[email protected] has comments on 22 sites

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IndieWire / indiewire.com

The Voice of Creative Independence

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Pizzolatto is just compounding his dishonesty. Of course ideas can't be plagiarized. But sentences can. That's what this is about.

2016-05-23 05:52:34 Jim Treacher
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UPROXX / uproxx.com

The Culture Of Now

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“Despite being Superman's equal, strength-wise”

Is this true? Sure, she's stronger than humans. But stronger than him?
2015-10-24T17:49:39+04:00 JT
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themoderatevoice / themoderatevoice.com

An Internet hub with domestic and international news, analysis, original reporting, and popular features from the left, center, indies, centrists, moderates, and right

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2015-01-14 20:14:00 $270502

You too!

2015-01-14 20:05:00 $270502

Tu quoque.

2015-01-14 17:22:00 $270502

They’re so mean to him. Why can’t they just leave him alone?

2015-01-14 02:27:00 $270502

When the facts change, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?

2015-01-14 02:26:00 $270502

Are you talking about John Allen Muhammad? He had 7 years to repent. If he didn’t do it in that time, what makes you think he ever would?

2009-11-11 15:09:00 $270502

But you think this guy will.

2009-11-11 15:06:00 $270502

This unborn child didn’t murder 10 people.

2009-11-11 07:59:00 $270502

In a word: No.

2009-11-02 05:41:00 $270502

As John Cole at Balloon Juice says, “These morons spent the whole summer fighting for the right to pack heat at political events, and then are surprised that when you chase a politician screaming at them to their car, they might call the cops. I’m not surprised McCormack, who apparently was hired by the Weekly Standard to make Goldfarb look smart by comparison, wouldn’t understand that. But for the rest of us, we call that self-preservation and common sense.”

John Cole’s grasp of reality is as firm as ever. McCormack didn’t scream at anybody, and he’s got audio to prove it.

Other than that, good point.

2009-10-21 16:12:00 $270502

As John Cole at Balloon Juice says, “These morons spent the whole summer fighting for the right to pack heat at political events, and then are surprised that when you chase a politician screaming at them to their car, they might call the cops. I’m not surprised McCormack, who apparently was hired by the Weekly Standard to make Goldfarb look smart by comparison, wouldn’t understand that. But for the rest of us, we call that self-preservation and common sense.”

John Cole’s grasp of reality is as firm as ever. McCormack didn’t scream at anybody, and he’s got audio to prove it.

Other than that, good point.

2009-10-21 16:11:00 $270502

What she actually said was that folks were bringing swastikas to protests, which turned out to be true.

Because Annenberg says so. And it proves the protesters are astroturfers.

2009-08-11 15:20:00 $270502


2009-08-11 15:17:00 $270502

You would think us liberals would react differently after suffering through 8 years of Republicans calling us unpatriotic for opposing things like the Iraq War and waterboarding.

Who called you unpatriotic? I see this charge a lot, but somehow nobody ever has any quotes.

2009-08-11 07:57:00 $270502

Actually, Jim, the better way to convince him he needs government health care is to put him the hospital when he doesn’t have insurance!

Yes, it’s quite brilliant. “You don’t realize how much you need us, so we’ll beat you up. There, see?”

Did you miss that part of the story?

No, I missed the part where it somehow helps the case for ObamaCare. Besides which, it now turns out he’s insured through his wife’s employer. But still, I’m sure you’re right about the efficacy of putting people in the hospital to prove they need socialized medicine.

2009-08-11 01:30:00 $270502

What better way to convince somebody he needs government health care than to put him in the hospital?

2009-08-10 21:00:00 $270502

Getting fact-checked by Maureen Dowd is like having Stevie Wonder critique your outfit.

2009-08-10 10:41:00 $270502

Well put.

2009-08-01 17:10:00 $270502

If anyone other than Barack Obama had been president, he or she would not have criticized a police officer without having the facts.

2009-07-26 04:39:00 $270502

“Franking Commision != The rest of the DNC”

Oh, it “=” alright. It “=” like crazy.

2009-07-25 05:54:00 $270502

Thank you for coining a new oxymoron: “Canadian guarantee.”

2009-06-28 18:37:00 $270502

It’s one thing to take a break from your responsibilities. Obama was taking a break from shirking them.

2009-06-22 15:27:00 $270502

B-b-but… Obama gave a speech!

