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The Burning Platform / theburningplatform.com

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BRI will be on the side of the Allies. It is a Sunni Shia thing that will cause the divisions. The US and the Sunni’s do not get along that well because Al Quida is Sunni. You can see Russia supporting the Shia already.

Watch everything closely and you will start to see the alliances. We now live in a G0 world as described by Ian Bremmer so no one is in control or no one wants to be in control. Thus no invasion of North Korea or Syria and a weak interaction with Libya.

2013-05-02T23:26:36 Joe

B followed by D. We cannot afford a long war anymore and things will conclude fairly quickly. The sides will be US, Russia, most of Europe along with the Shia Muslims. That leaves China and the Sunni Muslims on the other side. It will be a big mess but we will achieve the necessary population reduction.

2013-05-02T21:55:59 Joe
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Derp you are getting close. People who do these acts have a disease. We spend billions studying AIDS but none determining why these extreme violent acts occur. The Colorado acts, Virginia Tech, etc are at the extreme. There are many more violent acts that are not published that are caused by this same disease. 2012-07-21T16:43:10-04:00 Joe