[email protected] has comments on 27 sites

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The Occidental Observer / theoccidentalobserver.net

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Great job, as usual, Sir. Keep telling the truth.

2018-07-24T23:28:10 Michael Hill
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National Vanguard / nationalvanguard.org

News. For us. For a change.

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The League of the South, the premier Southern/white nationalist organization in North America, stands ready to give whatever assistance is possible to a Europe of sovereign historic nation-states. Like you, we oppose the Global Elite who are trying to destroy our own historic culture and civilization.–Michael Hill, Chief


2018-01-11T18:26:19 Michael Hill
Comment Date Name Link
The League of the South will come to the aid of our brave compatriot! 2017-10-11T14:08:10+00:00 Michael Hill
Be there! www.leagueofthesouth.com 2017-05-23T02:09:53+00:00 Michael Hill
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Occidental Dissent / occidentaldissent.com

Nationalism, Populism, Reaction

Comment Date Name Link
2017-08-07T21:10:36+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-06-27T14:54:47+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-06-16T01:20:50+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-24T19:52:52+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-21T02:31:37+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-19T03:39:54+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-18T19:53:10+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-17T19:38:53+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-17T00:49:17+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-17T00:48:07+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-15T02:32:51+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-10T00:29:39+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-04T22:31:54+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-05-01T20:11:55+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-04-24T21:27:36+00:00 Michael Hill
2017-03-30T02:49:00+00:00 sorleyboy
2017-03-13T22:41:00+00:00 sorleyboy
2017-02-21T02:59:00+00:00 sorleyboy
2017-02-17T03:08:00+00:00 sorleyboy
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Narrative Collapse / narrative-collapse.com

Derailing Media Agendas

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It’s a battle flag. If you fly it, always be prepared for battle.

2017-08-07 14:23:54 Michael Hill
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The Kakistocracy / kakistocracyblog.wordpress.com

Striving for a flattering eulogy

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Oppose the Oathcucks and their Antifa pets. Be a man among men and join The League of the South. www.leagueofthesouth.com 2017-06-26T23:16:14-04:00 Michael Hill
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Tennessee Star / tennesseestar.com

TN Star - Most reliable local newspaper across Tennessee. TN Star provides unbiased updates on Investigative Reports, Thoughtful Opinion, Sports, Lifestyle. Tennessee Star brings you the latest news across Nashville TN. TN Star is an online Newspaper that covers Local News, Latest Business, Politica...

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This is why my wife and I left the PCA in early 2016. It is bad and getting worse. Apostasy and the wide road to hell based on the teachings of cultural Marxism.

2017-06-16T02:07:02 Michael Hill
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Western Rifle Shooters Association / westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com

"No wonder we’re winning so hard every freaking day." - WRSA Reader

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The American "patriot" movement is useless in preventing the decline of Western civilization simply because the left has paralyzed them by name-calling: "racist," "anti-Semite," "xenophobe," etc. Instead of supporting us nationalists who understand that organized Jewry is using negroes and Muslims as their street thugs to destroy white civilization, these so-called "patriots" lash out at us. I have seen this curious behavior now at several rallies across the South when we Southern nationalists were defending our monuments from the Judeo-Marxist left. This, in my opinion, is the poison legacy of Mike Vanderboegh. As a former (?) Marxist, he hated nationalism of all sorts. 2017-06-11T14:35:18-04:00 Michael Hill
America--and by extension the entire West--is the screwed up mess it is today in part because the South lost its bid for independence some 150 years ago. Southern independence is still a desirable thing, in my humble opinion. It would give us traditionalists/nationalists a homeland and a foothold to fight back against the godless internationalists. Love live Dixie and all her symbols! 2016-05-31T13:08:57-04:00 Michael Hill
For us Southerners, this is foreign rule--for the last 150 years. www.leagueofthesouth.com 2016-05-16T20:07:49-04:00 Michael Hill
You'll get there, Pat. Keep working hard! 2016-04-22T14:06:13-04:00 Michael Hill
Once you step out your front door all geared up to face down the feds, you cannot go back and resume your "old life." This applies doubly if you have allowed yourself to be videoed. The proverbial genie is out of the bottle. You're going to have to become a full time24/7 "freedom fighter"--or a domestic terrorist, as the regime will brand you--and this means giving up any sort of domesticity completely. So think hard before you gear up in all that expensive stuff and head out the "front door" to confront the present tyranny. Guerrillas have always preferred using the back door. They travel lightly and few know their names or faces. 2016-03-04T14:48:31-05:00 Michael Hill
I am far from the first person to say this, though I have been saying it for a quarter of a century. 2016-01-16T14:20:30-05:00 Michael Hill
There will be neither compliance nor cooperation on this matter. 2016-01-10T15:53:59-05:00 Michael Hill
Thanks for posting my article. Much obliged! 2016-01-07T10:15:27-05:00 Michael Hill
Detroit: I don't think you know the same Southern men I know. 2015-12-05T14:48:42-05:00 Michael Hill
The South was right, and the sooner y'all realize it the closer we'll be to kicking out the damnable Marxists and restoring freedom to the continent. This time around, I want an independent South because we are indeed a separate and distinct people. 2014-01-21T10:46:58-05:00 Michael Hill
A simple thought from a Southern nationalist: Free the South and this shit stops down here. 2013-04-03T19:14:03-04:00 Michael Hill
Buy Southern! We are not controlled by union thugs down here. 2011-09-06T02:00:06+00:00 Michael Hill
"Do you love liberty enough to forget your own impotence, and instead focus on his fear?"