2009-06-15 18:25:00 $270502

sparkles43 is from some sort of alternate reality, apparently. Here on Earth-1, the children of many prominent politicians are in the public eye.

2009-06-10 01:57:00 $270502

Hey, you deserve it.

2009-06-05 21:33:00 $270502

And you’re doing a terrific job.

2009-06-05 20:34:00 $270502

Well, it’s tough to argue with logic like that. Well said.

2009-06-05 18:40:00 $270502


2009-06-03 23:58:00 $270502

Presumably someone will.

2009-06-03 23:51:00 $270502

I thought perhaps I’d clicked the wrong button or something, but apparently the Moderate Voice is moderating my voice. Interesting.

2009-06-03 22:55:00 $270502

“Obama doesn’t lecture people, because those I don’t like say he does.” But that’s not peevish!

2009-06-03 22:50:00 $270502

“Obama doesn’t lecture people, because those I don’t like say he does.” But that’s not peevish!

2009-06-03 22:48:00 $270502

Oh noes, I just got called out by the only person on the Internet with a worse name than mine.

Okay, George: Bush should’ve interspersed his many vacations with finger-wagging lectures on sacrifice and saving the environment and so forth. Better?

2009-06-03 12:46:00 $270502

kathykattenburg doesn’t make much sense, but at least she’s angry.

So it’s better for Obama to be a rank hypocrite than for Bush to take vacations without telling everybody else they shouldn’t. Got it.

2009-06-02 17:43:00 $270502

Bush might have “shattered all previous records for presidential vacation time” — not that they were really vacations, because the president takes his office with him wherever he goes — but not while simultaneously castigating the wealthy for their selfish excess, and insisting at every turn that we need to completely change our entire society because of the phantom menace of global warming. As usual, Jazz is sloppy and discordant.

2009-05-31 16:02:00 $270502

If you think the article is bad, check out the comments. See Mr. Treacher’s concept of accountability. It’s rather mild compared to what Hawkins’ readers write. No more accurate, mind you.

Quite so, old chap. If only we could all be as sophisticated and above the fray as you.

2009-05-03 03:49:00 $270502

You’re actually telling me that if journalists run stories with which the other side (whichever side that is) don’t agree, then those journalists should be ground up in the political mill of destruction?

Don’t ask me, ask Media Matters.

2009-05-03 03:45:00 $270502

I can’t imagine a faster way to shut down journalism altogether.

Accountability. What a concept.

2009-05-02 13:16:00 $270502

She then challenged him to a fight by the bike racks after school.

2009-04-21 14:13:00 $270502

“This ‘controversy’ is another example of why the political right is drifting into oblivion. The point of the charge against Obama bowing before King Abdullah is that Obama is a secret Muslim.”

Why would it be bad if he were a Muslim?

“Rather than tackle the hard and important issues that are facing America, they are more comfortable nitpicking about matters of appearance and embarrassment.”

Tell me more about the mysterious lump on Bush’s back during his debate with Kerry. Or, wait, I know: Internets! Prezteldent! LOL

“It is truly amazing and very humorous to watch GOPers frothing at the mouth over such trivia. Cmon, subserviance? Too funny and WAY shallow.”

It’s not our fault you don’t know how to use a dictionary.

But hey, you guys can relax. The White House has denied it even happened in the first place. Everything’s gonna be okay.

2009-04-09 16:46:00 $270502

“Bush kissed the king, held his hand, and bowed down to accept a medal from him. Is this better than what Obama did? Really?”

In their culture, yes. Sure, it’s weird to me too, but that’s diplomacy. If Bush had done a deep-knee bow like the n00b, I wouldn’t have liked that either.

2009-04-06 06:53:00 $270502

If Obama had let Abdullah hang a medal around his neck, that would not be a sign of subservience.

2009-04-06 06:51:00 $270502

“So Mr. Treacher’s critique is all on style, as though when George W. Bush held hand or kissed the Prince on the lips, that was great statesmanship.”

I didn’t like that stuff either, but it was a concession to their culture. And in their culture, it was not a sign of subservience. Bowing the way Obama did is.

But you’re the expert, so if you don’t think these things matter in the realm of international diplomacy, I’ll take your word for it.

2009-04-06 03:11:00 $270502

Does he? All I see is somebody allowing a medal to be placed around his neck. How is that a sign of subservience?

