, and HTML 5 alone does not get them there. So, no, HTML 5 alone isn't going to be enough. Windows 8 is gonna struggle to enthuse these new developers (none of whom live in Silicon Valley, by the way). 2011-06-02T05:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Really? Then explain why 1,000 showed up to his conference. Why are anonymous people always assholes?  2011-06-01T02:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Me too and I can't wait for that to happen. I really hate Ustream. 2011-06-01T02:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Zuckerberg might be taking over by then. ;-) 2011-06-01T01:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I stopped reading at "Granted not for the average consumer." Thanks. :-) 2011-06-01T01:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ouch! 2011-06-01T01:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Android isn't winning in all the numbers. Profitability? Nope. Apps used per device? Nope. App startups supporting it? Nope. etc etc etc. 2011-06-01T01:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Using my iPad and the TED app, or many other apps (MLB, ShowYou, etc) I can click a button and it instantly starts playing on my Apple TV. No other system can do that. Plus, it only costs $99. The Google TV (and I have one of those, Boxee Box, Roku, and a few others) cost me almost $300 and doesn't do what I want. Apple TV is going to be a major winner because of its hooks with iOS. Google has nothing like it.

Yeah, they can either listen to me today and buy small companies when they are affordable, or they can do what BIll Gates and team did: ignore me and pay billions more later. 

I went to Google IO and it fell flat for me and many others.
2011-06-01T00:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't realize I could live stream on YouTube. Seems Justin.tv and Ustream, among others, are ahead here. 

But, yeah, YouTube is my favorite video upload and streaming site, it's just that it's not the most innovative one out there.
2011-06-01T00:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Energy and healthcare are two HUGE areas, but hard to get excited about. We only care about these two topics when hard times hit. 2011-06-01T00:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, sorry, just trying to get back into writing some opinion pieces. Doing too much video only lately. 2011-06-01T00:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, last I checked Internet businesses needed roads to ship products to consumers, needed smart people who make money to buy them, needed Internet lines to get orders on, etc etc. Seems they get lots of benefits that taxes would pay for. 2011-05-27T04:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Translation: I left California for Nevada because there's no income tax there. ;-) 2011-05-26T22:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you buy stuff online, and don't pay sales tax, that's a HUGE subsidy for Internet businesses that definitely hurt Walmart, Target, or BestBuy.

Amazon is against sales taxes. They are benefiting from this subsidy.
2011-05-26T22:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The customers who have implemented them say it has greatly increased speed. So, why not just try them and see what happens? 2011-05-25T16:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Chris: I agree with you. I still try Path from time to time, but can't use it for the use case they are selling. Plus, most of my friends and family aren't on iPhones. Hell, Louis Gray? Android. My brother? Blackberry. Best friend Luke? Palm. My dad? A no-name feature phone. And so on and so forth. 2011-05-25T13:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't buy the Prius for lower emmissions or the environment. I did it to save money on gas. And that it does very well. 2011-05-25T13:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I would love that! 2011-05-23T18:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Honestly, do you remember what you ate on Thursday last week? I don't. Why would I? What apps like these really let you see is your life in patterns. 2011-05-23T16:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, especially on the networking one, although I started to get it eventually and it is, indeed, pretty mindblowing if you think about it. Pretty interesting stuff! 2011-05-17T17:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you think that's the same, I got a nice bridge to sell you in San Francisco. Office and Sharepoint is hardly the best-of-breed example in collaborative work space. 2011-05-17T15:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
 Yup, that still is a legitimate fear. 2011-05-17T14:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
 Awesome, I missed your link, I was watching Twitter for other VMware links from this morning. 2011-05-17T14:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Apple TV uses the Internet. Works great as an add-on to my DirectTV system. 2011-05-16T16:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They have lots of smaller datacenters inside bigger colo spaces, but they are building several like this one. I believe the next will be in North Carolina. 2011-05-12T22:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You might miss that I travel a LOT (I'm going to Omaha right now, will check out the apps again there). 2011-05-11T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's the Twitter Macintosh app. You can get it in the OSX app store. 2011-05-08T01:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's the Twitter app for Macintosh. Available in the OSX app store. 2011-05-06T15:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, if you are frustrated it's because you don't see what's happened to the market lately. We didn't talk about Osama's death on Sunday night on RSS. We talked about it on Twitter.

Twitter has become the way we distribute news and information and I see it and systems that want to compete with Flipboard better take that head on. Feedly is very cool, but it's reliance on RSS leaves it out of the game, me thinks. Flipboard does BOTH RSS and Twitter (and Facebook too) and that makes it a superior product in many ways.

I won't apologize for being hard on Edwin about this issue. The market is wondering why Feedly matters in the world with Flipboard in it (which just got $50 million, so is a hyper-well-funded competitor) and those questions were aimed at specifically that.
2011-05-04T13:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wrong. Tweets regularly include URLs to long-form information. Flipboard proves just how wrong you are and Feedly now has to compete with Flipboard. It's not just an RSS world anymore and people who say that only RSS has long-form information are, well, uninformed. 2011-05-04T13:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, sometimes the best ones aren't planned at all. 2011-05-03T12:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They don't even need to know your password, by the way. Just the signal strength of your wifi network. 2011-05-02T18:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I hardly see Microsoft as a direct competitor of Rackspace and I'm very clear about where I work. Heck, I used to work at Microsoft, I guess that even biases my reviews.

I totally disagree with you about Twitter, by the way. Lots of my personal friends and family watch me there too.
2011-04-27T09:06:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You're probably right! Yes, if Microsoft supported viewers everywhere it would make the point moot. We all need to support HTML and push the standards into places they aren't yet, like here. But your points are all good and agree that thoughtful writing here would better serve everyone. That said, it ain't on my iPad (proprietary or not) and that sucks. 2011-04-26T15:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bullshit. Flash and Silverlight are proprietary systems. We already have the web that isn't owned or controlled by one company. Even Microsoft's Windows 8 team realizes this and is going almost wholly with HTML 5 instead of building in Silverlight.

Steve Jobs is right not to support proprietary platforms from other companies.
2011-04-26T14:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wow. You aren't being bought and sold by "a company." You are being bought and sold "by us." In other words, your audience. Maybe if you have this kind of view you should avoid being online, because we're buying and selling you every day of the week by following or not following you or by retweeting or sharing what you say. By the way, other systems keep reputation scores, like Klout and PeerIndex. At least this one we can have some influence on by buying and selling you. 2011-04-26T14:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Occipital image is stored as a JPG on YFrog: http://yfrog.com/gymkdxij Viewable by any browser. 2011-04-25T08:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
When I have tried Autostitch it isn't nearly as nice to use as these newer apps. I'll give it another go. 2011-04-25T07:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
From what I'm hearing about Windows 8 is that it almost wholly bets on HTML 5 and NOT Silverlight. 2011-04-25T07:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I hear they are moving to that in a future version. Which is one reason I didn't hold it against them as much as I did when I first heard about the incompatibility with iPads, etc. 2011-04-25T06:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
One other thing. Over on iTunes I only have one vote. Here I have a FAR BIGGER stage. So, it's here that I need to be more careful but I'm going back over there to change my vote. If you expect me to always be consistent or careful, then I suggest not reading me. I'm human and switch my mind often as I use something and consider other angles. 2011-04-25T05:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
First impressions are useful too. There were hundreds of reviews in the first day. The question is, which is the better review? 2011-04-25T05:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not yet. 2011-04-25T05:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. I was really pissed I couldn't share on Twitter and couldn't view on iPad. Yeah, I'll update. 2011-04-25T05:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It was around 70 degrees, if I remember right. They said they are going to try to run at about 85 most of the time. It wasn't very cold, although the air outside was fairly cold that day. 2011-04-21T18:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
>Apple has not brought us a single technological innovation contrary to the myth and legend.

I don't remember a cell phone with a touch screen before the iPhone. Nokia? Nope. Windows Phone? Nope. RIM? Nope.

As far as Macs? My brother-in-law worked on the custom chips that are now in today's MacBookPros. They don't have totally standard stuff, but, yeah, most of it is stuff that came over from PCs, like Intel processors, etc. So?

You have no clue about supply chains. I've been in one. Apple's line is right next to PC's lines, but the Apple one has more workers on it, more equipment to ensure better quality, and extra steps to make sure the design is best-of-breed. I don't remember seeing uni-bodies on PCs. Only Macs.

It doesn't matter, though. Silicon Valley has spoken. We're using Macs. There is a reason for that. They work better.
2011-04-18T04:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd disagree there. I worked at Microsoft and we knew that much of the PC hardware had crappy drivers. In fact, word on campus got around quickly to avoid certain brands, like Sony's laptops, that had lots of driver problems. I've never seen problems with Apple's drivers. They test them a lot more.

Also, I disagree that the hardware is the same. We visited Seagate's harddrive factory in China and Apple had a separate line that had more tests performed on it. IE, the quality of hard drives that Apple got was higher than the quality of drives that everyone else got.
2011-04-17T16:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree. First of all there isn't anything around the town except for farms. So the impact of a huge building is minimal. Second of all, it brought TONS of construction jobs and money to the town. Third of all you now know about Prineville, you would never have heard about this town otherwise. Fourth of all the hotels and restaurants in town say their business has started going up for the first time in years. Fifth, the jobs at the datacenter pay at least 150% of other jobs in town. Sixth, there will be a constant stream of visitors to this location, both Facebook employees who need to work on various hardware, but also other visitors, they will add money into the local economy. Seventh, I bet that over the next five years several other companies locate their datacenters here. Why? Facebook already did the hard work to prove the location is great. Which will bring more construction jobs, etc to the area. 2011-04-17T16:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Because my DSLR is in the shop. The audio board broke on it. 2011-04-17T16:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
By the way, both my Verizon and AT&T iPhones worked fine in the datacenter (which is funny because they don't work in downtown San Francisco), so electrical noise sure isn't a big deal to those. If it exists at all. And I doubt you're right about not grounding them. How can you figure that out from the photos? 2011-04-17T01:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
There isn't much around there for at least 30 miles, so I doubt the electrical noise is a big deal. 2011-04-17T01:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Each server can have 384gb of memory: http://opencompute.org/specs/Open_Compute_Project_AMD_Motherboard_v1.0.pdf So, I bet some of these things are loaded with SSD. 2011-04-16T09:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Each server has a Seagate hard drive in it. I'm not sure if there are some computers that have lots of SSD in them. I'll try to find out. Look at OpenCompute, though, and they share their specs for the computers. 2011-04-16T09:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's hard to know because Microsoft and Google don't share their latest numbers. 2011-04-16T09:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, they are a little harder to do than a normal photo, but are so good in places like these. It's really difficult to share the scale of a building like this. Hopefully a bit of that came through. 2011-04-16T08:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, and keep in mind that Facebook has several datacenters around the world and more on the way. 2011-04-16T08:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
In hindsight that IS funny! :-) 2011-04-16T08:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Execs from Google and Microsoft were touring today and they didn't argue with the claim. Also, Facebook made that claim over and over a week ago and no one reputed it. So, it stands. 2011-04-16T07:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Of course! They also have everything stored on other datacenters as well and have contingency plans in case the entire datacenter goes down. 2011-04-16T07:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It was even cooler being there in real life. The thing is massive. Sure shows that Facebook is a real company and not just a fly-by-night startup! :-) 2011-04-16T07:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It was even cooler being there in real life. The thing is massive. Sure shows that Facebook is a real company and not just a fly-by-night startup! :-) 2011-04-16T07:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It was even cooler being there in real life. The thing is massive. Sure shows that Facebook is a real company and not just a fly-by-night startup! :-) 2011-04-16T07:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It was even cooler being there in real life. The thing is massive. Sure shows that Facebook is a real company and not just a fly-by-night startup! :-) 2011-04-16T07:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't realize that only developers did "work." Here's what I do at Rackspace: http://www.quora.com/What-does-Robert-Scoble-do-at-Rackspace?q=Rackspace+Scoble

I wasn't forced to resign. I wasn't fired. Talk to Jeff Sandquist. You are libeling me and that makes you a non-famous idiot, or, worse, criminal.
2011-04-15T16:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's very clear you haven't really used any apps. That's where the differentiation between iPhone and iPad is VERY clear. 2011-04-15T15:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
By the way, I was NOT fired from Microsoft. In fact they tried very hard to keep me and, even, gave me a huge raise as I was walking out the door. They've tried several times to hire me back, too. But I guess accuracy isn't your strong point. Contact my former boss Jeff Sandquist to learn the truth. He's @jeffsand on Twitter. 2011-04-15T14:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are an idiot. While working at Microsoft I often cheerleaded Apple or Google. I don't work in the industry? I work for Rackspace which hosts more Websites than anyone else. That's the industry. You have no clue what work I do. Especially if you think I'm a cheerleader. Geesh. 2011-04-15T14:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks! You can't deny the impact of those pictures, can you? The Computer History Museum is filled with companies that used to have lots of market share. Or, just ask Nokia whether market share matters. It doesn't. 2011-04-15T14:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't censor your comment. 2011-04-15T14:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Works on iPad is all it takes for me. No other device gets used on my couch anymore. 2011-04-13T19:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
VMware didn't call it that. I did. 2011-04-13T16:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Only Facebook started somewhere else and moved here later (of the ones I mentioned). 2011-04-13T15:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The iPad affords video. I never use PCs in my living room. Thanks for playing. Why didn't Microsoft show this to me? Or explain how cool it is? I'll never get Microsoft marketing. They have so much cool stuff to tell the world about and they squander it (I felt the same way when I worked there and we WERE the tablet leaders back then). 2011-04-13T15:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The future is already here, it just isn't evenly distributed. Yeah, I stole that quote from someone, but, yeah, enterprise developers will be locked in the 1990s for a while still. 2011-04-13T15:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are so clueless it isn't even funny. I've seen musicians use them to run concerts. Adobe is shipping Photoshop on them. I've seen artists create amazing stuff with them. Video editing on them is getting better and better (it would serve my needs if it could deal with the video formats off of my camera). And on and on and on. 65,000 apps and even if only 5% are anything interesting that's still more apps than you can figure out how to use. 2011-04-13T15:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's true, good point. 2011-04-13T15:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have these devices in my home:

1. Xbox.
2. Playstation.
3. Roku.
4. Boxee.
5. AppleTV.

I don't remember seeing DNLA on any of those and if it's there no one showed me a use case for it before Apple. The iPad is HUGELY important here.
2011-04-13T15:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
RSS is a de-facto standard that any developer can use. That doesn't mean it's open. Dave Winer controls it.

You are nuts. Totally nuts. Apple has handed developers MORE THAN TWO BILLION DOLLARS so far to develop on its "closed" iOS system. Seems like developers, especially pro ones, are going to town with Apple. They will with AirPlay too. Already developers like MobileRhoadie and a significant baseball app have gone with AirPlay. Not to mention TED, which is watched by hundreds of millions of people. I guess those aren't "sensible long term thinking developers." What arrogance on your part.
2011-04-13T14:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You need to read yesterday's blog post: http://scobleizer.com/2011/04/12/does-anyone-in-silicon-valley-care-about-windows-anymore/

The world is going Apple all the time everywhere. Most of my friends are already buying Apple TVs. Why? $99 and it uses AirPlay.

This game is gonna end very quickly due to the ubiquitous nature of iPad.

But, yes, I do want to see the protocol licensed to other players. It makes more sense than spending $299 for a Google TV.
2011-04-13T14:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No. Well, except we care about Google. Or Facebook. Or Yahoo. Or Apple. Or Twitter. Or Wordpress. Or or or or or or. 2011-04-13T14:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
When it comes to software I've learned to stop betting against developers. I bet it can be done, I just don't know how easy it will be to do it. 2011-04-13T14:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
RSS was NOT open, by the way. It was largely controlled first by Netscape and later by Dave Winer. It was a standard that was made popular by Dave Winer and his company UserLand. It became a defacto standard because everyone started using it. The same way people are already starting to adopt AirPlay (thanks Rob Mitchell for the Lifehacker links that demonstrate such). 2011-04-13T14:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It didn't have the iPad to start on. 2011-04-13T14:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, my Dell laptop has had more internal problems than any of my Macs. So much for internals. 2011-04-13T00:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Probably a lot. Why? Because of the same reason my brother had a Blackberry: his company was paying for it and didn't give him a choice. Now that he's laid off, he has an Android phone. 2011-04-13T00:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The only thing that bugs me is the way that the Mac maximizes and minimizes windows. But, personally, I have no trouble with Windows 7 either. Got one here myself. Put Chrome on it and it rocks! 2011-04-13T00:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
China is definitely a different market than anywhere else. Good point! 2011-04-13T00:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That resonates for me as to why Facebook is so Mac heavy. But VMWare is mostly old farts in that room. They aren't influenced by college kids. 2011-04-13T00:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ahh, I caught the wink at the end. I was halfway hoping you were serious and could tell me why. Sigh. 2011-04-13T00:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You made the best point so far. By far. 2011-04-12T23:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
See quietstorms. The iPad is the real disruption here. $500 "trouble free Apple computer." 2011-04-12T23:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
See quietstorms. The iPad is the real disruption here. $500 "trouble free Apple computer." 2011-04-12T23:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That sounds right to me. 2011-04-12T23:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, the place that FriendFeed was most popular with was Turkey. 2011-04-12T23:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, true. Schools are way behind and always have been. It's sad, but maybe smartphones will save us from crappy computing experiences in places like this. 2011-04-12T23:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, true. Schools are way behind and always have been. It's sad, but maybe smartphones will save us from crappy computing experiences in places like this. 2011-04-12T23:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, you're wrong. I was working at Visual Basic Programmer's Journal and saw the effect that Windows had. Did you know that much of Windows UI was developed on a Mac? Or that much of the software world was concentrated in Silicon Valley back then? The dominance the Valley had in technology back then was MUCH bigger than it is today and even the Mac Office team was located there (and provided much of the innovation for Windows versions of Office, which is really how Windows became dominant). Plus you forget the role of Adobe, et al. 2011-04-12T23:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Dead man walking? Almost every employee at Facebook uses Macs. Here, look at the Facebook team that did messaging: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/5179450270/ 2011-04-12T23:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I sold all my Microsoft stock a few weeks ago. I just don't believe in the company anymore and neither does anyone at VMWare (which IS enterprise!) 2011-04-12T23:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, sorry, that doesn't fly. LIFT only had three Californian's in attendance. That was in Geneva, Switzerland. 2011-04-12T23:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't see anything but OSX running, but I couldn't see every Mac screen.

Yes, when I fly I see all the Windows users. They almost are NEVER "tech passionate." It's very rare to find a tech passionate using Windows anymore outside of Microsoft MVP communities.

Again, I'm noticing the same thing happening in tech events around the world, even ones that only had three Silicon Valley types (like LIFT).
2011-04-12T23:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, and the thing is the other users are NOT driving the industry forward. You say they don't have any influence. I totally disagree. I've seen this play out before. I noticed the same "inside Silicon Valley users" switching to Windows in the early 1990s and the world followed them. Watch for the same to happen, especially if Windows 8 turns up to be a snooze (which is why Ballmer said today it's a very risky release for Microsoft).

