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Bimbo? Please explain. She stood up to the thugs at the U.N. She is NOT a bimbo!

2018-10-10T03:21:35 fnfcst

Most of us NEVER this was about Professor Ford’s alleged sexual abuse. It’s all about delaying a vote until the mid-terms when the Dems HOPE to win enough seat’s to deny Trump’s SCOTUS pick.

2018-10-02T02:53:50 fnfcst

This socialist calls them “immigrants.” They are ILLEGAL immigrants. Useful idiots like her do not comprehend the distinction,

2018-06-21 23:51:45 fnfcst

They are the suckiest of the MSM “Fake News” outlets.

2018-06-21 23:40:14 fnfcst

It seems as if the Obamas aren’t worried. They just signed a $100 million deal with Netflix. They plan on raking in the cash pushing their NWO agenda as entertainment.

2018-05-24 03:40:29 fnfcst

HeyJ: I agree. These are hilarious “Click Bait” headlines. She certainly isn’t broke and Pence made no harsh warning to Meuller.

2018-05-11 00:03:44 fnfcst

What??? Incest? Did you read the article?

2018-03-27 23:30:22 fnfcst

Great summation of the situation, Ronald.

2018-02-14 00:47:45 fnfcst

OK. I see by your comments above you are being sarcastic.

2018-02-06 05:40:51 fnfcst

2009??? You are kidding, right? He was drafted by the 49ers in 2011!

2018-02-06 05:39:49 fnfcst

This is story is much ado about nothing! So TV ratings were down a bit, but then there was the Hollywood reporter information that live streaming spiked in 2017 putting the actual viewing audience at 113.7 million. Yes, there may be a bit of a drop off due to the anthem protest, but the reality is that more and more viewers are watching on alternative media.

2018-02-06 05:36:24 fnfcst

Bernie Madoff

2018-01-17 00:18:39 fnfcst

I agree

2017-09-27 02:38:19 fnfcst

They also want open borders to undermine our sovereignty. The ultimate plan is a new world order, or as our former SOS Kerry referred to it in a talk to college grads “a borderless world.”

2017-06-13 03:55:08 fnfcst

NBC: Nothing But Crap

2017-06-08 04:00:33 fnfcst

According to Dick Morris, Obama gave a number of political employees in the White House Civil Employee status just before he left office. That means Trump can’t fire them.

2017-05-30 20:47:28 fnfcst