By far his most salient comment.

2011-06-11T17:35:36+00:00 Michael Hill
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The Hayride / thehayride.com

Southern Politics & Culture

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Antifa are Judeo-Marxists and must be dealt with harshly. They have no place in the South. http://www.leagueofthesouth.com

2017-05-02 21:23:00 sorleyboy
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Variety / variety.com

Entertainment news, film reviews, awards, film festivals, box office, entertainment industry conferences

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Good news! White Southerners don't much go in for movies in which they are demonized. The "hero" of this movie is a white man who turns on his own people. Pretty much standard fare from Hollywood these days. Very happy to hear it flopped at the box office. 2016-06-30T06:25:50-07:00 Michael Hill
Nat Turner was a savage coward as were all of his filthy followers. They didn't fight grown men but instead chose to behead babies, toddlers, women, and old folk. The gutless cowards were captured by one old farmer with a single shot rifle and then properly hanged after being tried for the savages they were. 2016-01-29T11:28:50-08:00 Michael Hill

Accuracy in Media / aim.org

For Fairness, Accuracy and Balance In News Reporting

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The SPLC has designated The League of the South a “hate group” since 2000. We are very proud of that status!

2016-06-17 13:38:00 sorleyboy

theendofzion / theendofzion.com

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Spoken with the forked tongue of the Old Serpent. Those called “Jews” in the day of Christ were actually Esau-Edomites. All that remained of God’s people in Palestine in that day were a few tens of thousands of Judahites (Christ himself being one); all the other “Jews”–as exemplified by the “scribes and Pharisees”–were of Esau-Edom. The other ten tribes, the other descendants of Jacob/Israel, had long been gone from the area and were migrating mainly west/northward. The story laid out in both the Old and New Testaments does not belong the modern “Jews;” rather it belongs to the true sons and daughters of Jacob–the Christian Church in the lands called Christendom–Europe and associated area of the globe. The above article is just more devilish poison put forth for to confuse.

2016-04-09 01:47:00 sorleyboy
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The Ugly Truth / theuglytruth.wordpress.com

Intelligent 'anti-Semitism' for thinking Gentiles

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What the American people are "catching on to" is the long-standing perfidy of the Jews against our Christian civilization. 2016-03-17T06:36:39-08:30 Michael Hill
I was assigned Hitler's War as a grad student in history at the University of Alabama back in the 1970s. David Irving was recognized as a first-rate historical scholar. What happened? I suppose this is the price one pays for telling the ugly truth. 2015-09-03T13:03:11-08:30 Michael Hill
Jew . . . truth. Two words that do not go together. Jew, thou name is hypocrite! The minions of the Old Serpent once again rear their ugly heads! 2014-02-13T19:44:29+00:00 Michael Hill
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The Daily Sheeple / thedailysheeple.com

America has already traveled quite far down the road toward socialism, and instead of reversing course, it looks like the American people want to pick up the pace.

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Where is the Waffen SS when you need them! Has Germany sunk this low? This bitch should be tar and feathered and run out of town, if not tried and hanged outright for treason!

2016-01-07 16:23:00 sorleyboy
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The Daily Sheeple / thedailysheeple.com

America has already traveled quite far down the road toward socialism, and instead of reversing course, it looks like the American people want to pick up the pace.

Comment Date Name Link

Where is the Waffen SS when you need them! Has Germany sunk this low? This bitch should be tar and feathered and run out of town, if not tried and hanged outright for treason!

2016-01-07 16:23:00 sorleyboy
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returnofkings / returnofkings.com

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Want to do something besides complain? Join us . . . leagueofthesouth.com


2015-09-10 02:18:00 sorleyboy

gatesofvienna / gatesofvienna.net

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Europe is dead because it has rejected the tenets of Christendom. Once, it had a soul. Now, it is soulless and has no will to defend itself. As a descendant of Europa, I mourn for this loss. All I can do is try and prevent it from happening in my homeland–the American South.