I don't think the Mac vs. Windows debate matters much anymore, I think the far more interesting thing will be the iPad vs. everything debate.
2011-04-12T23:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
When I worked at Microsoft we used to say that the biggest competitor for Windows was old versions of Windows. Sad, too, since Windows 7 is much more secure and much nicer to use than Windows XP. 2011-04-12T23:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Excellent! Foodspotting might have shown you the better meal that was right around the corner. Yelp might have shown you that the place you ended up in actually had roaches found in the restaurant last week or that there is a much better reviewed place around the corner. Foursquare would have shown you tips, like the one I got in a restaurant in Atlanta "try the fried bacon," the tip said. It was right. My experience was even better.

The thing is, you don't know what you're missing. Ignorance is bliss.
2011-04-12T08:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've been on Foodspotting for almost a year now. Sorry, they had more photos even when I joined and more hype and better PR. When we compare services we can't go back to when the competitors were 0 day. That doesn't work, sorry, and I'm not going to let you slide it in here unchallenged. It's like saying "oh, we have a very cool eBay competitor with more features." Um no you don't. If you don't have users you don't have more features.

So, you've gotta convince me that it's worthwhile. And so far I don't see it. I'll keep trying it though but it isn't there today (and I looked at communities other than Half Moon Bay just to see if I'm smoking good dope. I'm not).
2011-04-12T08:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, my productivity apps at work look a lot like Facebook or Twitter (we're trying to decide between Jive, Saleforce Chatter, or Yammer). Even there Google loses. 2011-04-11T19:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. 2011-04-11T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Everyone has a Gary Vaynerchuk. Google will bring you to him anyway, his show is very popular (it's even on my gas pumps!)

And I disagree. If you've lived ANY life at all you know who on Facebook to ask about wine. Maybe it's a boss, maybe a friend at church, etc.
2011-04-11T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I just tried Chewsy based on your recommendation. There isn't a single review for Half Moon Bay. Totally not being used and TOTALLY not even close to as interesting as Foodspotting, sorry. Foodspotting isn't about reviews, it's about taking pictures of what you're eating and sharing those. I find so much great food by watching those photos and interacting with the folks who took them. 2011-04-11T17:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. Yeah, but that's why I do these videos so you can hear his philosophy. Maybe it'll be more useful in the future. I'll keep watching it, I think he's onto something. 2011-04-11T03:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
By the way, I'd LOVE to be able to separate my friends into two groups: those who love sushi and BBQ and those who don't. Even further then, I'd like to give extra powers to those who know how to recognize what great sushi and BBQ are. Those are the folks I'd trust. 2011-04-11T03:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm all into following professional time wasters! :-) 2011-04-11T03:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't take more photos on this trip, sorry. Was chasing my own kids around. ;-) 2011-04-11T01:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's NOT wrong. Most of Google is NOT YouTube and even YouTube could be much better at helping us waste time (longer videos, live videos, much better identity on comments to get rid of all the bad ones, etc).

YouTube's headquarters are separate from Google's headquarters. Culturally they are quite different companies. In fact, YouTube is one of the only Google acquisitions that didn't burp out their founders almost immediately.

The fact that you think that YouTube isn't the exception to the rule demonstrates that YOU don't get Google's culture and haven't studied it very closely.
2011-04-11T01:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can search and replace "wasting time" with "having better friend-influenced experiences." 2011-04-10T19:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can search and replace "wasting time" with "having better friend-influenced experiences." 2011-04-10T19:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can search and replace "wasting time" with "having better friend-influenced experiences." 2011-04-10T19:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can search and replace "wasting time" with "having better friend-influenced experiences." 2011-04-10T19:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree. Why? Because it helps me find better food on my next trip and helps me see eating patterns which are negative (if I want to change). Plus, it's a game and it helps me more efficiently waste time. Once you start using Foodspotting you realize it's far better than Yelp or Google at finding interesting things to eat. 2011-04-10T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I was the only media person given this first look, though. 2011-04-08T07:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I can't do that. I can only share certain dates and places. 2011-04-03T13:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No. It was a private discussion. 2011-04-03T04:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They are not a Rackspace customer and I was not paid by them. Have you sent me email about your app? [email protected] 2011-04-03T04:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You discover photos taken by people who were near you. Benefit? See the world near you in a new way. 2011-04-02T23:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What is the pain Angry Birds solves. Sometimes an app just needs to be fun! 2011-04-02T02:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Julio is right. They record a fingerprint of the audio in the room, not actual audio information. 2011-04-01T22:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It does, I'll fix that tonight. 2011-03-25T19:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I was in SLC earlier in the week, but am already gone, sorry. 2011-03-25T19:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I always talk about software. I said "in my industry" right before that. 2011-03-25T19:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They innovate in mechanics and cars, but in software Germans definitely copy a LOT. 2011-03-25T19:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
RedLaser had no real competition, though. Different situation. 2011-03-25T02:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Mark Zuckerberg told me that, so sure. :-) To be more accurate he said it would be a lot harder elsewhere to build a webscale company, which is why he moved from Boston to Silicon Valley. I agree with that. GroupOn is probably a good example of a company that got big elsewhere, though, although even they have an office in SF to get some talent they can't get elsewhere. 2011-03-25T02:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good !=big. No, didn't say Microsoft Web tech sucks, just that MySpace insiders say that strategic decision hurt them. 2011-03-25T01:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It wasn't my conclusion, this was the conclusion given to me by folks who used to work (and some who still do work) at MySpace down in Los Angeles. 2011-03-25T00:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And the .NET developers are mostly enterprise folks who don't like working in rough-and-tumble startup world. Remember, I worked at Visual Studio magazine and had a front-row seat.

Now, the MSN Search story is an interesting one! Microsoft should have more of us up to hear stories like that! But, seriously, there aren't many .NET types in Silicon Valley, or in other communities around the world. That's gotta be troubling to the folks inside Microsoft (I know it was troubling to me back when I worked there and the problem has gotten worse in the past five years).
2011-03-25T00:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Agreed, but the LAMP folks are the ones using all the newer sexier stuff too. Where's Microsoft in this conversation? Locked out, that's what.

It's all about talent and getting the techie help to innovate. Those folks aren't using Microsoft's systems. So we don't disagree. ;-)
2011-03-25T00:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Agree there, but MySpace's architecture made it very difficult to ship new features and "pivot" once it was clear they were getting their ass kicked. 2011-03-24T23:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Entertainment systems probably won't get to 100 million or more users. So, the engineering talent in LA will probably be just fine for most companies. But not if they really need to scale up. And, the talent is disperse, not located in one neighborhood. So, tough to hire. One strategy might be to have business development in Los Angeles to meet with entertainment execs, and developers somewhere else. Even many SF companies do that. Some teams are needed in SF, others can be located places that aren't as expensive. 2011-03-24T23:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Investors want to believe there's another social graph beyond Facebook and they are funding anyone who has a reasonable plan to build one. Path is in the same boat. 2011-03-24T17:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I understand the reasoning behind it too, I read Techcrunch before downloading this (amongst other reports) but I always approach things with the eyes of a new user, and it fails and fails big time.

Yes, you can pivot and reposition and rebrand and all that, but that's VERY expensive for a team that's already gotten so much coverage (and who spent $380,000 to buy their domain name).

Yet another reason why it's often times better to be a starving startup at first.
2011-03-24T17:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Awesome points. 2011-03-24T17:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Jack +is+ the guy behind Twitter. 2011-03-22T07:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I shared that video on another post I did earlier in the day. 2011-03-22T05:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
End of November, 2006. I was about the 13,000th person on the service. 2011-03-21T20:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My wife was a Tmobile company and they are bad, sorry. 2011-03-21T19:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, I know. iPhone 5 is probably gonna be GSM too! :-) Looking forward to it, coming in September, I hear. 2011-03-20T19:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, that's why this market is so sad. It's too hard for a new company to get the infrastructure up to really take a customer approach. In the meantime, your cheaper TMobile rates will go away as it is brought into AT&T family. Maybe it will help AT&T, though. At least that might be a small win for consumers, albeit ones who are willing to pay AT&T rates (like me). 2011-03-20T19:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My numbers are a lot higher than that. But, even if they weren't, that's the problem with living on the bleeding edge. I bring new things to you and the market has to decide which ones are really going all the way. And define "make it big." FriendFeed? It made it big. The founder there now is CTO of Facebook and Facebook gets more and more FriendFeed features every day. 2011-03-20T19:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That is going away with 4G networks, though, and Verizon is ahead even there. The iPhone will catch up to Android later this year, just watch. 2011-03-20T19:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you think TMobile's rates will remain low I have a nice bridge to sell you in San Francisco. Cheap! 2011-03-20T19:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I love it. ONE CORNER IS IN EDGE LAND AND YOU SAY THAT IS EXCELLENT SERVICE! Wow. Dude, get Verizon. You'll learn what a good consistent network is like.

AT&T will kill TMobile's cheaper plans eventually, by the way. They have to make back that $39 billion. Me? I've already paid my dues.
2011-03-20T19:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Dude, you are so off base it isn't even funny. Let's just go and look at all the iPads being used in business. Salesforce.com's CEO is seeing it and is carrying one. You sound more religious than I'll ever be. If you want to have a decent conversation about my reviews, then that's cool. But you sure don't sound like someone interested in a conversation, only validation for your worldview that Apple sucks. Sorry, I won't provide that.

By the way, Android hasn't surpassed Apple. Maybe in market share, but not in any other credible measure. And market share is NOT what matters to many of us. If it did we'd all be using Nokia phones, which STILL sell more than Android.
2011-03-19T08:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I use a Canon 5D MK II with a 17-40mm F4.0 Canon L Series Lens and a Rode Stereo Microphone. 2011-03-16T21:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks for the catch, didn't get much sleep last night. 2011-03-13T01:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Whenever someone says they are using HTML5, it means that content could display well in a modern web browser and that it wasn't designed to only run on the iPhone. It's a good architectural choice to make because then supporting other platforms is much easier in the future (since you don't need to recompile all your content, only the app that embeds web display technology inside. 2011-03-10T15:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, Nina Zagat, who runs "Zagat's Guides" (the most famous restaurant guides in the world) says she can't stand people like you and that she's not gonna put her phone away during meals. I actually side with her. Times are a changing! 2011-03-10T15:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That was an old photo, but I believe that was my son's hands. 2011-03-10T04:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Here and there. :-) 2011-03-09T13:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's cool. That's what makes the world go round! 2011-03-09T12:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think the first screen sets that expectation, though. It doesn't have a button that says "if you don't have Twitter or Google Reader, press this." I didn't see anything except the Twitter or Google Reader buttons when I signed in. 2011-03-09T12:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Adam: true enough, but Flipboard is working on its own filtering technology (they bought the Ellerdale Project but haven't shipped that technology yet in any version of Flipboard). It'll be interesting to watch these two duke it out. 2011-03-09T11:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Cool, I'll keep using it and will rereview it in a week or two after things settle down and I can see how much the learning behavior in Zite helps readers. 2011-03-09T11:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can, but those aren't allowed under Facebook's TOS so will be deleted if they are found out. 2011-03-09T11:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I publish all comments that have some actual content and aren't racist/sexist or illegal. 2011-03-09T11:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Got rid of me? Hahahhah. I'm the most followed person on Quora. You might look into it. 2011-03-08T21:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's different than authenticity. If Steve had just said "it messes with my control of distribution of information and makes my grandma cry" I'd totally agree with him. But he said it makes him less authentic. I think that's horseshit. 2011-03-07T18:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, cool, glad to know I have the same power to tell you something as the President of the freaking USofA. Geesh.

Sorry, but I watch real people's behavior and I can tell you that they will attach much more meaning to anything Barack Obama tells them than if you tell them.
2011-03-07T18:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Don't ask me. I got rid of one wife (she'll probably claim she got rid of me) and I usually only stay at jobs two to three years. ;-) 2011-03-07T12:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You almost had me going there. But now you lost me.

Sorry, NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT to post on my blog. That's where this nonsense has to stop.
2011-03-07T12:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer

I know I'm not in control. I'll end up in a box someday. So, any sense of control is temporary at best.

Anyway, have a good one, I'm going to sleep. The Internet is yours!
2011-03-07T12:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, believe me, my wife lets me have it if I'm off base. So do my coworkers and bosses. 2011-03-07T12:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Fair enough. I don't usually trapse out my cigars on my blog either. So, I guess even I have some private things that I know might create a negative image in some people's heads.

I'll just leave it with this: the comments over on Techcrunch have improved 1000x since they went Facebook. How do you explain that?
2011-03-07T12:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You might be right! 2011-03-07T12:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you are commenting on a political regime there are far better ways to take on that regime than commenting snarkily in some comment section. I'll send you over to Huffington Post, for instance, where they would run a blog anonymously.

I just have noticed that the quality of the comments has increased 1000x with this change. So, maybe removing the choice is a good thing.

After all, we don't let people drive 150mph on our freeways. I'm sure there's a few people who hate that lack of choice too, but overall it improves the experience for everyone.
2011-03-07T11:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
>But that doesn't mean the small guy's idea is wrong simply because of their name.

In life you'll learn that past behavior is the best predictor of future results. But it's not absolute. It's why startups kick the behinds of older more powerful companies, et al.

That said, OVERALL you're wrong. If you go with the big name 1000 times you'll win 990. After all, Tiger Woods didn't get where he is today in golf by making lots of mistakes. At least not on the field. ;-)

And I think you're totally misreading me.

I want to know who you are so I can judge your advice better. I want to know how many years of experience went into that advice. How successful you've been, etc etc.

I also want access to your social network and know who is influencing you.

I note that over on Techcrunch astro turfing has totally disappeared due to this change. Why? Because if you are an employee of a company no longer can you go into the comments and cheer your product on and jeer your competitor's products. You've gotta be straight. Overal the quality has increased 1000x over there.

Using a real name matters.
Showing your social graph matters.

I love it.
2011-03-07T11:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm interested in that solution as well. 2011-03-07T11:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly my point. Your post started out unnecessarily rudely with no constructive or actionable criticism. You would NOT behave like this in either private or public. So, the anonymity of the comments encourages you to be an asshole.

Personally, I think it's great not to give people systems where they can be assholes to one another.
2011-03-07T11:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If I need marriage advice I'll go with someone who has had a long marriage over someone who has had a short one.

Oh, would I go to Tiger for marriage advice? Um, no. ;-)
2011-03-07T11:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Why do you need to attack my maturity? That totally weakened your argument.

But, anyway, you might have missed my history. I regularly attacked Microsoft before I worked there. I regularly attacked them while I worked there. And I regularly attack them now. Didn't stop me from getting a job.

Again, this stuff is all cowardice.

I know many people in the industry who got their jobs because they wrote something critical of the company and they were hired to come and fix the problems.

My world view is DIFFERENT than yours is. That's cool.

If I were so scared I just wouldn't write anything on the Internet. But having some critical opinions WITH YOUR NAME ON THEM might actually bring some valuable opportunities your way.
2011-03-07T11:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This is exactly the kind of post that disappeared off of Techcrunch. What value does this add? Absolutely nothing to the conversation. Sigh. 2011-03-07T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I get what you're trying to say, but I still disagree.

I'm not saying to blindly follow someone, but, sorry, everyone is NOT equal in this game.

I'll listen to golf tips from Tiger Woods a lot more than I'd listen to them from you and no amount of protesting will change the fact that he knows a lot more about golf than you do.

If he gives me a tip and you disagree with it, I'm going with him, sorry.
2011-03-07T11:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Deep Throat was NOT anonymous. He was known to one person and now he's been outted. Truely anonymous won't have any way for anyone to figure out who he/she is. 2011-03-07T11:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, but Deep Throat didn't even TRY to publish. He just went to someone who already had a publishing distribution system. Which even backs me up further. When you are anonymous you need someone with real credibility to say "this guy is real and what he is screaming about is real." 2011-03-07T10:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, for one, if you are on Facebook you can have everything you do deleted if you break the rules. Using fake names is against the rules. Yeah, you might never get caught, but if you do, they will delete your account.

Second, yes, signal to noise is what I value. We have enough noise now. We need less ALL ACROSS THE BOARD.

I haven't seen an open discussion that's gotten better because of anonymity. All I see is a lot of heat and fury. Even on Techcrunch, go and look at just that one post. The jerks are all the anonymous folks using Yahoo accounts.

Hiring managers SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT! It gets you better candidates! We learned that at Microsoft.

After doing this interview with the hiring folks at Microsoft we got thousands more resumes: http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/WM_IN/Zoe-Goldring-and-Gretchen-Ledgard-What-is-it-like-to-interview-at-Microsoft/

You should try sharing industry info openly sometime. It usually leads to better companies, better relationships, and better jobs. If you are forced to hide your face when you share something that's probably a good indicator you're a coward and are doing something wrong.
2011-03-07T10:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If Bill Gates or Steve Jobs tells me an idea it has a much different meaning than if an anonymous person tells me the exact same idea.

Sorry, you are totally wrong, even though you think you're right.

Now, if Barack Obama told me you were right I'd have to consider that for a moment. ;-)
2011-03-07T09:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think that's wacked. No one I know is different in private than in public. What we DO WANT is the ability to control distribution of info. I want my dad to see medical research on kidney transplant issues, a few new iPad apps a week, and pictures of his grandkid. I don't need to waste his time with discussions about arcane tech or social network arguments, like this one. But that has nothing to do with authenticity.

Yeah, I know some people live secret lives and want to keep their work and home lives separate. I find those kinds of people to be wacked out and not very authentic at all.
2011-03-07T09:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are ABSOLUTELY WRONG. It's very clear in the post why.

If an anonymous person tells me a rumor about Google it TOTALLY MEANS SOMETHING DIFFERENT than if, say, Vic Gundotra, who is a VP there, tells me THE EXACT SAME INFO.

WHO says something is often MORE IMPORTANT than what they say!
2011-03-07T09:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, geez, I wish I could spend an hour explaining how wrong you are, but I can't tonight. There are thousands of apps that help people GET WORK DONE that aren't on the other platforms. Yet. 2011-03-07T07:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have a pretty good idea of who disapproves of my posts over on Quora. :-) 2011-03-07T07:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And 15 million people can't use Flash cause Steve Jobs decided they shouldn't. So? 2011-03-07T07:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And I don't like paying taxes. But I do. It all works out.

If I designed the world it would be different too. But I didn't. So we gotta live in Zuckerberg's world for the moment. He won BECAUSE he forced real identity. That was a HUGE differentiator over MySpace.

The world has decided. Facebook has won. We all need to live with it or build a better system and get everyone onto it.
2011-03-07T07:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That I can agree with. I'm actually totally in agreement that we need more control of the distribution of our info, but I really don't buy into this "authenticity" horseshit. Wrong argument.

