[email protected] has comments on 2 sites

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Maine First Media / mainefirstmedia.com


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This really bothers me. These 4 used 128th legislature letterhead. I serve on the EUT committee and know without a doubt that what they are doing is wrong on so many levels. 1st We in New England are on the ISO grid. They have made it clear in the next 5 years we will need an estimated 8k more megawatts as coal and oil plants retire. Hydro or nuclear are the only viable options. Without them the likelyhood of rolling blackouts and brownouts is imminent. They are playing a dangerous game with peoples lives to ensure their own misguided agendas. Shame.

2018-05-20 15:44:53 Beth

Dan, there are some very good Representatives. If you want me gone send out the troops to oust me…you would be doing me a favor ( : Look at the issues look at who tosses Liberty and your pay check under the bus then work to oust them.

2018-04-21 20:39:29 Beth O'Connor

Thank you Roger. I do my best to be accurate, but in that environment I am often in such disbelief of events I wonder is this s**t for real!

2018-04-21 20:34:16 Beth O'Connor

Well after midnight when I stood to express I had taken a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of Maine and the US and the Speaker was asking us to vote on two issues, I knew if I was in my seat and did not vote she could hold the session open indefinitely, I stood and expressed my oath and that I was voting under duress and I believed we were in violation of the Constitution and read the repugnancy clause. It seems very circumspect to me that all the audio and video went out at about 11:30 PM but people in the chamber all heard what was said. I ponder if a class action law suit should be presented. When John Martin puffs out his chest and exclaims as he holds a copy of Masons rules that he wrote and that the Constitution is inferior to it, there is a problem Houston.

2018-04-21 20:32:06 Beth O'Connor
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The Daily Signal / dailysignal.com

The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation covering policy and political news, conservative commentary and analysis.

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There is a huge difference between giving a speech to our kids and giving a speech after handing out specific instruction guides that are designed to encourage said children to sympathise with the speaker and his goals.Furthermore,as a school board director, I find it highly insulting that the President would insert an impromtu lesson plan and put it before the determined plan already approved by the local school administrations and boards. The school day is hectic enough without the President inflicting his agenda on the teachers and children. My children will stay home, with the exception of the high school student who will record the session and voice his opinions accordingly.

2009-09-04 16:12:58 Mom of four, Maine