2015-09-07T14:51:29 Michael Hill
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The Stream / stream.org

The national daily championing freedom, smaller government and human dignity. The Stream challenges the worst in the mainstream media while offering a rich and lively source for breaking news, inspiration, analysis and entertainment.

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2015-04-02T12:26:00-05:00 sorleyboy
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Downtrend / downtrend.com

That's the direction of our freedoms.

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As President of The League of the South, I thank you for a positive article. As you might imagine, most of the others have been horribly biased against us and the idea of secession. Great job!–Michael Hill

2014-05-22 01:05:00 sorleyboy
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The College Fix / thecollegefix.com

Original. Student Reported. Your Daily Dose of RIGHT-Minded News and Commentary from Across the Nation

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Only a bunch of fags and pussies would come up with such a stupid idea.

2014-04-29 22:32:00 sorleyboy
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Ben Swann's Truth In Media / truthinmedia.com

Truth In Media is an internationally recognized source of real news that cuts through the false left-right paradigm. Founded by Ben Swann, an award-winning investigative journalist and host of Reality Check, the Truth In Media project exposes fake news and false claims perpetuated by spin doctors.

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If the shit hits the fan, remember this: If a soldier or law enforcement official kills a patriot, it will not be called “murder” by the government. But if a patriot kills a soldier or law enforcement officer, it will be called murder and prosecuted as such by the government and by the media in the court of public opinion. This is a weapon all corrupt governments use to keep their subject in line. I say this so you’ll know what you’re up against. But which instance will be murder from God’s point of view? And that’s the only one that really matters.

2014-04-15 00:27:00 sorleyboy
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floridapolitics / floridapolitics.com

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Overall, a pretty good job. One correction: I will indeed tell you the war was about slavery, at least in part. I don’t deny the truth just to score points with the politically correct. Unlike a lot of so-called “conservatives,” I can handle the truth.

2014-03-12 02:17:46 Michael Hill
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American Renaissance / amren.com

News and commentary on interracial crime, race differences, white advocacy, Third World immigration, anti-white racism, and white identity.

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At one time, all of our now-historic Southern symbols were new. This new symbol is merely one of our additions to the pantheon of Southern symbols. It is new, and thus controversial, just as the Confederate Battle Flag was in its day. Each generation should make its own contributions to our culture. This is one of ours. You may not like it but that’s simply a matter of personal taste.

2013-09-05 14:17:00 sorleyboy

As President of The League of the South, I say thanks, Mr. Hood, for a positive article on our organization and the growing Southern Nationalist movement. We have done some things well over the past few years, but we still have a ways to go and much to learn. One thing we can’t do is fall victim to complacency.

2013-09-05 00:29:00 sorleyboy
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Now The End Begins / nowtheendbegins.com

Now The End Begins is a Christian end times news publisher featuring Conservative news of the day and rightly divided Bible study articles, audio and video.

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John Hagee and the Jews and now Rick Warren and the Muslims! The triune God of the Bible is neither the God of the Jews or of Muslims. Both the Jewish god and the Islamic god are monads; the Christian God is a trinity. The Christian God is the true and living God–Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

2013-07-31 02:52:43 Michael Hill
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DumpDC / dumpdc.wordpress.com

It's Secession Or Slavery. Choose One. There Is No Third Choice.

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The other 37 States have the same rights, including the right of secession, that the original 13 have. It's called the "equal footing" doctrine. 2012-11-14T12:32:49-05:00 Michael Hill

The Burning Platform / theburningplatform.com

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The quote about the people fearing the government/the government fearing the people is from Thomas Jefferson. And he was of course correct. But things have been turned upside down. The servant has usurped power and become the master.

Today when the pundits talk of “homeland” or “national” security, they are not talking about protection of the common man; rather, they speak of the security of the ruling class.

That ruling class really has little to fear at his point from the subjects over whom they rule. It’s not that we lack the means to resist–simply the will. We have been propagandized to the point that we (generally speaking) actually believe that any meaningful dissent or active resistance to the crimes of the ruling class is treasonous. Even so, the elite take no chances. They are well protected in their gated communities and workplaces, replete with heavily-armed guards paid for with money looted from our very pockets. Moreover, their military and militarized police forces, backed by compliant judges and courts, hold the sword of violence over our heads. The law is perverted to serve injustice.

But there are more of us than there are of them, and their greatest fear is that we cease being afraid of them. That we cease to be their eyes and ears, hands and feet, doing their dirty work in the boondocks and backwaters of the provinces. If you serve them in exchange for their ill-gotten mammon, stop. Without servants in the provinces, they cannot oppress.

Withdraw your consent from this organized criminal enterprise and dare to be free men and women. Your children and grandchildren will thank you.


2011-01-13T01:41:09 Michael Hill

theeconomiccollapseblog / theeconomiccollapseblog.com

Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

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Do we really need DC’s misrule over us?

2010-10-27 01:26:26 Michael Hill