Now, if he said "I don't want to waste my grandma's time with my arcane discussions of the A5 processor vs. NVidia" well then I'd agree and have gone on with my life.
2011-03-07T07:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not true. You can use Yahoo's identity system, as many commenters there do. 2011-03-07T07:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree with you about Twitter. It's invaluable for me to watch the world and the world's smartest people. 2011-03-06T18:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are wrong. I travel the world and I see iPhones and iPads EVERYWHERE. 2011-03-06T13:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, yeah, yeah! ;-) 2011-03-06T04:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Because "friends" aren't "friends" online. I add people to my Facebook social graph that aren't real-life friends. Hell, if I only added my real-life friends I'd only have three or four people in my social graph. ;-) 2011-03-06T04:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Do you code? I bet lots of people don't get that either. Sheen is entertainment. He is the story of the moment. We enjoy watching the drama in someone else's life so that we can feel better about the drama in OURS. 2011-03-06T01:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Says the person who thinks watching the Superbowl or the Oscars is a waste of time. 2011-03-06T01:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It just was announced and it already is on Mashable. 2011-03-06T00:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Two minutes? I think you have no clue about how long it takes to build a website that can handle the loads that Techcrunch or Oprah or other launch vehicles can bring. This is work that startups should outsource to others and LaunchRock is a great place to start. 2011-03-05T23:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not true in my house. The iPad gets used for gaming far more often than even the Kinect does. 2011-03-05T23:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Only some, most don't have access to the streaming infrastructure (I am a YouTube partner). Until everyone can do it they are fumbling and fumbling big time. 2011-03-05T23:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You have shown your cards. I wish you well in life. I didn't get where I got by tearing other people down, though. I'd rather pick my way through life that way. See ya! 2011-03-05T23:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I wouldn't be so sure. By the way, I am not a Sheen fan at all, but the dude blew it out on Twitter this week. YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THAT if you want to be credible in this business. Yes, it's always in motion, but this has the POTENTIAL to be a defining moment. We'll watch and see. 2011-03-05T22:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer



says it all. Less than 1,000 "real reach" for you. Dude, you're reaching with these attacks.
2011-03-05T21:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've never even met Peter Thiel and that just shows you one of the points that you've made that's totally wrong. I looked at your Twitter account and you have 2,500 followers. Wow, lots of influence there dude. Klout score of 30 or so. Well, sure looks like you are super successful. I think I'll go fight with someone who has real influence. See ya. 2011-03-05T21:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nice thoughts, but, sorry, hardware DOES matter! The browser can't talk to the camera, to the gyroscope, and can't have tight touch integration. Watch this video with Friendly (Facebook app for iPad) to see why that is: http://www.youtube.com/scobleizer#p/search/0/Z_vDDuiZDEY 2011-03-05T20:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hahahhah. Google never pays me. 2011-03-05T19:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hint: doing a serverless chat technology isn't that interesting. What what I put up tonight. Robots that climb walls. Artificial muscles. Now THAT is revolutionary! Chat? Give me a break. 2011-03-05T19:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's bullshit. Go ahead and get a private interview with Facebook by signing up for a user group. Go ahead. Or get invited to the iPad 2 launch by doing that. Go ahead.

Box.net has five million customers. That makes you LOL? Thought so. That's why you aren't seen as credible enough to bring to these kinds of events.

2011-03-05T19:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
3,000 people "work" with me at Rackspace. But most of those are down in Texas. I don't work with Robert Taylor, he hasn't been with me on an interview, or seen what I do on stage. I don't know why you think he's an authority on what I do for Rackspace, because he's not. Just like I'm not an authority on what HE does for Rackspace (my boss doesn't ask me for my review of him, for instance). 2011-03-05T19:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You were the rudest person I have ever talked to on my phone. Congratulations! 2011-03-05T18:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What does matter? You have no followers on Twitter. No followers on Quora. No followers on Facebook. If you are going to quote audience stats to me give me ones that matter. You rewrite press releases. Why the anger dude? 2011-03-05T18:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
When has that ever mattered to anything? 2011-03-05T17:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are totally deluded if you think 99% of the apps are totally useless but that is great. Shows why Motorola will sell +some+ devices. 2011-03-05T17:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Interesting but not true.

My team does three things for Rackspace:

1. Am ambassadors to tech industry. Maybe you should see the hundreds of CEOs who visit with Rocky and me every year, a good percentage at my house. I also represent Rackspace on TV (Fox this week, BBC, French and German and Israeli TV this year) and on stage at industry conferences (Launch last week, SXSW next, Where, TEDx, Next Web, and Web 2 Expo next month). This directly brings Rackspace business, much more than my team costs.

2. My team helps with PR. Rocky and I know nearly every tech journalist in the marketplace. We are the only Rackspace employees who gets invited to major press events at Apple, Google, SalesForce, VMWare, Facebook, Box.net, Twitter, Microsoft, amongst others.

3. My team keeps Rackspace AND THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY up to date with what is happening on the bleeding edge. For instance today I met with a VP at VMWare about something coming next week. Tonight I am uploading a series of exclusive videos about what is going on at SRI International, Silicon Valley's most important R&D lab. Next week Rocky and I are helping other companies as well.

Explain to me how many times I have seen Robert Taylor this year. Go ahead. Zero.

2011-03-05T03:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree, but glad there are some people who are so deluded like you are. Means there might be apps for my Motorola Xoom someday! 2011-03-04T12:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hmm. Well, Apple paid out developers $2 billion so far. Maybe if you started a decent app company you could afford to buy yourself a Mac?

I'd never work for a company that refused to buy me the equipment I needed to do my job.
2011-03-04T11:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Plus, if you don't like that, have you watched all my videos at http://youtube.com/scobleizer ? Or on http://building43.com ? Those are looks at new companies, not opinion or fan manifestos. 2011-03-04T10:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What else is a blog for if you can't give your opinion? 2011-03-04T10:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
To me Android isn't really open source. Can you add a feature into Android and have it deployed everywhere Android goes? I don't think so. 2011-03-04T09:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, geez. 2011-03-04T09:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
More serious than tongue-in-cheek. 2011-03-04T08:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Watch this video and you'll learn why Facebook needs an app on tablets: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_vDDuiZDEY 2011-03-04T02:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Only the 3G version of iPad has GPS. 2011-03-04T02:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Finally a point that resonates with me about why Android WILL have apps! Thank you. Seriously. 2011-03-03T23:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry about that. I'll see if the original video has it tonight when I get home. 2011-03-03T23:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I use a bluetooth keyboard with my iPad. WOrks just fine. 2011-03-03T16:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, man. If you are an Apple hater, at least go with an Android-based Tablet. RIM is gonna really struggle. 2011-03-03T03:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, I was watching TED and figured I'd fight with the folks here. I agree, though. Many of them are really deluded. 2011-03-03T03:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You think HP is gonna get 15,000 apps done? You're smoking something good. Can you share? I'd love to see how they do that. 2011-03-03T03:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bullshit. WHere do you get these ideas and predictions. NOT A SINGLE PERSON has predicted that Android will sell 95% of all tablets. You are smoking something good. Can you please share? 2011-03-03T03:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Who the hell said I was supposed to be impartial? I'm supposed to tell you the truth. That's all. And the truth is "no apps, no sale." 2011-03-03T03:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Wii had a use case that the others didn't. That's what apps deliver. 2011-03-03T02:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer

I'm gonna be even better. Why? I'll put 4G where it's supposed to be: on my phone. Then share that with my four iPads. How lame to buy service for a tablet when you ALWAYS have a phone in your pocket. Very lame dude.

OK, Flash? Haven't missed it. I've had an iPad for nine months. I guess you missed this app thing. All apps don't need flash. There are more apps than you can play with in an evening.

Overclocking? OK, got me there, although I'm sure some hacker will root it and figure it out. As it is the iPad 2 is a lot faster on text stuff than the Xoom is. More on that when I get one.
2011-03-03T02:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, I've been playing with a lot of apps lately and the ones on the Xoom aren't close to fit, finish, or design to those on iPad. Stretching out an app just isn't the same as rethinking it from scratch. But you are right, Android probably will get there. We'll see how well they do over the next months. But today? No apps, sorry. And that's NOT inaccurate, either. 2011-03-03T01:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And a week ago I said I would wait to give my final pronouncement. The Xoom isn't going into the trash, but I sure can't recommend my dad buy one! It has no apps! Read my post a week ago. Just because I thought they did a competent, or even a good, job doesn't mean I think it'll be successful. 2011-03-03T01:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
i did the same thing after I got my Motorola Xoom. You didn't complain when I praised Xoom's attributes, did you? 2011-03-03T01:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't realize that giving away devices was the same as getting someone to go into Best Buy and actually BUY one! Wild. I gotta remember that in my business plan! 2011-03-03T00:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Enterprises won't buy Tablets. Too hard to train their workers on and they are too expensive compared to cheap ass notebooks. This is why Microsoft's Tablet effort never got off the ground. iPad has sold more "tablets" than all of Microsoft COMBINED!!! 2011-03-03T00:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd say they are fully employed at this point to build mobile apps. Will they turn those skills onto 10-inch tablet apps? We'll see. I'm sure some of them will, which is why Android will take over spot #2. Spot #2 is important, because there's room in the industry for two players. Is there room for more, though? Well, as we learned with Nokia, it gets a LOT tougher after you are kicked out of the top two spots. 2011-03-03T00:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm on the Internet more than almost any person alive. Flash just isn't that big a deal and most major sites now that any normal person cares about has an iPad app, which means Flash isn't an issue. But, if you think it will sell that many things, let's just wait and see. I predict Apple will sell 30 million iPads in next year. So far looks like Android might sell three million 10-inch tablets, if that. 2011-03-03T00:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you say so. I guess you've never really seen me angry. I'm passionate, not angry. 2011-03-03T00:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Time is something Android doesn't have on Tablets. Why? Because sales follow apps and apps follow sales. No apps no sales. Not gonna be a fun year for the Android team. It's even gonna be worse at HP and RIM. And HP will do better than Microsoft will. 2011-03-03T00:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This is the best answer in the thread. When you are getting beat MOVE THE GOAL POSTS!!! :-)

Very good strategy! Actually, if I were at one of these companies that's EXACTLY what I would be trying to do now.
2011-03-03T00:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
HP wants to be in charge of its own destiny. We'll see how that works out long term. They need to show the world how they are going to get apps, too. I like their hardware design and OS but no apps no sale. 2011-03-03T00:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Show me an app that looks like Aweditorium or Flipboard. 2011-03-03T00:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, go anywhere. Y Combinator? Mostly invests in iPad companies, when they go with tablets. Kleiner Perkins? They have an iFund, not an "AFund." Shall I go on? Investors don't yet know who will end up selling enough devices to support an industry, with HP/RIM/Google going at it for second place. 2011-03-03T00:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. Apps. Apps. Apps. Apps. 2011-03-03T00:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah. Most of them work on my iPad now. Most of the major media brands have apps. Oh, wait a second. Apps! Apps! Apps! Which work fine without Flash. Geesh. 2011-03-03T00:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heheh. Angry? I'm having fun fighting with you guys. One hand is tied behind my back and I'm watching TED while we do this.

What you all don't see is I'm just explaining to you what VCs and developers themselves have told me. Plus, I watch how people BUY these things. Go and watch at the local store someday. You might learn something.
2011-03-03T00:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
So clueless. You should really study what effect Oprah has on consumer electronics sales. I love uninformed people. Go read AdAge or something and do your homework. 2011-03-03T00:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Keep believing that. Eventually, yes, but not the bleeding edge ones. 2011-03-03T00:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sigh. Cool, glad you think different. Won't make Android a success, but I wish you luck with that attitude! 2011-03-03T00:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I am at USVP, one of the largest VCs in the world. I asked them "Are you investing in Android Tablet app companies?" "No." is the answer. Biased? No. I've been doing this for decades. Use cases and apps are gonna rule this category this year and I'll bet on it. 2011-03-03T00:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. Of course I know who he is. Of course his technology is built into the HP. So there. 2011-03-03T00:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The iPad has faster speed. Is thinner. Has cameras. Has better battery life. But I don't think any of that matters for "average people." All that matters at this point is apps.

Wake me up when a competitor has "enough" apps. Right now no one can make that claim.
2011-03-02T23:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You must have missed that I was at the launch of HP's TouchPad. One of HP's VP lives a block from me. I love what they are doing, but they have no apps. Plus they aren't shipping. Two knocks. When they solve both I'll let you know! 2011-03-02T23:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have a Xoom and that's totally what I'd do if I were an average person. This isn't ready for the mass market. 2011-03-02T23:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
But, look at my dad. Mostly reads news media. Flipboard. Watches some movies. Plays some games (is Scrabble on Android yet). Etc etc. 2011-03-02T23:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm just having fun. Geesh. 2011-03-02T23:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
iPad had hundreds of apps out the first day. Sounds like Google has a developer problem if they can't get them tools in time to make a big splash when their first versions get on the market. Fail. 2011-03-02T23:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, how will people buy one of these things?

1. Their friends will show them Angry Birds on it. Then Flipboard. Then NPR. Then Netflix. Then a few other apps. Sold!

2. They will see some celebrity showing it off. Millions were sold after Oprah told her audience "this is my favorite thing ever." Ever. Ever. Ever. Think about what that did!

EIther way, they will head into a store and maybe look at the others, but they will ask "does this have the Oprah app?" in the second case. No. No sale.

In the first case, their friends probably will bring them in the store and show them the different apps. No sale either.

Tell me, how will someone buy an Android device? Or an HP one? Or a RIM one? Explain what DRIVES someone into the store to buy one?
2011-03-02T23:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, Steve Jobs says there's 100 apps for "the competitors." Find me a list. Go ahead. I'll wait. I'm sure there is a good list somewhere, right? 2011-03-02T23:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, OK, you wanna talk hardware? We can go there. The Motorola camera, in specs, is sharper. In reality? No. The software is more important than the lens and imaging sensor. 2011-03-02T23:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Android market only has 16 apps for the large form factor. No apps. No sale. 2011-03-02T23:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, when I watch "average" people 60% is playing Angry Birds and 40% is on Facebook. :-) 2011-03-02T23:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ported apps suck. The best iPad apps are NOT ports. 2011-03-02T23:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are nuts. WHat planet are you on? Did you even hold both of them? Of course not. 2011-03-02T23:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have a review of the Xoom here: http://www.building43.com/videos/2011/02/23/motorola-xoom-review/ I don't overlook much. I just don't think those things matter that much. Certainly not as much as the lack of apps on that device. 2011-03-02T23:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, but let me know if your average consumer cares about that. They don't. I don't. And I have a Xoom. It isn't THAT much nicer to switch apps. 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, but let me know if your average consumer cares about that. They don't. I don't. And I have a Xoom. It isn't THAT much nicer to switch apps. 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, but let me know if your average consumer cares about that. They don't. I don't. And I have a Xoom. It isn't THAT much nicer to switch apps. 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never have filled up my 16-gig iPad yet. So, to me the Xoom is more expensive. What's funny is that because the Xoom has no apps you won't fill it up anyway! 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never have filled up my 16-gig iPad yet. So, to me the Xoom is more expensive. What's funny is that because the Xoom has no apps you won't fill it up anyway! 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never have filled up my 16-gig iPad yet. So, to me the Xoom is more expensive. What's funny is that because the Xoom has no apps you won't fill it up anyway! 2011-03-02T23:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's their job, not mine. I don't believe you are correct, by the way. RIM seems like they are going with Android compatibility, but we haven't see how that will reliably work. Android is OK, but doesn't monetize like iPad does. So, no apps ahead! 2011-03-02T23:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The future is cloud storage. USB works with the new connector. No biggie. 2011-03-02T23:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
KPCB invested in Flipboard and has an "iFund." Enough said. 2011-03-02T23:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It does not run Flash. 2011-03-02T23:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I like holding the Xoom just fine. Other than the on button is in a weird place near where my hand goes. 2011-03-02T23:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hahahahhahahahhah!!! Yeah, she's only the #1 most influential media person out there. Evah. You must be a Google engineer who thinks Hacker News is the best media outlet, right? 2011-03-02T23:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer

With phones Google had leverage at the carrier level.

Google has no such leverage with Tablets, which are mostly used on Wifi.
2011-03-02T23:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Can you read any other comments here? We've covered that already. 2011-03-02T23:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I visit thousands of web sites a month. I rarely see little red X's. Nice try. 2011-03-02T23:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You sound like someone who works at Adobe.

Hint: Flash doesn't matter. But you go trying to make that case! Where's the Oprah ads that explain why Flash matters? Oprah says her iPad is "my favorite thing EVER." THAT is what sells tablets. Not Flash.
2011-03-02T23:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You sound like someone who works at Adobe.

Hint: Flash doesn't matter. But you go trying to make that case! Where's the Oprah ads that explain why Flash matters? Oprah says her iPad is "my favorite thing EVER." THAT is what sells tablets. Not Flash.
2011-03-02T23:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Really? Six months, huh? Have you interviewed hundreds of app developers? Have you talked with VCs who are funding app companies? I'm sitting in USVP right now. They say it's an iPad world. This won't change in six months. 2011-03-02T23:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. Have you used some of the bleeding edge iPad apps? There are more than you can possibly download in a year. I know, I can't keep up. But I'll have more to say on that soon. 2011-03-02T23:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Pure web better? OK, the web browser has tabs. Does anyone buy a Tablet because it has tabs? I don't think so. Especially when it doesn't run Oprah's app. 2011-03-02T23:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
As for tight Google integration. Wonderful. Did you find the bug where you can't add any items to your Google Calendar on the Xoom? I have. This thing isn't nearly as finished as iPad was when it shipped.

I already admitted better resolution.

As for price, my iPad costs $499. My Xoom runs $799. I can buy a lot of HDMI adapters for that price.
2011-03-02T23:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, you think anyone buys a Tablet because it runs Flash? I don't think so. Adobe is incompetent. Has it shipped for Xoom yet? 2011-03-02T23:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Want to bet on it? 2011-03-02T22:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good point! 2011-03-02T22:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Explain the leverage that will get those phone developers to develop for the tablet? I don't see it. This won't sell. The developers I'm talking with are avoiding it. Google doesn't have leverage with tablet developers. 2011-03-02T22:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Better for what reasons? Name three. I bet you can't. I have a Xoom. It is buggy. Its battery isn't as good. It's cameras aren't as good. The software isn't as mature. The store isn't nearly as good. There aren't any apps that run on it (16 vs 65,000). The hardware design isn't even in the same class. The price is more expensive. So, other than 20% better screen resolution, what does it do better? 2011-03-02T22:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is an interesting one, but it doesn't really compete against any of these efforts. It does, however, intrigue me. If I were Google I would bang on that at their developer event. Of course that's sold, what, two million vs. iPad's 15+ million. 2011-03-02T22:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Samsung Galaxy Tab is an interesting one, but it doesn't really compete against any of these efforts. It does, however, intrigue me. If I were Google I would bang on that at their developer event. Of course that's sold, what, two million vs. iPad's 15+ million. 2011-03-02T22:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Your comments are showing up here. 2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Your comments are showing up here. 2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wrong. Google's open structure won't really help it with tablets. At least not this year. That strategy might kick over next year. But Android tablets have no distribution and are too expensive.

