[email protected] has comments on 2 sites

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therightstuff / therightstuff.biz

Your Rational World is a Circle Jerk

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It was a real pleasure guys to get to talk with you. God save the South and may He bless us in our struggle for Faith, Family and Folk

2016-05-27 19:04:00 Matthew Heimbach

That’d be news to me, my wife and a few other people who were all there any time Michelle was at a Party event that I was at. Although the Renegade crew has been rumor mongering for awhile now against anyone who opposes their anti-Christian ramblings, so I’d be interested to see where that rumor came from.

2016-05-27 19:03:00 Matthew Heimbach
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American Freedom Party / american3rdposition.com

The American Freedom Party is a political party established to address the concerns and issues of European-Americans. Liberty, Sovereignty, Identity, and Heritage.

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Amen comrades. White separation to create our own Homeland, in respect to regional identity, is crucial for our survival. Being a knock off of the Constitution Party has been a failure. White nationalism or bust.

2013-07-12 07:10:37 Matthew Heimbach