Also, Windows? Give me a freaking break. I tried pushing that horse for eight years, remember?
2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wrong. Google's open structure won't really help it with tablets. At least not this year. That strategy might kick over next year. But Android tablets have no distribution and are too expensive.

Also, Windows? Give me a freaking break. I tried pushing that horse for eight years, remember?
2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
To most people that means no apps. But, I just updated my post to be clearer. The apps designed for Android phones suck on the large form factor. Have you actually compared some? I have. 2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
To most people that means no apps. But, I just updated my post to be clearer. The apps designed for Android phones suck on the large form factor. Have you actually compared some? I have. 2011-03-02T22:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Absolutely wrong. How can you say that? What does it do that the iPad 2 does? Nothing. I have one, remember! 2011-03-02T22:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I love this argument because it is totally wrong.

Here's why.

To get developers you need to do two things:

1. Get them excited about your platform.
2. Show them how they will get paid.

A year ago was a different time. Apple brought a totally new device to market. It had no competition. First users had to buy it on "faith" that apps would show up. In fact, when the iPad first went on sale there were already hundreds of apps out. I sat in line with many of the developers who shipped apps that first hour.

Now the world is different. Developers are NOT going to get excited by these other platforms and they can't get paid because they won't sell.

Now, turn around to an average person. Why would they buy anything other than iPad? Hint, they won't. So, the problem will get worse.

Google had leverage with carriers to get phones sold. That brought developers onto Google's mobile platform. They HAVE NO LEVERAGE over developers with Honeycomb. The developers won't show up for Android.

This is going to be an Apple-only market for quite some time.
2011-03-02T22:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Spark: wrong. They don't have apps designed for the big form factor. Name more than 20. Go ahead, I'll wait. 2011-03-02T22:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My employer is Rackspace, glad you noticed!

What any of this has to do with anonymity is beyond me. I guess you missed that while at Microsoft I regularly attacked them and told the world about how cool Google was.

Origami excited me. I just messed up, it was Steve Jobs that shipped the real Origami, not Bill Gates. So shoot me.
2011-03-02T03:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, let's protect those use cases SOMEWHERE but I've found that for every "get me out of my tyranny" anonymous message, there are 1,000 that just destroy conversations. So, I'm willing to get rid of anonymity. 2011-03-02T02:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I believe so, yes. 2011-03-01T04:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Show me one app as well designed for large tablets like Aweditorium is please. I seriously doubt that app will work on small form factors. 2011-02-27T21:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I did mostly common searches. 2011-02-27T08:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Organic traffic comes from doing content no one else has, not from SEO tricks. 2011-02-27T02:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I filter them out too, and agree with you, actually, but I do appreciate what this company is trying to do. I just think they are swimming up stream. 2011-02-27T01:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I was at the Nexus One launch. They had a TON of apps out on day one. Not true for the Xoom. 2011-02-27T01:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. SEO still matters more than just being human. I don't care so much about SEO. I outsource that to Business Insider! :-) 2011-02-27T01:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think you're pretty uninformed about how people actually buy devices. Have you ever worked in a Best Buy, or sat there and listened as people considered a purchase? I have. They care about apps and compatibility with what their friends and other family have.

Apps are ALL that matters at this point in the Tablet wars. Except for weirdo geeky people who just like buying the first thing out from any company. Yeah, that's why Xoom will sell a million, but EVERYTHING will sell a million. Getting more than that requires apps.
2011-02-26T23:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, but Microsoft only offers to do that for the "important" apps, not the "long tail" ones. I believe the long tail is almost as important as the head of tail in this world. 2011-02-26T22:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wow, but matches the swearing I'm hearing from other developers. This kind of swearing didn't happen on iOS. Yes, devs swear about iOS because of other issues (pricing, or approval, for instance) but not because of lack of QA. Makes me even more certain it's an Apple world. 2011-02-26T22:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not unless I somehow win the lottery. I don't have any money to invest.

That said I approach things the same way as a VC, which is why I like AngelList.
2011-02-26T22:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree with your point there. I sat with many developers who did a LOT of work to make their apps as good as possible on the tablet form factor. And, in fact, apps that got rewarded by the marketplace were indeed designed especially for the large form factor. Yes, many of those refactored even further after they got their hands on one and we did see a second wave of apps a few months later (Flipboard is the best example). But the ecosystem was a LOT healthier on that first day. Did anyone wait in line to buy a Xoom? No. 2011-02-26T22:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Me too, which is why I like the Xoom as well. I'm realistic, though. I don't expect to see bleeding edge apps on it for quite some time, where on iPad they were there almost immediately. 2011-02-26T22:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Apple had more than 1,000 apps on day one if I remember right.

But the market is different now. Developers have choices to make. They can't build for everything. You can't compare today to when the iPad came out.
2011-02-26T22:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
How did Microsoft beat Apple in the mid 1990s? Apps.

Why do you think Ballmer dances and shouts "developers, developers, developers, developers."

Right now iPad has them. No one else has gotten them. Will they? We'll see! So far, no.
2011-02-26T21:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wrong, she's said it on at least five shows, including one a couple of weeks ago that MC Hammer has been on. I guess you don't actually watch Oprah. 2011-02-26T21:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Content=apps. :-) But, yes, this is something to watch VERY closely.

I bet Vic Gundotra will repeat that on stage at the IO conference about 50 times! :-)

Will it really matter, though? So far Android's app store sucks for selling stuff and everyone knows it. Will Google demonstrate how they will get hundreds of millions of people to put their credit card numbers into the store? If so, then watch out. So far, though, Apple has the only store that monetizes.
2011-02-26T21:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yet another example of Google not executing well. Let's look at their recent past:

Google Wave. Fail.
Google Buzz. Almost fail.
Google TV. Fail.

Android is a moderate success, but why didn't it have its SDK out earlier? Apple gave devs months to build iPad apps before its first release. That's why there's no apps out now.
2011-02-26T21:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good points. But hype helps entrepreneurs too. And hype definitely starts with the investors. Just look at how people reacted to companies at the Launch Event this week. Those who got the "hype" were the ones who got the investors hot and bothered. And, as David says, hype isn't necessarily a bad thing. 2011-02-26T21:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The problem is everyone has a different set of apps. For instance, look at just banking. You might use the Bank of America app. I might use the Wells Fargo one. My boss might use the USAA one. Your friend might use another.

So, if your platform only has the Bank of America one, it will keep the rest of us from buying your platform.

The long tail here is a LOT more important than most people are giving it credit for.
2011-02-26T21:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Interesting, I am living quite fine without any of those four, and if I cared, I'd just get a machine that was designed for those.

iPad is designed for personal use at home on your couch. I don't do any of those kinds of apps at home on my couch. Neither do most people.
2011-02-26T21:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And Walt Mossberg says his got four hours less battery life than iPad 1. Will be interesting to see how iPad 2 measures up. 2011-02-26T21:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm sure there WILL BE apps. We'll see what happens then. Motorola Xoom is pretty nice. But there's lots of bug reports coming in that I never saw on the iPad, too. I hit one myself. I can't add calendar items in Google's own calendar. 2011-02-26T21:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ilan: that assumes something HUGE: that you can get developers excited. So far they are NOT, based on my discussions with them. Google needs to really energize them at IO with a better store and better tools AND explain how they are gonna get consumers enthusiastic about them. Start with Oprah. She regularly says that the iPad is one of her "favorite things." Imagine what will get her to say that about an Android-based device. 2011-02-26T21:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Windows 7 apps aren't designed for touch, though. Believe me I've been through this. You remember I worked at Microsoft and NEC (where I sold tablets back in 2003). 2011-02-26T21:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, I was in line with TONS of developers who were shipping apps the same day of release. Certainly more than 16 were out on first day. 2011-02-26T21:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bingo! 2011-02-26T20:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, Samsung's Galaxy Tab is different than the Xoom, for instance. The difference between 7-inch and 10-inch is huge. 2011-02-26T20:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, I never could make the case for the iPhone like this. Android had apps out of the gate and I could see that it was attractive to developers. So far I haven't had a bleeding edge developer show me something cool for the Android tablets. That was NOT the case on Android phones. 2011-02-26T20:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have 380 apps loaded on my iOS devices, I only use 30, but you sound like the folks who kept asking Microsoft to remove features from Office to make it "lighter weight." The problem was that each feature was used by 100,000 folks.

Look at the app for my bank. How many people use that? Not many.

Or, even better, let's go to the World Economic Forum. Loic pulled out his Android tablet. But his apps didn't work. He missed classes and couldn't sign up for stuff. Then he pulled out his iPad and it worked great and the apps were a lot better. Will you use that app? No, but 3,000 people did and they won't buy Android.

It's the apps that sell these devices. At least today.

Put yourself in a consumer's shoes at Best Buy. "Does this slate run Oprah's new app?" "Does it run Flipboard?" "Does it run Angry Birds?" "Does it run the New York Times?" "Does it run that cool star app my friends showed me on the iPad?" "Does it have the BBC app?" "Does it have the cool drawing app?" Etc etc etc.
2011-02-26T20:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Me buying and my dad buying are two separate things. I buy things because they are shiny and new. My dad buys things because they are proven and DO things.

And the iPad had MANY apps out on first day. So, even there the comparison is totally wrong.
2011-02-26T07:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, that's mostly due to my producer, Rocky Barbanica's work. By the way, we've been doing these kind of quality videos over on http://building43.com for some time now. 2011-02-25T19:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, cool. Thanks for clarifying what's able to be discussed. 2011-02-25T19:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think you're nuts. The app qualities I've seen are no where near as good as on iPad. I'll take another look at that over next week. 2011-02-24T18:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry stretched apps just don't feel as good as apps designed specifically for 10-inch screens. 2011-02-24T09:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't mind it. I thought I might, but it's very smooth and they kept most of the clutter away. 2011-02-24T02:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, this will vary from place to place and from vendor to vendor. I can't use T-Mobile in my house, for instance, while some of my friends rave about its coverage and service elsewhere. 2011-02-22T22:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have used my AT&T phone in: New York, Seattle, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Antonio, and other places. In each place I've had dropped calls and my Verizon gives better voice quality. Where else should I test it? Also, during big events like ComicCon in San Diego or the World Series in Texas or CES in Las Vegas. AT&T falls apart. Verizon doesn't. 2011-02-22T22:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not yet. I visited there and met with an exec, but haven't done an interview yet. Hopefully soon! 2011-02-21T18:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes and my autistic son likes the iPad version better. 2011-02-20T15:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, this came from a Nokia executive. They have too many committees, too much middle management and too many people who know hardware, but aren't as fast moving as the Chinese. 2011-02-17T05:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Deleting things is a game, and that's how he got to my photos and videos. Luckily I got them backed up. 2011-02-15T22:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That doesn't work in our household and, anyway, these devices have lots of things I WANT my kids to be doing. Like flashcards, educational games, etc. 2011-02-15T21:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
AmFuzzy: how do you know what the real world uses? Do you travel 100,000 miles a year? DO you interview hundreds of startups every year, including some old companies like IBM, Salesforce, Microsoft, Xerox, and others? I didn't realize you did all that to figure out what the "real world" uses! 2011-02-15T20:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's not true. Windows was cheaper than its main competition (which WAS Apple) back in the 1990s and as much as I'd like to believe it was Visual Basic that made Windows a major winner (it was a factor, but not a major one, and I say that as one of the first employees of Visual Basic Programmer's Journal, so had a front row seat on that one).

By the way, Microsoft is betting BIG TIME on HTML 5 for these enterprise developers in the next version of Windows, NOT .NET. Think about that one for a moment. See ya at Windows 8 launch!
2011-02-15T09:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Flipboard can't be done in HTML5. Nice to know you haven't seen the little touches that take advantage of Apple's APIs. 2011-02-14T16:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree only the top 5% matter. You sound like one of those guys who recommended getting rid of 30% of Excel's features. Problem is someone actually used those features.

I saw this close up at the World Economic Forum. iPad users' app worked, Android didn't. This was NOT a top five % app.
2011-02-14T16:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That is NOT true. Even Rackspace had an app made for iPad on day one. 2011-02-14T16:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are really an idiot if you believe that. 2011-02-14T16:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never said it never will. Just not this summer. So, we live in an iPad world right now. Will that change next year? Maybe.

And I TOTALLY disagree there were no apps on launch of iPad. I stood in line with dozens of developers who shipped apps on day one.
2011-02-13T21:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Also, most enterprise apps can be written in HTML 5. It's only the bleeding edge ones like Flipboard or AngryBirds that need more "oomph" or APIs hooking into the various sensors on the iPad. So, enterprise apps will NOT be the driver here. Consumer apps WILL be. Just ask all the CEOs at the World Economic Forum.

Mark Benioff? He was showing off his iPad. Salesforce.com is hardly the only one betting on iPad.
2011-02-13T21:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are wrong, but that's OK. By the way, at the World Economic Forum there were iPads EVERYWHERE. You think the CEO is gonna let you write your freaking lame ass enterprise apps and not have them run on iPads? Think again.

And I just gave you a few apps. http://www.quora.com/iPad/What-are-the-must-have-iPad-apps-Why?q=iPad+apps has a much deeper list.
2011-02-13T21:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The problem is that the apps made for Android are for the phone, not for the big device. So far there are ZERO apps that are designed for the 10-inch form factor. The seven inch Galaxy Tab works OK because there you can just run apps designed for the phone. But that doesn't fly on a 10-inch form factor. 2011-02-13T21:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh, most of the serious app developers I meet around the world have the opposite problems. They have Macs and not PCs. But, yeah, that is a problem and one that Microsoft should use to its advantage. 2011-02-13T21:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Please do make me laugh. Have you ever really looked into HTML 5? Have you really tried to use it to create a bleeding-edge app like Flipboard, Angry Birds, the Daily, et al? No you haven't. It isn't there and won't be a factor. At least not this year and at least not for the best-of-breed apps. 2011-02-13T20:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
We'll see in a year. For now it's an iPad world. Will that change a year from now? Maybe, but the developers I've talked with say they aren't taking Android seriously in tablets ... yet.

Will that change this summer? We'll see. Not so far.
2011-02-13T20:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Android has ZERO apps designed for a 10-inch tablet. Talk about a more pompous and incorrect comment...geesh. 2011-02-13T20:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, but iPhone's lead is less clear. Android's phone ecosystem has largely matched the app differentiator (at least to a point where Android phone purchasers don't feel stupid buying it, like they will if they buy an Android tablet) and has other advantages (carrier and handset choice, lower price, etc).

These advantages don't matter on the tablet side very much, if at all, so it's an iPad world we live in.
2011-02-13T19:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, as one little data set, look at this table at Yammer: http://www.flickr.com/photos/s.../ All macs. That's a very common scene amongst developers that matter. Another datapoint: Facebook has mostly Macs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/5178836333/ 2011-02-12T15:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Getting store salespeople to change what they are pushing? That's marketing dollars. When I worked retail there were "spiffs" which meant if you sold one thing you'd get $10 in your pocket, where if you sold another thing you'd get nothing. Microsoft can afford to pay store folks that way.

But other than that, training, and giving store folks devices so they can see for themselves how good the device is. BUt, yeah, gotta fix copy and paste, among other issues, before you'll turn store people into true evangelists.

Even when I was getting spiffs to push one thing, I'd push the best thing for the customer (in my opinion). Pissed my boss off, but I knew that if I didn't keep the customer happy I wouldn't have a customer next week anyway.
2011-02-12T15:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've interviewed and talked with thousands of developers and talked in front of many thousands at many many conferences around the world. Most of the leading edge developers today have Macs. Just go to your average everyday developer conference or influencer conference and see for yourself. 2011-02-12T15:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Rohit: and that's the chicken and egg problem.

Consumers are going into stores asking for phones with apps now. Windows and Nokia doesn't have them.

So, the sales won't be there. Which means the apps won't be there. Which means the sales won't be there. Which means the apps won't be there.

So, how do you break this cycle? At least Microsoft and Nokia are trying.
2011-02-12T14:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good analysis! 2011-02-12T14:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
>>You have lost the trust of the world and tarnished the Nokia brand.

First of all, I'm not paid by anyone but Rackspace.

Second of all, you sound like one of those developers who thinks that technical superiority is all that matters. I remember meeting people like you in college (back in 1991). They told me "why does anyone need a mouse and windows?" After all, they were so smart they didn't need one. Later they told me that NeXT was so superior it was going to take over the world. Or FreeBSD would. Or Linux would. Etc etc etc.

I've heard these arguments from arrogant developers before. They usually are wrong and can easily be ignored.

As far as Windows Phone 7, yeah, you are right. They are behind. Keep in mind I'm still an iPhone fan.

But, really, just listen to a real developer (not an arrogant one) who tonight told me why he's only building for Android and iPhone: http://scobleizer.com/2011/02/12/developers-tell-me-im-nuts-and-say-nokia-rim-microsoft-are-still-screwed/

That's pretty much what should be listened to, not your brand of arrogance.
2011-02-12T14:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer

Repeat after me: the only thing that matters is apps.

USA drives most of the app companies. That's why USA marketshare is so important. But, even more important, is the share amongst developers. I noticed the developer I had dinner with last night had Android. Listen in here: http://scobleizer.com/2011/02/12/developers-tell-me-im-nuts-and-say-nokia-rim-microsoft-are-still-screwed/
2011-02-12T14:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ahh, I love Swype too but I got used to life without it. But that is one thing I really loved about Android and wish Apple would get over it. I know why they don't allow it, though. Steve Jobs wants everyone to have a common experience and doesn't want anyone to destroy that experience. Overall I'd say he's right. 2011-02-12T14:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, read the LA Times from January 10, 2011: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/01/android-beats-apple-in-market-share.html

In US:

Blackberry-maker Research In Motion continues to lead in market share, with 33.5% of U.S. smart phone subscribers for the three months ending in November 2010. But it lost market share to Google's Android platform, which was up from 19.6% to 26% in the period.

Google narrowly beat Apple for second place. Apple took 25% of the market.
2011-02-12T14:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I use my iPhone for nearly everything. What doesn't it do that you need? 2011-02-12T14:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I solved that problem. I haven't used MS Office in more than a year now and I don't miss it at all. 2011-02-12T14:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think people who claim "US bias" are idiots. I was just in Germany. All I saw were iPhones and Android phones. I was just in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum. Same. I was just speaking at LIFT. I asked everyone if they owned an iPhone. 60% of the hands went up (and this was a local audience). I've noticed the same in China (less iPhones, more Androids). Same in Tel Aviv. Same in France at a very international conference. And on and on.

What you don't realize is THE USA IS NOW DRIVING MOBILE WORLD WIDE. And you guys need to get over that.

Repeat after me. "The only thing that matters now is apps."

Got it? Repeat until you do.
2011-02-12T14:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I know. I'm still an idealist, though, and wish Microsoft would think different than think "what can we leverage off of our existing assets?" Grrr, it pisses me off. :-) 2011-02-12T13:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I wouldn't hold Kin against Microsoft. But that was a horrid move on their part. Shows they didn't really understand that the only thing that matters is apps. Luckily they came to their senses pretty quickly and killed that project. I'm sure that was painful. 2011-02-12T13:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
One problem with that. At the World Economic Forum I saw a TON of iPads. So the CEOs at the world's biggest companies are betting actively against .NET. That's gotta freak Microsoft out big time. 2011-02-12T13:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
One problem with your analysis: all developers are NOT the same. I used to work for Visual Basic Programmer's Journal so got to know the folks who use .NET up close and personally. They are NOT the kinds of people who will build bleeding edge mobile apps like Word Lens, Instagram, Flipboard, Siri, 360, Angry Birds, et al.

Sorry, just aren't. They are mostly corporate developers who build workgroup apps. The Windows ecosystem has been very stagnant for a long time (when was the last time you loaded a really new mind-blowing app on a Windows PC, or even on a Macintosh -- it's been a long time for me and I'm in the industry).

Yes, you shouldn't underestimate big brands, but the Computer History Museum is full of big brands that went away because they didn't stay innovative. Nokia is in serious trouble and has been for some time. Microsoft didn't save them today. Both Microsoft and Nokia are STILL in a deep hole (OK, they moved up the hole together yesterday, but they are still in a hole). Why? Just read my latest post where a developer tells you why they aren't building on Microsoft or Nokia.
2011-02-12T13:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The fact that iOS didn't have apps in its first year DOES NOT MATTER TODAY. The world is different than it was back then. Geesh. 2011-02-12T13:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I hope you are right, because I'd like to see a strong third competitor. I think that's really great for users/customers/developers/ecosystems, etc.

But it isn't just "starting up." It started up three years ago when the iPhone came on scene. Now it's a train moving at 80 mph and you can't change the dynamics that easily.

This is why you can't judge a platform released today against one released two or three years ago: in a marathon you can't catch up if you gave your opponent a 10-mile lead. Just is impossible, even if you are slightly faster runner than the lead runner (and Microsoft has NOT proven to be a slightly faster runner than the lead runners, in this case Google and Apple).

That said, you can never say Microsoft is really screwed, because it can keep spending billions after billions after billions. You did hear Nick say at one point that he can be convinced to develop for MSFT because of its money, right? That's hardly screwed, but I've talked with lots of other developers who told Microsoft's employees to shove their payoffs. Angry Birds' developer told me some stories about how hard it is to deal with Microsoft. Seems not everyone over there has gotten the app religion yet. Maybe Ballmer needs to jump on the table and say "developers, developers, developers" a few more times again.

But I do agree with you that Nokia and Microsoft together make a stronger offering than alone, for all the reasons I laid out yesterday (hardware design, supply chain, distribution, et al) but they still need to execute. Plus, it looks like it'll be 2012 before we really see a new series of phones from the Nokia/Microsoft partnership. Damn, that's a LONG time in this industry!

It's going to be a fun year to watch, that's for sure!
2011-02-12T12:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, that is exactly true. Most of the devs I know use Macs. Microsoft still thinks most of them use Windows. 2011-02-12T11:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ahh, ye olde "big fish in small pond" argument. This argument isn't working with most of the serious developers I talk with who are developing really bleeding edge apps. If you really have a great app you should ship it where the customers are, they tell me.

And if you do have a really great app it isn't that tough to get attention. If you have yet another "me too" app, then yeah, you are probably right, but those kinds of apps aren't the ones that will get the world to move forward.

One thing, though. Your tactic will make you an authority on WP7 and when the other companies want to port you'll be able to build a business for porting apps over.
2011-02-12T11:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What you just wrote shows you have no clue, thanks for playing. First of all I didn't "backtrack" on my comments from yesterday at all. Listen to the damn recording and you'll realize that. What did happen is a developer told me why I'm wrong and I'm reporting that.

As to Quora, please read my post "do I love or hate Quora?" http://www.quora.com/Robert-Scoble-1/Quora/Do-I-love-or-hate-Quora
2011-02-12T11:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you got me drunk I'd probably end up agreeing with you. But, I keep hoping there will be a third strong competitor. So, see, I'm nuts too! :-) 2011-02-11T17:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Any serious developer has nice machines with Windows 7 on them anyway. Unless you're developing for iOS, in which case you have a Mac. THAT actually +is+ a huge impediment to getting developers excited by Windows Phone 7. Microsoft should have cut the Windows OS "strategy tax" a long time ago. 2011-02-11T17:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm an Apple fan and was first in line for both the iPhone and iPad (literally). So, my cred as being "in the boat" is well intact. That said, Nokia and Microsoft together get them into the back of the boat. They weren't there before.

Thanks for playing!
2011-02-11T17:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm an Apple fan and was first in line for both the iPhone and iPad (literally). So, my cred as being "in the boat" is well intact. That said, Nokia and Microsoft together get them into the back of the boat. They weren't there before.

Thanks for playing!
2011-02-11T17:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, but this does change the game more than you are willing to state. But, yeah, both Microsoft and Nokia are in a deep hole together. It's smart to join forces when you are in a deep hole, though.

And don't count out iOS. At the recent LIFT conference in Europe most of the audience had iPhones. I don't see that changing noticeably. Apps will drive sales and profits. Apple has most of the profits for a reason and they will use those profits to make sure developers keep building the best apps for its platform.
2011-02-11T17:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Nokia developers don't matter. They can go wherever they want. They weren't doing the bleeding edge innovative apps (name one innovative app developed for Symbian only lately). Those folks already are on iOS. So, you gotta convince the iOS folks to take your platform seriously. 2011-02-11T17:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I am not paid by Nokia. Thanks for playing the game. 2011-02-11T17:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, I just had dinner with GetJar's CEO. Agreed that HTML5 will see more apps, there are a range of apps that don't need platform-specific stuff. 2011-02-11T16:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
WP7 has about 6,000 apps on it already. That's far from "none." But they have a long way to go. The thing is, will developers take WP7 seriously now? Certainly they will take it more seriously than yesterday. But, like I said, execution is what matters now that the strategy is set. 2011-02-11T16:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
From what i heard from Nokia execs they just don't believe in Meego. Plus, their message with third-party developers just wasn't working. Nokia couldn't get USA-based developers (which are 70% of what matters to this app world) enthused by Meego, no matter what. Nokia realized this. Microsoft, however, does have some traction here and good relationships with developers. This is a far better choice.

Remember, the ONLY thing that matters is apps. Meego was NEVER going to get them there.
2011-02-11T16:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, Symbian is flawed and was NOT going to enthuse developers. Elop realized this and scrapped it. Have you ever talked with a third-party developer? I have. They hated Symbian. 2011-02-11T16:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This deal will speed that up. 2011-02-11T16:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This deal will speed that up. 2011-02-11T16:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are forgetting Xbox. This can work, but it will demand that Elop not just is a master strategist, but someone who can execute. So far Nokia execs who are working with him are impressed. We'll see, but at least this company has turned the corner into the reality-based world. That's HUGE. 2011-02-11T16:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are forgetting Xbox. This can work, but it will demand that Elop not just is a master strategist, but someone who can execute. So far Nokia execs who are working with him are impressed. We'll see, but at least this company has turned the corner into the reality-based world. That's HUGE. 2011-02-11T16:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Why are app developers making apps? Control of hardware. Look at games. HTML isn't it. 2011-02-11T16:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Foodspotting? No.
Word Lens? No.
360 Pano? No.
Star app? No.

Shall I go on? I could for hours.
2011-02-11T16:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Foodspotting? No.
Word Lens? No.
360 Pano? No.
Star app? No.

Shall I go on? I could for hours.
2011-02-11T16:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, Mona: browsing isn't all that we'll want our devices to do. It's all about apps and HTML 5 isn't it, according to the coolest developers who I've been visiting lately. 2011-02-11T16:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, Mona: browsing isn't all that we'll want our devices to do. It's all about apps and HTML 5 isn't it, according to the coolest developers who I've been visiting lately. 2011-02-11T16:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly and with Nokia on board the app developers will pour more resources into this. They all just got the signal that Microsoft AND Nokia are serious. 2011-02-11T15:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Like I said, Nokia doesn't have smart software leaders. I don't know that they could put this through. 2011-02-11T15:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nokia already has lost a lot of those folks. Elop is gonna fix that problem another way: fire all the idiots inside Nokia and make the organization flatter, which will improve morale. 2011-02-11T15:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I had a major developer tell me the legal team at Microsoft was just too difficult to deal with. They ended up turning down Microsoft's money (I've now heard this from several developers -- this is something Elop has to fix and fix fast). 2011-02-11T15:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly: and Xbox shows that Microsoft +can+ build app stores. 2011-02-11T15:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If the world goes HTML5 then Microsoft Nokia wins even more. Why? Their OS feels nicer to use than Android does and is very differentiated. They just need to fix the bugs in the browser. Those bug fixes are coming anyway. 2011-02-11T15:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I didn't say that. But there's a LOT that CAN be shared with an entire company, or, at least, with a workgroup. The value built up this way CAN be measured by such systems. 2011-02-11T04:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Do you get sound here: http://klewel.com/conferences/lift11/index.php?talkID=43 ? 2011-02-11T04:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you visit http://klewel.com/conferences/lift11/index.php?talkID=43 you will see a pause control on bottom left. 2011-02-11T04:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I know, Benioff is getting it. So is Sacks. The leader here? Lithium and Spigit. They just are careful not to get too out in front of this. 2011-02-11T03:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That isn't my experience at all on iPhone and i use it harder and more than anyone. 2011-02-11T02:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, send me email. [email protected] 2011-02-11T02:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Charbax: you live in an alternative universe from mine if you claim that iPad isn't better than Android on tablets. Sorry. They aren't even close to the same in usability and quality of apps. 2011-02-10T18:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Windows 7 is dead on touch tablets. Sorry. 2011-02-10T18:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
irrelevant enough to have jerks commenting on my blog. Harrumph. 2011-02-10T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's not the first time I've written this. 2011-02-10T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't think so, mostly because of apps, but also partly because it won't be here for a few months. Too long to wait and by then there will be a new iPad. That said, it sure is interesting. 2011-02-10T11:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup! 2011-02-10T10:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, that's not what they are planning on doing. They are going to build something akin to the Chrome OS so that they can sell laptops without ANY Windows running, which will save them something like $50 per machine, which turns into more than $100 at retail. That's now significant. 2011-02-10T09:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True. By the way, popularity drives developers, which brings apps. Flipboard, for instance, is only available on iPad. So is Rupert Murdoch's new app. So is Oprah's new app. And on and on and on and on.

What you "geeky" people don't seem to learn, despite years of being taught this lesson, is that popularity makes markets and having a "geekier" OS like Linux, no matter what the distro is, doesn't bring you many apps.

I'll stick with my populist approach, thank you very much.
2011-02-10T09:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I was at CES and the Microsoft tablets are crap. I used to work for Microsoft. Windows is DOA in the consumer market and everyone knows it. 2011-02-10T09:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, at CES the Motorola Xoom won all the awards, not the PlayBook. 2011-02-10T05:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
He and others get credit, according to Phil: http://www.cinchcast.com/scobleizer/169253 2011-02-09T20:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Give me a break. Any tablet running Windows is dead on arrival. 2011-02-09T19:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Give me a break. Any tablet running Windows is dead on arrival. 2011-02-09T19:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. I think they are living off of the Windows brand and can't break away from it. That shows weak leadership. 2011-02-09T16:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, fixed! 2011-02-05T01:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, fixed! 2011-02-05T01:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, fixed! 2011-02-05T01:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think you've missed a major part of checkins. They aren't always done in restaurants. For instance, I just checked into my hotel in Geneva. Foursquare could show me offers from restaurants or other businesses nearby. THAT is real power that they are just starting to figure out with their offers and tips. 2011-02-04T23:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've been hearing this for years. Every year Nokia puts a phone in my hands that sucks compared to iPhone. Let me know when your new "super dooper Symbian" is here. I don't really care what the code base is, just make it easy to use. All this arguing is just programmers arguing until it's done. So far it's not. Maybe next week at MWC? Bring a device over my house and let's play! 2011-02-03T14:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hah, this post pretty much came straight from Nokia employees who have been telling me how screwed up the company is internally. I love fanboys. 2011-02-03T14:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No, it shows I made a mistake. I wrote that after a party, on jet lag, and I screwed up and fixed it within minutes. Glad to know you never misspeak or write something that is wrong. Nice to know such a perfect person. 2011-02-03T13:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Right, Microsoft Windows Phone 7. Sorry if I confused you with my writing. 2011-02-03T13:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Interesting analysis. I disagree, obviously, but enjoyed your answer a great deal. Will be interesting to watch what they do do. 2011-02-03T13:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'll believe it when I see it. So far what Nokia has done hasn't come up to the bar. Will it? Just by putting a new UI on Symbian? I'm not so sure. But I'm willing to be convinced. Bring one over and we'll play with it for a while! 2011-02-03T13:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True, which is why what Elop really needs to do is flatten the organization and get rid of middle management that's holding back the younger innovators who will turn Nokia into a software company. Too much "committeeism" at Nokia, I hear. Sounds familiar, that's what was going on at Microsoft too. 2011-02-03T10:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've had several execs bring me the latest Nokia N-900's and other high end devices. They all admit they are way behind iPhone, Android, and WinPhone7 in usability. 2011-02-03T09:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm glad you never make mistakes or misspeak. I'm so honored to have a perfect person commenting here! 2011-02-03T07:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, Nokia has been trying that for three years and failing. I think it needs something bigger than just some lipstick on the pig. 2011-02-02T23:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, the number of believers in Symbian just isn't large, either inside or outside of Nokia. Developers won't support it, at least not without a near complete redevelopment, which I don't think Nokia has in it. 2011-02-02T23:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, fixed that. 2011-02-02T22:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't agree with your conclusions. Most people don't follow questions, by the way, for one, even if they particularly like a certain answer.

I won't apologize for getting the most votes. If that bothers you, vote up another answer.
2011-02-01T17:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree, but a site that uses real identity should expect to see those with more popular/relevant/expert identities will get more upvotes than others. I'm sure when Oprah answers "where is the best place in the world to visit" that she'll get more upvotes than I will, even if my answer is more correct. I don't see anything wrong with that. At least not if a site wants to go mainstream and justify its $86 million valuation. 2011-02-01T09:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Both! :-) 2011-02-01T09:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I fixed these errors, thanks! But I do have proof that some of the reviewers were marking my posts as "not helpful" for fun. That does make me a victim, even if my behavior invited that kind of action. A rape victim is still a victim even if she wore a short skirt. 2011-02-01T09:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Good feedback, thanks! I will try to do that more here. 2011-01-31T21:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, but you can't really find the edges in a service until you do get a large audience on it AND you use it with that large audience. 2011-01-31T21:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Totally agreed. I'm still seeing FAQs float by that I never have seen and that's after spending hundreds of hours on the system. 2011-01-31T19:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Dave: lots of people do. And lots of people needlessly take them seriously. You wouldn't believe how many times I was introduced as "tech blogger who has xxxx of followers on Twitter" at the World Economic Forum. 2011-01-31T19:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ricardo: sorry, but lots of reviewers say that some of the reviewers are jealous that I have followers and they don't. That's what I was trying to say. I think my post makes it clearer now. 2011-01-31T19:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, Ashton Kutcher +is+ on Quora: http://www.quora.com/Ashton-Kutcher Has 1,066 followers and 16 answers. Proof the mainstream hasn't yet shown up. 2011-01-31T18:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, Ashton Kutcher +is+ on Quora: http://www.quora.com/Ashton-Kutcher Has 1,066 followers and 16 answers. Proof the mainstream hasn't yet shown up. 2011-01-31T18:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Pot meet kettle. It's black too. 2011-01-31T18:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
All of these are not evidence of where I had a worse answer that wasn't voted to the bottom. Geesh, are you really that hard headed when I ask for evidence, please provide it. You can't, it's all emotion with you and opinions, something you blame me for doing. 2011-01-31T18:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Chester: dude, go somewhere else. This is my blog and I get to talk about what I'm learning by using these services. 2011-01-31T18:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
And, systems reward first answers BECAUSE so many questions don't go answered at all, which is really the biggest problem for Quora as the mainstream users come in and try it out. 2011-01-31T16:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
OK, show me 10 places where my answers are provably not the best but are on top with the most votes. I've done 409 questions, surely you can find 10. Provide URLs when you make such a bald assertion that the system isn't working. 2011-01-31T16:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, humans fall in love and out of love all the time. More than 50% of marriages end in divorce, and that takes a far bigger commitment than falling in love with Quora (and costs a LOT more to get out of!) 2011-01-31T16:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, humans fall in love and out of love all the time. More than 50% of marriages end in divorce, and that takes a far bigger commitment than falling in love with Quora (and costs a LOT more to get out of!) 2011-01-31T16:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, not a setup. 2011-01-31T14:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Most people on Quora don't match your description of them. Not everyone on Quora is Steve Case. It might be arrogant to say, but who the hell made YOU a judge of who has business strategy expertise or not? 2011-01-31T12:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Unfortunately I'm not going to be at MWC. Sorry. Can't travel all the time. 2011-01-31T11:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, and note, even though I believe your answer here is TOTALLY incorrect, no one removed it or downvoted it or marked it as "not helpful" which hides it from people seeing it. Funny to see that difference. 2011-01-31T11:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Bing! 2011-01-31T11:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Again, nice to see your OPINION but let's see those 10 URLs. I answered 400 questions, you should be able to find at least 10 where someone commented under my answer and said "this isn't the best answer." 2011-01-31T11:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, interesting. Name 10 where someone commented that the answer was incorrect. You can't.

In truth you don't like my +style+ and that's different than not having a correct answer. It's opinion and that's OK.
2011-01-31T11:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What happened to me was NOT being downvoted by the crowd. If that happened my post would simply be at the bottom of the pile of answers. What happened in reality is that a moderator marked my answer as "not helpful."

Later, other reviewers/moderators came along and said "that's not fair" and placed the answer back on the site.
2011-01-31T11:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Keith Olbermann didn't have commenters on everything he posts. This is a two-way media, and is completely different than the one-way media that Keith was big in. 2011-01-31T10:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Absolutely wrong, actually. At Microsoft my final title was "strategist." And I've interviewed thousands of business people. I know more about business strategy than most people. 2011-01-31T10:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's cool. I have the same opinion of your writing, but it's only that, one person's opinion. 2011-01-31T10:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's cool. I have the same opinion of your writing, but it's only that, one person's opinion. 2011-01-31T10:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's cool. I have the same opinion of your writing, but it's only that, one person's opinion. 2011-01-31T10:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's cool. I have the same opinion of your writing, but it's only that, one person's opinion. 2011-01-31T10:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Name one answer I posted that is factually incorrect. Please. URLs when you make such broad statements of opinion. 2011-01-31T10:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If the owners don't want things to be partly a contest why do they show how many upvotes you get? It's to ensure that people put their best efforts into answering the questions. I don't mind downvotes, they are the way to clean out the system, but the system of marking an answer (wrongfully) as not helpful just because who answered it is evil and wrong. They should fix that by putting the reviewer's name on those "not helpful" collapsings (anonymous power is evil, which is why in US courts you are allowed to face your accuser) and also there should be a reason why the item is removed, and also there should be a clear appeals process. 2011-01-31T10:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I wish I could upvote your answer. :-) 2011-01-31T09:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Charlie Rose does video interviews. I don't demand to see the transcripts of his work. 2011-01-31T07:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Charlie Rose does video interviews. I don't demand to see the transcripts of his work. 2011-01-31T07:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I would love to! 2011-01-31T07:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I would love to! 2011-01-31T07:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I would love to! 2011-01-31T07:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have evidence that a group of reviewers have targeted me for marking my answers as "not helpful." That isn't evidence that it will become anything less than a private club. 2011-01-31T07:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have evidence that a group of reviewers have targeted me for marking my answers as "not helpful." That isn't evidence that it will become anything less than a private club. 2011-01-31T07:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have evidence that a group of reviewers have targeted me for marking my answers as "not helpful." That isn't evidence that it will become anything less than a private club. 2011-01-31T07:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Interesting that no one at Quora ever talks with me about what it is or isn't so who knows what it is or isn't? This is part of the fun figuring out what new systems are good for. I put a thesis forward and it was disproven. Onward to the next thing! 2011-01-31T07:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup. I have to learn this lesson every year or so. Sorry Dave! 2011-01-30T15:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a lame analysis of what I do. Really lame. 2011-01-30T11:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, sorry about that. Fixed. 2011-01-30T11:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You probably would rather read a football score in the newspaper than watch the game. Sorry, but I spent three days getting you this content and if you don't want to listen to it I don't get why you would leave such a comment on a blog. 2011-01-30T11:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What an idiotic comment. Did you listen to any of these conversations? Do YOU add any value to the Internet by trying to bring these kinds of conversations to the net? No, you just make idiotic comments. 2011-01-30T11:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
There is absolutely value in moderation. But let me ask you a question: why do they require transparency from users (you aren't allowed to use a fake name, for instance) but they don't require transparency from moderators. In US courts you are allowed to face your accuser, but not on Quora, and there's no real transparent appeal process. That's wrong and nasty and builds distrust in the system. 2011-01-30T11:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't mind if I get downvoted or my answer marked as "not helpful" if it meets three conditions:

1. I know who voted me down.
2. If I know why.
3. If I have an opportunity to change my answer and appeal the decision.

On Quora we don't know who voted you down. I don't know why. I don't have an opportunity to change my answer and appeal the decision. That's nasty all around.
2011-01-30T11:33:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I realize that now, but it has a lot of blogging attributes. If it's just a QA service it doesn't deserve the hype it's getting. 2011-01-30T11:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, I answered 400 questions on the service. There is something to that, where people who are putting in the time get treated like that. 2011-01-30T11:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Maybe, but probably not. 2011-01-30T10:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I didn't worry about my audience here. In fact, I found it freeing because I could answer questions that don't fit into my blog, like about cigars, or other topics that don't fit into the tech blog corner I've painted myself into here.

Sorry for screwing up your post.
2011-01-30T09:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sure does! 2011-01-30T09:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't know, sorry. 2011-01-26T11:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If you think only early adopters are playing Angry Birds, you simply aren't studying the real world. Or at least the one I live in. It's going nuts. 2011-01-25T15:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I wish I was drinking. I probably wouldn't have come up with such a wacky idea. By the way, I told the Rovio exec what you just said, that we wouldn't be playing in a year, and he told me some of the ways they are working to make sure that we are. So, we'll see. I believe in this team, though. They are doing some wacky thinking! 2011-01-25T15:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Huh? The iPhone actually has a pretty good microphone. I use it to record these shows: http://cinchcast.com/scobleizer -- a Nokia phone doesn't do any better (I have several). 2011-01-24T11:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Daily Booth is a bit too narcissistic for even me, but has lots of users. I just haven't taken to Burstn, but need to really figure out why. I haven't tried Steply, will try that. 2011-01-22T18:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, but not on the server. So, what happens if your phone gets lost or stolen and you haven't synced (that's happened to me and my wife). 2011-01-22T18:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've only had problems with data connections at large events where I want to do journalism. World Series, SXSW, CES, etc etc. 2011-01-17T22:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. 2011-01-16T22:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. 2011-01-16T22:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. 2011-01-16T22:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. 2011-01-16T22:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, geez. 2011-01-16T19:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I was at AT&T Park in San Francisco for the World Series. 2011-01-13T12:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I do. But maybe I hang out with a better class of non geeks than you do. :-) 2011-01-10T06:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, we'll see. I'll keep my AT&T phone for a number of months because of contract lock in. But generally I'm on wifi when I'm surfing the web anyway, except for when I try to cover conferences and/or press events, where AT&T is usually useless. It'll be good for both networks, I imagine, to have some spreading out of the users but most of the people who bought iPhone 4's are locked in for another year or two on contracts. 2011-01-10T02:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I do that all the time, actually. Very useful to look at calendars, maps, etc. 2011-01-10T02:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
THAT will be a legitimate complaint! If AT&T wants to take swings at Verizon, this is the way to do it, not talk about network speed. A slow network is still faster than one that doesn't work at all. 2011-01-10T02:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
THAT will be a legitimate complaint! If AT&T wants to take swings at Verizon, this is the way to do it, not talk about network speed. A slow network is still faster than one that doesn't work at all. 2011-01-10T02:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wonderful. Nice to hear, except that most of the world's tech press and geeks lives in either New York or San Francisco area and we're the ones who really need this kind of service. 2011-01-10T02:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wonderful. Nice to hear, except that most of the world's tech press and geeks lives in either New York or San Francisco area and we're the ones who really need this kind of service. 2011-01-10T02:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly! 2011-01-10T02:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly! 2011-01-10T02:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nickel and diming? Look who is doing that with a 2GB data cap! (AT&T): http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/11/01/09/verizon_iphone_to_use_existing_plans_similar_to_att.html

And should I tell you about how badly I get nickel and dimed while roaming Internationally on AT&T?
2011-01-10T01:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't know, that's why I'll be listening to what Verizon and Apple say very carefully at the press event next week. 2011-01-10T01:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I doubt it. But we'll see. 2011-01-10T01:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are probably right there, but then I won't believe a thing AT&T says. Why? The CTO told me in an interview that AT&T's service would be able to handle all the iPhones. He was lying then, and I won't believe a damn thing he says about 4G. 2011-01-10T01:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I had a Samsung on AT&T and it had some of the same call dropping problems than my iPhone did. The one on T-Mobile, though? Nope. Plus, I really don't care about voice all that much. For me I +need+ data. AT&T wouldn't work from the hall at CES this year or last, but T-Mobile and Verizon worked fine. 2011-01-10T01:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Motorola is pretty cool, but I still like iPhone OS better than Android. Android is coming on strong, though. Maybe by the end of 2011 I'll switch that too! Of course, that's assuming that Apple doesn't do anything cool and new this year. Not a good assumption to make. :-) 2011-01-10T01:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That is true, but Verizon works in downtown SF so they got their towers approved. I can't even get a signal on some streets in SF with AT&T. 2011-01-10T01:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Michael: that might be true, but at CES? Sucked. At World Series? Sucked. At many other events I've attended lately? Sucked (they fixed it at SXSW, which demonstrates they CAN fix their issues, but refuse to make the investments needed). 2011-01-10T01:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's possible, but at CES there were a VERY high number of Blackberries and Android devices on Verizon and Verizon never burped. So, past experience is, yes, Verizon will deal. And if it doesn't? Well, then, I'll be the first to tell you it's sucking. 2011-01-10T01:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree, he's the best and most knowledgeable guy on this stuff I know. 2011-01-10T00:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Are you Amish? They still buy horse-and-buggies! 2011-01-10T00:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Are you Amish? They still buy horse-and-buggies! 2011-01-10T00:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Because I knew at that point that the Motorola was the best of CES. In fact, CNET and many others named it best of the show. 2011-01-10T00:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Because I knew at that point that the Motorola was the best of CES. In fact, CNET and many others named it best of the show. 2011-01-10T00:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Have you seen Waze? 2011-01-07T13:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What are you talking about that no one gives a damn? I sure do, which is why I use assisted driving technologies. 2011-01-07T13:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
They do millions of hours of research, they told me, on how to minimize distractions while driving. My radar systems are more reliable than most any driver I've met. They don't get drunk. They don't get distracted. They don't fall asleep. Plus they see through fog and other adverse driving conditions (very helpful on our drive to CES, since we were in heavy fog some of the way). 2011-01-07T12:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm underwater by $200k. So, I keep hoping that a Facebook IPO comes along and helps raise housing prices in the area so I can get even again. :-) 2011-01-03T06:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The biggest IPO ever in US history was just the GM one. That came in at $23 billion. I'm pretty sure Facebook will blow that away. I just don't know by how much. 2011-01-03T06:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I try. Well, 2007 was a different time. It sure seemed nuts back then. Now it seems much more plausible. 2011-01-03T06:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Not true at all. Have you looked at the bios of the programmers? They are from some of the best sites on the web. And people who can explain to others how to do something technical are a great breed to hire anyway. 2011-01-02T13:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What you missed is that I bought almost every Twitter app out there, too. Things like Osfoora and Tweetie (I don't believe that was free at first). But I like these three the best, which proves that sometimes free is best. 2011-01-01T22:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True, but the examples I gave are NOT available for free. I do, like Louis Gray noted, use lots of free apps too (although I bought almost every Twitter client to try them all out. That's an investment I don't regret making but that's cause I want to keep up to date). 2011-01-01T22:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hmm. My iPhone cost $200 for the phone. Around $2,400 for two years of AT&T and about $400 worth of apps so far. Android doesn't reduce the total cost of ownership that much yet. 2010-12-27T07:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
A little bit if you look but the insider stuff is why I love it! 2010-12-27T07:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Swype rocks but I haven't figured out how to get that on the Nexus S. 2010-12-27T05:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No one that uninvolved will ever be seen as an expert on the game of baseball. 2010-12-27T04:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Microsoft Kinect has that excitement! 2010-12-27T04:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, I recently rode a Subway in NY and saw a TON of iPhones too. Same with Androids, but the numbers didn't seem much higher than France. Maybe I need to live there to get a real sense of things. Oh, and I saw those iPad ads in the NY subways too. Just didn't take pictures.

But, yeah, Android is gonna end up with more market share. The question is "how much more?" Is it going to end up in the 90/10 split Windows and Macs did or something like 60/40?

And what's the split of the profits going to be? Google's profits are ad based. Apple's are around the sale of devices, accessories, and apps and associated in-app sales. I still see Apple's will be wildly more profitable in 2011. But what about 2012?
2010-12-27T03:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I just linked to this in my article too. Good points. 2010-12-26T22:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I only use my devices as voice phones about 5% of the time. So, while that's important it is hardly the most important part of the phone. iPhone has been getting better for me, too. Except in downtown San Francisco, which I am rarely in. 2010-12-26T22:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Cool, glad you love living in that world. I have a drawer full of Android phones, none of which stand up to iPhone. Openess is great for developers. For everyone else? Not so sure and even with the openess, there aren't many better apps on Android that didn't already come from Google. 2010-12-26T22:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, Google has some major advantages the others don't. I don't see that as complacency, though. Apple, in the last year, totally changed the market with the iPad and Google really hasn't responded to that yet. What what innovation has Google done on iOS beyond integration with its systems like Google Voice, Gmail, Google Buzz, and Google Maps? I don't see it. Apple pushed developers ahead with a better screen first and better sensors (GPS, gyroscope, and camera devices on Android still aren't nearly as nice as iOS).

It's a lot easier to move fast when you're copying someone else. I haven't yet seen a place where Google innovates and moves way in front. Maybe with self-driving cars! :-)
2010-12-26T21:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh, funny that's for Google Chrome. Apple is very consistent with its advertising. One advantage Apple has is fewer products, so they can bang those in. 2010-12-26T21:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, and here in San Francisco? Along the freeways I mostly see iPad ads. Yeah, there's one Motorola Droid ad, but that doesn't really brand the Android platform, just a specific device. Not nearly as powerful advertising and says nothing about Google. 2010-12-26T21:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, I watch how people move through the hallways. They get only a fleeting glimpse. While in the main station they stand there for minutes. Plus, as trains go through stations they get more viewing too. Many more minutes of viewing. I don't even remember all the other ads, just the ones in the main stations, at least partially because I took photos in the main stations. 2010-12-26T20:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree. I find I'm doing many of the same behaviors I've done here for the past 10 years over on Quora. 2010-12-26T20:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hmm, I was in several stations at LeWeb in Paris and Apple ads were everywhere in the stations. I saw some Google ads in the less desirable spaces in the hallways leading to the stations, but not in the main stations themselves. 2010-12-26T20:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Probably so they can make phone calls. I know lots of journalists who have left for Droids for that reason, especially in San Francisco, where it's still impossible to make phone calls on some streets. 2010-12-26T20:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The growth follows the tip of the spear. You really think that those markets are going to stay with substandard phones when they get the ability to buy something better? As iPhones and Android phones come down in price they will eat into Nokia's market share (and already have around the world). 2010-12-26T20:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have reported it, yes. But this is effectively a bug report. I'm sure Iain will see this. 2010-12-26T20:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Congratulations. This is an example of the fragmentation that the press talks about. My phone has a newer Android OS than yours does. So, now developers have to test on more devices. 2010-12-26T20:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Nexus S is getting better, but still isn't as smooth. It's a big deal for me because I read almost all day long on my phones, especially Tweets that keep coming in and require lots of scrolling. 2010-12-26T20:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm using the Nexus S from Samsung with latest updates. 2010-12-26T20:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That said, I'd rather live in Steve Jobs' world than a Google one. At least it'd be designed with some sense of style. 2010-12-26T20:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd hate it if Steve Jobs totally took over the world too. That would let him relax and get lazy. The best situation is when there's a few competitors all going at it. That's when the consumer does best. 2010-12-26T20:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry. It is crass, but I don't care about market share and I don't care about what happened in the past. It's not ignorant, either. It's the way to look at companies that go up and go down. Everyone thought Alta Vista would always be #1 in search, too, remember? I didn't. People said I was nuts back then too. 2010-12-26T19:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's little things, like how every app's top bar navigates to the top of the screen (Android ones all behave differently, and, yes, I know there are four buttons at the bottom of the screen that do much of the same). Battery life still isn't as good, but that's probably because my phone is on T-Mobile, which has no coverage at my house, which means it constantly is searching for a cell tower. Apps overall are better on iPhone, too, especially the Twitter app. But you are right, which is why I can't confidently say iPhone is better. 2010-12-26T19:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks Hugh, looking forward to another SXSW and glad to see what you're doing to try to break up the crowds. 2010-12-23T19:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm really bummed by hearing this. One reason I put my phone number on my blog ( it's +1-425-205-1921 ) and my email address (it's [email protected] ) so that I can help unglue situations like this. Even the best companies occassionally let balls hit the floor. It pisses me off when a customer is in pain and I have attention of top folks across the company and can get you the help you need. By the way, we also have a team watching [email protected], not to mention our other support options at http://rackspace.com (chat and phone). But I sure would love a chance to get you the help you need. 2010-12-23T19:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My book publisher didn't pay me until the return window closed, so, yeah, technically that's what a sale is. 2010-12-23T19:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have one of those at home (a high school student). By the way, Rackspace regularly does work with local high schools, it's a great idea! 2010-12-22T19:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, but even without Twitter there would have been growth. It is a problem, though, and it also is becoming a much more expensive event to attend, which will change the audience makeup. I can't do anything about that, but I do seek out better experiences so will work on improving the part of the event that I can do something about. 2010-12-22T05:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Serendipity will happen because of Twitter and Foursquare anyway. And, also, it's hard to ignore some of the larger events or, even, bumping into people in the streets. 2010-12-22T05:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That idea sounds awesome. The nametag thing is because there's an opportunity cost to having so many people in one event. The pressure is on to meet the cool people (whoever they are) and not spend time with people you don't think can offer you anything. It's lame behavior, yes, but is exactly what I'm getting tired of too. Let's see if we can fix it! 2010-12-22T05:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sit with Louis Gray. He doesn't drink at all. By the way, last year I stayed sober the whole time except for the last night. I'll do the same this year. I got more out of it than previous years where I was drunk. 2010-12-22T05:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Getting alcohol at SXSW is NOT a problem! :-) In fact, one hotel room party (which was defacto limited to 20 people or so) had plenty of alcohol. What was the first thing they told me when I arrived? "No Twittering, no Foursquaring." Why? Because they wanted to start a MicroSXSW movement. 2010-12-22T05:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I couldn't agree more with this line: "It's no longer about how big your... party is. But it's about how awesome your conversations are." 2010-12-22T05:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I haven't seen many that aren't handed out by Microsoft employees. Sure hasn't hit a big percentage of people yet. 2010-12-22T05:09:00+00:00 Scobleizer
So why didn't Microsoft (or the tech press) report THAT number? That's far more impressive than what they reported today, if true. 2010-12-22T04:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Give me a break. Microsoft is marketing these. Most human beings see that Microsoft is selling these phones and are paying (at least in part) to manufacture the phones. In fact Microsoft is even opening stores around the world where consumers go in and buy these phones directly from Microsoft.

This is being pedantic with the numbers and playing a game that just is meant to mislead. If these are all sitting in a warehouse somewhere then why report the numbers at all?

Plus, how many billions have Microsoft invested in these 1.5 million "sales?" I know Microsoft applies certain "grease" to get OEMs to make lots of phones and to make the numbers seem more impressive than they really are.

My point is: how many people actually have a Windows Phone 7 in their hot little hands right now? Certainly NOT 1.5 million. The rest is just channel stuffing. How much stuffing? We don't know because we don't have the real sales numbers.
2010-12-21T21:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If the units really are selling that fast and these aren't in some warehouse somewhere then why doesn't Microsoft just come out and give us REAL sales numbers? Hint: they aren't all sold and Samsung Focus does NOT represent all the units being counted here, so who is being fair here and who is applying some weight to the scales to help their favorite platform seem like it's doing well in the marketplace? 2010-12-21T21:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree. Microsoft knows that if these copies just sit in a warehouse somewhere they don't count as sales and they probably will even have to give refunds to OEMs if that's the case. Second, that doesn't exclude the tech press for bad headlines that made these "sales" seem more important than they were. 2010-12-21T21:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I interviewed AdMob when they first came on the market. Now that they are at Google they are harder to interview (too much PR interference). I'll put TapJoy on my list. Thanks! 2010-12-19T02:31:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, it is. I use an Ergotron arm, which lets me spin it horizontally or vertically. Then in the Apple Control Panel you can set it to be vertically. 2010-12-18T13:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I have moderation set to keep new people from posting until I have a chance to approve. Why? That effectively keeps spam rates way down. 2010-12-18T13:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The problem with iPod nanos is that a watch should have a display that's always on and that one uses too much power to do that for a long enough time. 2010-12-15T11:06:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You're probably right. But Fossil makes watches for a wide variety of brands and is pretty damn big too. I'll remove that unless I can find some facts to back it up. 2010-12-15T10:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Might be right, but, then, I still want one. Plus, we spend lots of money on stupid things. Does the Xbox I bought really solve a problem I had? 2010-12-15T10:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, you are channeling NokiaWorld 2008: http://scobleizer.com/2008/12/05/steve-jobs-sleeps-like-baby-after-nokia-world/ they had all those features back then, too. But did they matter? No. But, sounds great. Enjoy your N8. I've met a few other people who've bought them, but regretted doing so. We'll see how you are in six months. 2010-12-13T20:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I really don't know much. You're right. 2010-12-13T19:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I do NOT see this move to Web apps you're talking about. The coolest things I've seen at LeWeb were NOT web apps. In fact, I think this is a real problem for the Web and I talked with Mozilla's Chairperson at LeWeb about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGI529KhmEI 2010-12-13T19:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, but that market will eventually be satiated and eventually will disappear. Certainly it will be a low margin and low growth business and, I believe, will not justify keeping Nokia at the size it currently is. If a company stops moving up market it is doomed. That has played out many times in the tech industry. The computer history museum is full of companies that had most of the market share in their times. This is a chicken without a head and it's not a good place to be in, even though the chicken is fat and is running around the yard vigorously. 2010-12-13T19:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That might be true, but not a single developer at LeWeb showed me an app done on a Nokia platform. Not a single one. So, this is a message that is NOT getting to developers and, if it is (I think it is, actually) it doesn't matter because the user experience on the phones sucks and developers don't like building apps for platforms that have bad user experiences. Why? Devs do things for love, just as much as doing them for money (I know three developers who've turned down money from Nokia, because Nokia is going around the industry trying to talk developers into building for its platforms). 2010-12-13T19:28:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You must not drive a lot. I do, and have an extensive music collection. It's nice to be able to use voice control instead of playing around. Also, exercise is important too. The button? Yeah, but that seems to be needed. Otherwise it might think you're talking to it when you're just talking. That's something they could change in future, though. The Ford Sync used a button when I played with it, too. So does my Toyota's system. 2010-12-13T19:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What you're forgetting is people change. They all have friends showing them cool new modern devices with tons of cool apps. The apps themselves are selling phones. That's why the chicken is running around without a head. 2010-12-13T19:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's how YOU use contacts. Not the way I use it. I am a networker and a journalist. I have a lot of people who I need to call in the industry and, over the years, I've collected more than 8,000 business cards by meeting people face-to-face. Nice to know you don't need these features. But many of us do (especially if you are an executive in business). 2010-12-13T18:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heheh. Actually, I hand added every single one of them. They are mostly developers, executives, press folks, or other tech geeks. I have more than 8,000 business cards, so have met many times that number face-to-face. 2010-12-13T18:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I totally disagree. I don't use Foursquare to play a game. I really don't care about being mayor anywhere. I use it for two reasons:

Serendipity around people. I check in to see if there's anyone interesting nearby.
Serendipity around place. I check in to see if anyone has left me a cool tip about the neighborhood I'm in.

That's it. Anyone who says it's about the game isn't really paying attention. The game is lame. Oh, and, you forget about the deals you can get just by checking in. Something Google doesn't yet do.
2010-12-13T18:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Funny, but every year I go to Europe. Most of my attitude isn't American at all. It comes from watching Europeans. Glad to see you're finally seeing it too. I wrote pretty much this same post in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Interesting to see that I'm not getting ANY pushback. Compared to previous years THAT is a huge change. Translation: it isn't just the bloggers and analysts who are seeing the problem here. 2010-12-13T17:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
There's a reason why checkins are more important: you will check in if you are open to serendipitious meetings. Latitude doesn't communicate ANYTHING about how open I am to meeting. Foursquare does. And it's happened over and over and over that I've gotten value out of meetings because of checking in. I use Latitude often too, but haven't gotten a SINGLE thing "back" from the network. The value in letting your wife/family/friends know where you are is very small.

Sorry, Foursquare uses a LOT less battery. There are only three places a day, at most, that I want to share with everyone on the network.

Like I said, Glympse is a far better way to let someone know where you are. Why? Because the personal risks of letting people know where you are is just too high. Most people won't add a business contact, or an associated person to it. It just won't be used, according to my interviews with hundreds of people. Facebook is the one that most people will try using anyway. Google's Latitude just doesn't provide much value and is rife with problems.
2010-12-13T17:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Absolutely wrong. Why? Because you never get profitable by aiming where people are today. You get profitable by aiming where they will be tomorrow. Don't believe me? Ask the MySpace team. They are in real trouble because they took your advice. 2010-12-13T01:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly. But the Volt has a chance of building a good world-wide image BECAUSE it is geeky. It's well engineered and GM's CEO should have played up that engineering instead of trying to denigrate a competitor who kicked his ass in the marketplace. Not to mention that geeky = good.

Imagine if Rackspace's CEO told the press that its competitor was geekier. He'd be shown the door before the pixels on that blog hit Google.
2010-12-12T22:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's absolutely false. At highway speeds I get 45 mpg in the Prius. The Boxer doesn't get that much. In fact, my friends who have one say it gets around 25mpg and the government rates it at 29 mpg.

As far as damage to environment, all car companies are trying to build electric battery-focused cars. Like Chevy is. The Chevy Volt has many times more batteries than my Prius has (which is how the Volt goes about 40 miles on just electricity -- my Prius can't even go two miles on just electricity and that's if I drove it at 15mph or less).
2010-12-12T22:06:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yikes. I always thought the Palo Alto store was the first one. Funny enough, John Fry gave me a tour around the new store on the first day it was open (and told me it was Fry's first million-dollar day). 2010-12-12T22:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Interesting. The Prius has the most aerodynamic design of any mass-produced car on the road. I don't find it ugly. I find it has innovative design no one else has. 2010-12-12T22:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's working here. Can you try again? 2010-12-03T01:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, it's working here on a variety of computers. It also generates a JPG that works on non-Flash computers. But, yes, the app itself is an iPhone app only. So, Android users will need to wait to play. 2010-12-02T00:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Boinx doesn't show you the panorama WHILE you are recording it. It also doesn't do a true panorama the way 360 Panorama does. Not even comparable. 2010-12-02T00:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Try it more, there are some problems with the stitching, though, and the team says they are working on ways to make that even better in the future. 2010-12-01T20:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I've done a number that aren't that poor and most agents can't afford the equipment, or services, to do it right. This will at least let more do it. 2010-12-01T20:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
What value is in curating that? If you are a local paper and want to say "these are the most important reports from the scene." No one news organization has all the information on a story. 2010-11-22T16:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Do normal everyday users even care? I don't. Apps usually cost less than what a Starbucks latte costs. I just use reviews to try to find the good ones and expect to see some waste. Would having refunds let me try out more? I'm not so sure.

I've found this myself. I don't like trying apps on the Android devices as much. Part of it is my Samsung came with 51 different icons already, so there's less pressure to "fill it up." Another part of it is I just haven't heard about a lot of the brand names (quick, what is the Android equivilent for Instagram?)
2010-11-22T03:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Don't let her discover Facebook and Angry Birds. That seems to be all my wife does with hers. ;-) 2010-11-22T03:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, whenever I go to Europe I see stuff in press and ads for Apple products. Here's one in Switzerland: http://www.flickr.com/photos/scobleizer/2251544402/ 2010-11-22T03:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hmm, Foursquare just made a deal with Safeway. I use RedLaser in grocery stores with my iPhone to find details on products (and cheaper prices). 2010-11-22T03:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Talk to the guys who built the Batali cooking app. They sold $15,000 at $5 a piece in first week. Not too shabby. Zagat claims that 40% of its online revenues comes from selling its iPhone/iPad apps. Kleiner Perkins, investors, are watching closely and they've been funding companies because of this. How many VCs have "Android funds?" 2010-11-22T03:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Maemo? Yeah, how many people have that? And Angry Birds is free on Android. Why? Because the app manufacturers all know Android users won't buy apps. 2010-11-22T03:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. I travel 100,000 miles a year. Was out to dinner last night and at a wine show today. What more can I do? 2010-11-22T03:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Also, when the CTO of eBay says that iPhone apps monetize for him better than any other mobile phone system, then I listen. Why don't you? So does the mobile guy at OpenTable. So does the lady who runs Sephora's mobile and web efforts. It's pretty clear at this point that if you want to monetize, you do your iPhone app first, everything else second. 2010-11-21T20:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You really think that? I have tons of apps that can't work in a browser. Games. Apps that do augmented reality. Flashlight and level apps. Sky-ward looking apps. Etc. 2010-11-21T20:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This is true. Explain to me how I can pay $2 to get access to your Website. But Apple has a whole system to collect $2 for your app. 2010-11-21T20:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sounds yummy! 2010-11-21T19:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have four screens of apps, I just showed you the first one. 2010-11-21T18:52:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have lots of facts after interviewing dozens of startups, but most of the startups don't want to go on the record. They can't risk pissing off Apple or Google. 2010-11-21T07:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
because I need to also search contacts! I have 8,000 of those. ;-) 2010-11-21T01:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You pitched me on Gillmor Gang, so it wasn't a secret to begin with! 2010-11-21T00:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This video with Chomp's CEO explains what Chomp is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvS8NuOEWmQ 2010-11-20T23:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, that's true. Somewhat. I rarely use the CNN app, for instance, but when the gas pipeline exploded in San Bruno, that's what everyone used to see live video footage. So, is CNN app not as good as, say, Skygrid, or the NPR app, which I use more often? I'm not ready to say that. They both are valuable, but for different reasons. 2010-11-20T22:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh. Why? Cause the column wasn't good enough? Or because I wanted to get my readers' feedback first? That's cool, though, makes the decision easy enough. 2010-11-20T22:35:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd love to test it out! I won't bring the massive numbers of users the app store brings but I'm sure I'll get a few more people to try out your app. Thanks for your response, good one! 2010-11-20T22:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, AppBrain is one I should have included. I'll add that in. 2010-11-20T22:30:00+00:00 Scobleizer
While I agree, do you think my criticism of Path will stop its adoption if it gets featured by Apple? I don't. Apple has a lot more distribution than either of us do. 2010-11-20T21:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Ahh, interesting. When I interviewed them early on they said it was because of the iTunes store and being featured there. 2010-11-20T20:46:00+00:00 Scobleizer
First thing I've agreed with you on in years. I think you're doomed. 2010-11-16T09:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, sorry, only two media outlets got a preview of Flipboard and they didn't have a PR firm. 2010-11-15T16:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If that were true, why wouldn't they use FaceTime? That's far better way, and far more intimate way to share stuff like that. 2010-11-15T06:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The thing is, if my kid does something really cute, I want everyone on Facebook to see it. Not just 50 people. But I suppose there's lots of people out there who will want to show photos to only a very small group of friends. I'm sure Path will be successful, I just don't get it. Instagram is a lot more fun and more useful. 2010-11-15T06:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, you're probably right. 2010-11-15T06:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'm sure Instagram will show up on Android eventually. Every developer I know starts on iPhone, cause that's where the best audiences are, then moves elsewhere. 2010-11-15T06:45:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's definitely not aimed at me, but what's funny is all my "hipster" iPhone-using friends like Kevin Rose and Ashton Kutcher love the thing. That means one thing. This is the next Twitter. Or not. You decide! :-) 2010-11-15T06:44:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't share everything I visit, though. This is better for explicitly sharing sites with people. 2010-11-15T05:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wave's magic was that it was an infinite strip that could be written on by anybody all at the same time. It was a super wiki. Not a replacement for email. The fact that you think it would be a replacement for email is an example of where the team went horribly wrong. 2010-11-14T20:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, there are many times when video is not allowed, isn't appropriate, or isn't gonna be good due to lighting conditions. The Zuckerberg interview, for instance, could NOT have been done with video. Most of the others, too, I find are just more casual with audio. People get a little stiffer when you turn on a video camera. 2010-11-14T20:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Twitter intrigued me because of the limitations, but not when it comes to audio. When I'm sitting down with a world leader I don't want to have to think "I only have 50 seconds left." 2010-11-14T20:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
When I tried Audioboo they said they didn't have a phone number that I could use. Would love to know more if they do offer that feature, but the length limitation is a HUGE limitation and is what is keeping me from suggesting its use to journalists, or my readers. 2010-11-13T23:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I like Audioboo but it has some severe limitations for journalism. First, it has time limits. They offered to make my limits longer, but I won't suggest tools to my readers that have time limits. My Zuckerberg interview, for instance, is 35 minutes. Audioboo limits to 30 minutes for pro users. Second, they don't have the ability to call into the service to record a phone call. That's a HUGE difference and one I use often (my first interview with Zuckerberg was done via phone). Audioboo doesn't let you do that. Audioboo, on the other hand, has a nicer UI and is probably better for SEO thanks to tagging. It also has community features that are very strong, as you mentioned. 2010-11-13T23:38:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, as a journalism tool anything with a limit isn't gonna cut mustard. As a walkie-talkie? Might be fun. Thanks for letting me know! 2010-11-13T21:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Cool, thanks! By the way, some of my listeners are reporting troubles with iPad playback. Any improvements coming there? 2010-11-13T21:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Fair enough but sometimes I can't record video. Facebook PR asked me not to record video of our conversations, for instance. Othertimes I'm someplace without my good video gear, or in someplace too dark. Othertimes it's just not a topic that's good for video. My ugly face at 9 a.m., for instance, is a lot better on audio than video. 2010-11-13T20:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, from what I hear, the Google self-driving car team was developed at Stanford and CMU, with very small focused teams. All the code at Stanford, for instance, was checked in by one guy. Why does that work? Because he knew how the entire thing worked and was more efficient than having a larger decentralized team. Eventually the teams take over, though. Remember the Apple II? Designed by one guy. Doing the Mac, though, took teams. 2010-11-12T19:25:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Because it's innovative small, stupid, lame, projects that turn into the big deals of the future. Look at Twitter or IM. I remember having these same conversations back then. And, sorry, if you are a big company why SHOULDN'T you have big aspirations? 2010-11-12T19:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Really? Can you explain then why every few seconds a new photo appears on my Instagram. I heard shit like this about IM. Then Twitter. Then Foursquare.

I think it's a prerequisite for startups to have haters who say shit like this.
2010-11-12T17:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sandeep: when you are arguing a point it's important to keep some sense of credibility. You just went over the line. Facebook has more photos than all other photo sharing services COMBINED. It's one of the biggest databases ever. I don't believe Ellison has a clue. 2010-11-12T17:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I disagree with you 100%. Why? Because by doing this kind of research Google is learning a lot about a whole range of fields that they would never learn about. For instance, how to handle such a large amount of real-time data. This will also help them build better maps and better turn-by-turn navigation.

R&D is very important and it's important that Google NOT be stuck in doing what worked for them yesterday. That's why this project is so interesting to me. I want to see what spins off of it.

Remember, the Web was invented at CERN. An atom-smasher. That wasn't their core business, but it spun out and changed the world.

If you hold organizations to only stick with what got them there, you'll be severely limiting their potential.
2010-11-12T17:26:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a great counter example. Good to hear! 2010-11-12T17:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a great counter example. Good to hear! 2010-11-12T17:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a good trick. I learned that one at Microsoft, actually. We used it on our projects there. 2010-11-12T17:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's a good trick. I learned that one at Microsoft, actually. We used it on our projects there. 2010-11-12T17:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, this is another advantage of startups: they can fail in obscurity. We all know about Google's failures. That makes it less likely that engineers will stick their necks out and try something new. Where at a startup? It's expected and it's expected you'll fail. Good point! 2010-11-12T17:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually, this is another advantage of startups: they can fail in obscurity. We all know about Google's failures. That makes it less likely that engineers will stick their necks out and try something new. Where at a startup? It's expected and it's expected you'll fail. Good point! 2010-11-12T17:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Leo Laporte is influential on startups, yes, but he didn't get 500,000 people to use it in a couple of weeks. Not even HE is THAT good! :-) 2010-11-12T17:18:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heheh. But, really, Google could do all that AND own Instagram as well. ;-) 2010-11-12T17:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True! Some things require large teams with lots of resources. 2010-11-12T17:16:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Exactly right. It's also why Google is going to struggle to deal with Facebook. 2010-11-12T10:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Me too. I'm already using some assisted technologies in the latest Toyota Prius. But it's not enough. I want a car that totally drives itself so I can blog instead of driving around town. :-) 2010-11-12T10:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Google Buzz has lots of signed in users, but not much activity. So depends on how you measure. http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/01/google-buzz-life-or-death/ -- I have 12,000 followers there, but not many read me, like they do on Facebook or Twitter. 2010-11-12T10:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, I disagree. It's small things like this that usually turn out to be the big things. I remember having almost the exact same conversation with my blog's readers about Twitter and Facebook. Or Foursquare. Or Google's Docs and Spreadsheets. 2010-11-12T10:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, I fixed that. 2010-11-12T10:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's bull. Google Buzz would LOVE to have the kind of participation that I'm seeing on Instagram. And Google Wave? Got killed cause it wasn't adopted the way Instagram is. 2010-11-12T09:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It works somewhat, but definitely needs more work. 2010-11-11T20:02:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No, it's not. Every item Cinch makes is an MP3 file. It works just fine on iPhone and iPad. This recording was made on an iPhone, where Flash doesn't work at all. Check into your facts. 2010-11-10T17:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
My email is [email protected] and I don't get much spam. Or, more accurately, I don't get much spam that gets through Gmail's filters. I think this fear is WAY overblown. 2010-11-10T17:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
No, not yet. 2010-11-09T16:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Keep in mind I'm also the kind of guy who'll keep trying eggplant because I hate eggplant and want to make sure I still hate it. :-) In other words, I'm looking for serendipity as part of what makes a great experience for me. I love satellite radio because it gives me what I want (more old-school rock and roll, usually) and Pandora, for the same reason (songs that are like the Beatles) but this brings serendipity into my life. Yeah, occassionally something I hate comes along, but I am finding so many gems and discovering a new musical taste because of it. 2010-11-09T15:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Keep in mind I'm also the kind of guy who'll keep trying eggplant because I hate eggplant and want to make sure I still hate it. :-) In other words, I'm looking for serendipity as part of what makes a great experience for me. I love satellite radio because it gives me what I want (more old-school rock and roll, usually) and Pandora, for the same reason (songs that are like the Beatles) but this brings serendipity into my life. Yeah, occassionally something I hate comes along, but I am finding so many gems and discovering a new musical taste because of it. 2010-11-09T15:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Keep in mind I'm also the kind of guy who'll keep trying eggplant because I hate eggplant and want to make sure I still hate it. :-) In other words, I'm looking for serendipity as part of what makes a great experience for me. I love satellite radio because it gives me what I want (more old-school rock and roll, usually) and Pandora, for the same reason (songs that are like the Beatles) but this brings serendipity into my life. Yeah, occassionally something I hate comes along, but I am finding so many gems and discovering a new musical taste because of it. 2010-11-09T15:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Users don't know what they want except they don't like change. Zuckerberg abuses that, but his ideas are more right than most other people's ideas.

Facebook is how you keep track of your friends. It's the best contact list the world has ever seen. Especially since the social pressure on your friends to keep their data up to date is immense.

But it really is over for Google. My wife's entire elementary school class from Tehran (she's now 39) is on Facebook. They all hook up together on Facebook, not on email. And there's no way you're gonna get that network of people to move somewhere else. Not until they are pushed by destruction of service and so far Facebook has been pretty flawless in providing a great service to them.
2010-11-09T14:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Hmm, that's not the experience I have on my iPad. But, yes, it's first release. I'm sure they'll learn how to make it even better. This is much different from Pandora. Pandora is great for leaving on like a radio station. This is great for trying to discover some new musician that I've never heard of before. 2010-11-09T14:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It don't matter anymore anyway. Facebook has won and has become the identity system of the web. Google ain't gonna put that back into Gmail. 2010-11-09T10:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It's not right, but it happens all the time. You have no control once someone else gets control of your email address. Magazines even sell your email address to spam companies. I saw that happen all the time when I was in that industry.

But, in any case, that's NOT what I was arguing. I was arguing that I should have the ability to put it on any personal use tool I wanted to. I just wanted to put your email address into Google Contacts (or Microsoft Outlook). That's all. Mike thought that was nuts. I'm glad he's now coming around.
2010-11-09T10:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup. True enough. But guess what, my scraper didn't work on anyone who didn't show their email address to me anyway. Only worked on people who had shared their email address with me. 2010-11-09T09:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think when it comes to your name and your email address those things aren't gonna cause you harm if they get out and I think you're nuts. But, it works in Facebook's favor because they can suck in Google's data, and Google can NOT suck in Facebook's. Because of these rules. I really don't care anymore. It was an interesting argument two years ago. But now everyone I know is on Facebook and it really doesn't matter.

Except that I think Facebook WILL open up its email addresses and Google WILL become more closed in an attempt to convince people like you that it's "safer."

Hint: it's not.

If I can see your email address (and, if you want me to find you, or email you, which almost every human will) then I'll have the ability to do anything I want with your email address anyway.

The Amish? Yeah, they won't let me have their email addresses. Nearly everyone else does and will.
2010-11-09T09:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Priorities? Yeah, it's called "whatever helps Facebook's business interests seems to happen." 2010-11-09T09:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Business cards have privacy controls. They are called social rules. If I started getting spam from you you lose my friendship. These new rules are lame and just there to protect the business. They aren't protecting you from anything. 2010-11-09T09:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Except that my contact list was done on Google from business cards. Facebook was very happy to import them, without allowing exports. I can see the business value in this "data hotel." By the way, Facebook is VERY happy to let you take nearly every other piece of data and spray that across the internet. Look at how Pandora shows me your musical tastes (or did unless you change the default to not allow it to see anything). 2010-11-09T09:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
True. And that's the real way to keep things private. But if you let me see them all bets are off. 2010-11-09T09:40:00+00:00 Scobleizer
If I can see your email address I can do anything I want with it, including putting it into Google or MIcrosoft and you can't stop me. Hell, I can even write it in my little black book of people who are on the wrong side of this argument. :-) 2010-11-09T09:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
By the way, you are totally channelling the 2008 Arrington. Someday you'll catch up with the 2010 one and realize just how stupid that position actually is. 2010-11-09T09:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I never really did anything, actually. I gave my account to Plaxo. They ran the scraper. I got kicked off for breaking Facebook's TOS. 2010-11-09T09:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think you are nuts. If you hand me your business card you lose control of the info on it. I'm not gonna ask you permission each time to make a copy of it or put that data somewhere else. 2010-11-09T09:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I think you are nuts. If you hand me your business card you lose control of the info on it. I'm not gonna ask you permission each time to make a copy of it or put that data somewhere else. 2010-11-09T09:20:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Jesse, thanks for clarifying that. That API didn't exist in 2008 and all attempts to get email addresses out were rebuffed back then. But even today you need users' permissions. That isn't needed on Google's side. I slurped all my Google email addresses over to Facebook without asking anyone. 2010-11-09T09:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This app is WHOLY focused on contacts and displays those who have sent you something on Facebook or Twitter or email. Have you compared the two? This is why I do video so you can SEE the difference. 2010-11-09T08:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, let's link this in: http://scobleizer.com/2007/06/03/the-better-iphone-nokia-n95/ I asked a question, and it definitely was a better phone. Still is. Oh, and it had a better camera. Oh, and it sold more around the world. But, no, it wasn't "better" as a device/experience. You'll notice I never gave up my iPhone. 2010-11-09T06:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heh, I loved the iPhone from the very first day and that hasn't seemed to be hurt. ;-) 2010-11-09T06:32:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Heheh. Funny that lots of other people have been sending me notes saying "finally an unbiased article." But, I think all your questions WERE answered.

RIM? Give me a break. Their OS can't even load more than 30 apps (I have 356 on my iPhone). Everyone hates using the web and apps on their Blackberries. They use it because it has the best keyboard and email integration. Period. Break that and their users start moving to other platforms.

What is familiar? Yes, Office is a huge start. People know those apps. They want them on mobile, too.

What new did it bring? A new approach to UI. I like it, but I don't like it enough to give up my iPhone.

I was actually trying to be nice to Windows Phone 7 BECAUSE I'm biased toward Apple. Geesh. If I bashed it, I'm sure lots of other people would come out of the woodwork saying I didn't give it a fair shot. Most of this article, though, was reporting on what mobile developers were telling me, and, sorry, there are PLENTY of developers who would love to be able to integrate into Xbox. I talk with lots of game developers, from the folks who did Angry Birds, to the folks who work at EA. Not everyone is locked out of Microsoft's Xbox ecosystem and many want to have that kind of integration. Whether Microsoft has made it really good or not is something worth discussing.
2010-11-09T05:39:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This one is far more useful than the others I've talked about. You should try it. 2010-11-09T05:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The problem is Maryam mostly uses iPad or iPhone for Facebook, so getting her to try RockMelt is actually proving challenging. 2010-11-09T02:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
APIs are important, yes, and the iPhone can do those, I guess I was thinking of more of the home screen and contacts integration that apps can do. Apple says "hands off" to developers about those things, where Android and WP7 let developers do a lot more. 2010-11-08T23:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, I agree with many of your points, but both of these developers (Loopt and Zagat) are big-time iPhone lovers. They even admit such. Most of the developers I talk with are iPhone developers NOT "Microsoft Developers."

But, remove those attacks against my objectivity/reporting and I'd agree with most of your observations. It's early, yes, but I'm seeing more signs than you are that Microsoft will do OK with developers. They are in a deep hole, though, and have a long way to scratch out of that hole.
2010-11-08T22:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, I agree with many of your points, but both of these developers (Loopt and Zagat) are big-time iPhone lovers. They even admit such. Most of the developers I talk with are iPhone developers NOT "Microsoft Developers."

But, remove those attacks against my objectivity/reporting and I'd agree with most of your observations. It's early, yes, but I'm seeing more signs than you are that Microsoft will do OK with developers. They are in a deep hole, though, and have a long way to scratch out of that hole.
2010-11-08T22:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, I agree with many of your points, but both of these developers (Loopt and Zagat) are big-time iPhone lovers. They even admit such. Most of the developers I talk with are iPhone developers NOT "Microsoft Developers."

But, remove those attacks against my objectivity/reporting and I'd agree with most of your observations. It's early, yes, but I'm seeing more signs than you are that Microsoft will do OK with developers. They are in a deep hole, though, and have a long way to scratch out of that hole.
2010-11-08T22:13:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I have posted several audio reviews of it, by the way, over at http://cinchcast.com/scobleizer 2010-11-08T17:58:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I absolutely love it. Game changer. 2010-11-08T17:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, but on my Windows and Mac systems I've been keeping Chrome as simple as possible to as closely match my browsing experience on other platforms as possible. I don't even store bookmarks on those systems. So, why would I "pimp them out" with new browsers that add capabilities that aren't possible on other platforms? 2010-11-08T05:22:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Within one minute is NOT real time. TweetDeck and Seesmic show me Tweets AS THEY ARE TWEETED. That is real time. 2010-11-08T04:49:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Um, if you drive more than 40 miles it'll just use gas. So, on the way out you'll be electric, on the way back, it'll use gas, like a typical hybrid. Except it'll recapture some breaking energy, like my Toyota Prius does, so should still get pretty good mileage. I get about 42mpg on my Prius (I have a lead foot, if you drive more carefully you can easily break 50mpg). 2010-11-08T04:48:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, I wrote that quickly while at a press conference. Not exactly the best place to write a well-thought-out piece. As for Techcrunch, just search for "Facebook." Here" http://techmeme.com/search/query?q=Facebook&wm=false 2010-11-08T00:17:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I use Priority Inbox. Still doesn't solve the email problem. Certainly helps, though. 2010-11-04T22:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Sorry, I'll try to do a summary, but I only had time to post it. 2010-11-04T00:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, sorry for messing that up. 2010-11-04T00:21:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Thanks, sorry for screwing that up. 2010-11-04T00:03:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You totally don't get it. There's no way I'm calling my 1,700 friends and asking them what restaurant they are eating at right now. Or, what mountain bike they like the best. Or what band is hot. 2010-11-03T20:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You totally don't get it. There's no way I'm calling my 1,700 friends and asking them what restaurant they are eating at right now. Or, what mountain bike they like the best. Or what band is hot. 2010-11-03T20:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, the winner was #3. 2010-11-03T18:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, the winner was #3. 2010-11-03T18:37:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Just because you use something every day doesn't mean it's very productive. I have to dig through tons of spam and messages from people I don't care about. Yes, Gmail rocks compared to the others, but Facebook improved the system (and made it worse in other ways) through its two-way friending. 2010-11-02T19:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Something from Peets coffee. 2010-11-02T19:01:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's fair. I figured you were using it for the entertainment value rather than a value judgment. It let me enter the conversation with my own points, though. ;-) 2010-11-01T20:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I'd rather go with Christopher Columbus for that kind of cheer, then. Pirates just are out to take other people's wealth. Not something I can cheer about, even if it's taken from unjust royalty. 2010-11-01T19:56:00+00:00 Scobleizer
By the way, the Pirate metaphor arguing is only one dimension of this post. What about the other dimensions? 2010-11-01T19:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Kenneth: from my studying of pirates, they were willing to enslave their crews to get their work done.

Freedom fighters? One guy's freedom fighter is another guy's terrorist or thief.

I might have missed the essence of his post. Fair enough. And your point is correct, if you want to be an entrepreneur you better do something you love because you've gotta give everything to it.

Glad to have you here. I still don't like the metaphor.
2010-11-01T19:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, geeks like anti-establishment metaphors. Especially useful when you are trying to change an organization from the inside out and when you are trying to pave a new path no one else sees. 2010-11-01T19:34:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, Arrington is an entertainer. He knew that using that metaphor would be more interesting to us than some geek sitting in front of two screens changing the world. 2010-11-01T19:00:00+00:00 Scobleizer
This goes way beyond what I've seen on Windows Phone 7. That's actually a good example of how deep a hole Microsoft is in. They need to prove that they can sell phones before they get developers like Aro interested (you hear that at one point in the interview). 2010-10-25T16:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, I know the downside of platform chaos well. But I remember when the Macintosh was way better than Windows was, too. Turned out that chaos is better for marketplaces. As to Android Task Killer, well, yes, that's one reason I'm still on iPhone, but Android's chaos is definitely pulling on me. 2010-10-25T16:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree with you, but I can just see the rules that Steve Jobs puts down and why he wants everyone to follow them. That attitude will eventually push me to Android to get a better system. Now I have two reasons to move away from Apple. When will the pressure get to be enough to get over the app lockin that I'm under? But for new users? They aren't locked in the way I am. Oh, and these two examples are also a good example of why other manufacturers are gonna have a tough time in this market (Microsoft, Nokia, RIM, etc). 2010-10-25T15:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree with you, but I can just see the rules that Steve Jobs puts down and why he wants everyone to follow them. That attitude will eventually push me to Android to get a better system. Now I have two reasons to move away from Apple. When will the pressure get to be enough to get over the app lockin that I'm under? But for new users? They aren't locked in the way I am. Oh, and these two examples are also a good example of why other manufacturers are gonna have a tough time in this market (Microsoft, Nokia, RIM, etc). 2010-10-25T15:53:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, but it literally was uploading for six hours. I can't afford that. So, will probably have to do shorter versions that I'll upload in HD. 2010-10-25T15:43:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You really do need to get on Twitter and Plancast. Facebook isn't public enough to add you to. 2010-10-14T10:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That pisses me off. 2010-10-13T03:27:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes. 2010-10-13T02:59:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Don't be so sure! I'll be in NYC next week! 2010-10-12T22:47:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I use most of my apps, but many only occassionally. For instance, I have a flashlight app that I find invaluable, but only about once a month. 2010-10-12T22:42:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Are you on Plancast? 2010-10-12T22:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
80s good enough. For now. :-) 2010-10-12T22:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes! 2010-10-12T22:41:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Actually Microsoft has enough committees to ensure that! :-) 2010-10-12T00:57:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I already told you I did a lot of research. I visited Microsoft about a month ago. I have played with several of the devices. And I've been reading all the reviews, watching the videos, and curating the best writing about this on the web. http://scobleizer.com/2010/10/10/on-eve-of-windows-phone-7-launch-all-hat-and-no-cattle/ 2010-10-11T16:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Oh, there's room for competition. Not saying that. Nokia still has most of the market share here, not Apple or Google, although those two are dominant in the more expensive "superphone" category. Microsoft will definitely get some market share here, but the lack of apps is a real problem that they'll need to solve. 2010-10-11T15:12:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I agree. The one exception is the integration with Office. That'll get some people excited. 2010-10-11T15:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nice try. Macintosh shipped before Windows did and when Mac OSX came out there were still many important apps running on Macs only (Quark XPress, etc). So, nice try and comparing things but I don't think you're seeing clearly. I am not saying not to try something new, just that they are in a deep hole and have a long way to dig out of that hole. If you talk to folks at Microsoft they agree that it'll be years before they really are back in the game totally. The one impressive thing about Microsoft is they are willing to spend billions to get out of that hole, so they probably will. But not tomorrow morning. 2010-10-11T04:29:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Several? Like I can count them on two hands? Please come up with a stronger refutation than THAT! 2010-10-11T04:19:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, it isn't going to be good to be RIM or Nokia. Microsoft is far stronger than those and can stay in this game for years, where the others can't because they don't have two cash cows feeding their mobile projects. 2010-10-11T04:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I know what they CAN do, but as a group they are focused on enterprise problems. The innovative ones who were into mobile left and learned some other language long ago to build cool things for iPhones or Android phones. Will those innovators come back? We'll see.

And, actually, my brother who owns a bar compared his Android apps to mine on iPhone and my brother's on Blackberry. You miss just how much influence those of us who are early adopters have on the rest of the market. But we'll see.

If you're right, why won't Nokia win then? They have the best distribution, best camera, and most users already. Most of the market is used to not buying Microsoft and we'll have to be convinced via a HUGE ad spend (read very unprofitable for Microsoft) to try out its phones.
2010-10-11T04:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, that's actually a good point. Mac still has less than 10% market share, if I remember my numbers right. 2010-10-11T03:55:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, I've been burned by demos before. I guess I'm finally learning to be cynical. 2010-10-11T03:54:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yeah, I mentioned it at the end and the producer apologized. 2010-10-11T02:51:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, except back in 2007 I +was+ a Nokia user (one of the few in Silicon Valley, too) and its apps sucked. So, that wasn't the same comparison as Windows Mobile Phone 7 is to Android and Apple is today. 2010-10-11T02:50:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You are not alone in your skepticism of Microsoft's mobile moves based on my conversations with many developers around the world. 2010-10-11T02:24:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Nope, no advantage. Visual Basic and C# developers DO NOT DO mobile apps. If they try they will find they need new skills and new approaches. Might win some enterprise accounts, though. We'll have to see. 2010-10-11T02:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer
That's not true. Google is doing a good job and has more market share. Monopoly requires also having total market control, and Apple isn't even close to that. 2010-10-11T02:11:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The thing is my Sprint EVO (when I had it, I've since given it away) had something of a mixture of icons and tiles. I do like the new Windows Phone 7 UI, though. Nokia N97? That failed because the only thing redesigned was the home screen. It still was ugly underneath. For the most part Microsoft's new OS is pretty nice all the way through. It does fall apart here and there, but not in a big way like Nokia's OS did (and does). 2010-10-11T02:10:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The world has changed. You can't judge things based upon how the world was in 2008. The world is almost 2011 now and these platforms are much more robust and competing with them is going to be a LOT tougher. Hell, Palm WAS better (it did sell to HP for more than a billion, remember! and you haven't heard the end of Palm yet) but I didn't see that dealing with Apple would be so darn difficult and that Palm would make so many mistakes.

It also teaches me to be far more skeptical of industry hype, especially hype that comes before we can even play with a final device and see how many apps will ship. See ya in the morning!
2010-10-11T02:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Wikipedia has the background on "all hat, no cattle." http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/all_hat_and_no_cattle 2010-10-11T02:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yes, did you see the thing on the wheel on the Google car? It's obvious that they are very accurately measuring where they've been and where they are going. Plus, did you watch the video I did with the researcher at Stanford? The Google project COMES OUT OF STANFORD. 2010-10-10T19:05:00+00:00 Scobleizer
It wasn't spammed. Just held in moderation que because you are a first-time commenter here. 2010-10-10T18:04:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Yup, and if you watch the Ford video you'll find another reason: customers don't like automatic cars yet and don't trust them. That will change slowly, but for now it's better to work on assisted technologies. 2010-10-10T05:36:00+00:00 Scobleizer
The Toyota technology is completely overrideable at any time. 2010-10-10T05:07:00+00:00 Scobleizer
You can follow the conversation by visiting the page (my groups are public, but not all are). Not sure if you can get notifications if you aren't a member of the group, though. 2010-10-07T00:15:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I don't believe that's possible. These groups you have to be invited into. 2010-10-07T00:14:00+00:00 Scobleizer
I know http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_law but such limits ENSURE that a statistical distribution happens because you can't keep the world flat in such a system. I MUST give distrubution to popular folks if I want to keep my lists as relevant as possible. In Facebook world I can add more people. There still might be a distrubution, but it'll be flatter. 2010-10-07T00:08:00+00:00 Scobleizer
Well, mostly today, yes, I'm comparing the process of creating the lists. But, that brings the functionality tomorrow (IE, the content). And I agree they are nothing like each other. I like how Facebook did it a lot more. 2010-10-06T23:23:00+00:00 Scobleizer