2009-04-06 03:05:00 $270502

Anytime the President of the United States does something stupid, we’re reminded that it’s not the end of the world. After the last 8 years, that’s Change indeed.

Hey, it was only a diplomatic mission. Why nitpick about how he conducts, y’know, diplomacy?

2009-04-05 15:20:00 $270502

My comment regarding McCain was referring to the idea that Palin was somehow a drag on the ticket. Yeah, that many people voted for him because of his star power.

2009-04-03 07:20:00 $270502

At your service!

2009-04-03 02:38:00 $270502

So you’re saying that 60 million people voted for John McCain because he’s John McCain.

Moderation voiced!

2009-04-03 01:41:00 $270502

The Mahablog / mahablog.com

Politics. Society. Group Therapy.

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This guy was such a misogynist that it caused him to murder four men.

2014-05-29 15:34:30 Jim Treacher
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aattp / aattp.org

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“Scientists have been keeping detailed records of the climate dating back 800,000 years.”

They must have a heck of a time blowing out all their birthday candles.

2014-04-10 16:09:59 jimtreacher
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The College Fix / thecollegefix.com

Original. Student Reported. Your Daily Dose of RIGHT-Minded News and Commentary from Across the Nation

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Yeah, must’ve been those teabaggers.

2013-09-24 17:16:00 JimTreacher

Ahh, an Earth Liberation Front sympathizer…

2013-09-24 17:15:00 JimTreacher
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Popehat / popehat.com

A Group Complaint about Law, Liberty, and Leisure

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"What are you, 10?"

Ask Timothy. He's the one throwing around insults.

2013-05-10 22:22:28 Jim Treacher

No, Timothy, YOU'RE stupid.

2013-05-10 16:59:15 Jim Treacher

Apology accepted.

2013-05-10 15:17:27 Jim Treacher

No, you're a dishonest partisan spouting bullshit. Hey, this is fun.

2013-05-10 14:58:50 Jim Treacher

What's the big deal? It's not like Loomis put crosshairs symbols on a map.

2012-12-20 00:37:43 Jim Treacher
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Eclectablog / eclectablog.com

Eclectablog - Progressive news and commentary, now with more LOLGOP

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2012-12-13 00:09:00 JimTreacher

It’s been copiously documented on video, but other than that, good point.

2012-12-13 00:09:00 JimTreacher
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Eclectablog / eclectablog.com

Eclectablog - Progressive news and commentary, now with more LOLGOP

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2012-12-13 00:09:00 JimTreacher

It’s been copiously documented on video, but other than that, good point.

2012-12-13 00:09:00 JimTreacher
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The Right Scoop / therightscoop.com

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“How can we turn the murder of a U.S. ambassador, on 9/11, in a country Obama invaded unilaterally, into an opportunity to ask Romney why he’s a meanie?”

2012-09-12 19:09:00 JimTreacher
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Friendly Atheist / friendlyatheist.patheos.com


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You’re welcome.

2012-08-07T16:38:00 JimTreacher

So you’re a rube.

2012-08-07T01:17:00 JimTreacher

It’s no fun when people return your insults, is it? Awww.

2012-08-07T01:17:00 JimTreacher

I know you think that’s what you were doing. Because YOU’RE an idiot.

2012-08-05T11:10:00 JimTreacher

If You Oppose Marriage Equality, What Else Am I Supposed to Call You?

Up until a couple of months ago, you could’ve called me Obama.

2012-08-05T01:48:00 JimTreacher

In other words that have nothing to do with what I said, sure.

2012-08-05T01:38:00 JimTreacher

Chick-fil-A isn’t discriminating against you. Walk in and order a sandwich and they’ll sell it to you. Or don’t, and they won’t. You’re just like everybody else.

And I said “her bills” because we’re talking about her. Hope that helps!

2012-08-04T16:54:00 JimTreacher

So YOU pay her bills.

2012-08-04T11:05:00 JimTreacher

What’s polite about “You should be ashamed to work here”? Watch that young woman’s face when he said that. He was just trying to humiliate her. Then he put it up on the Internet. Shame on you.

2012-08-04T11:04:00 JimTreacher

“If you’re a Chick-fil-A employee who supports gay rights (I don’t know if this particular employee does or not), then you’ve had a shitty week. You had to serve Christians who cheer the fact that they’re standing in the way of gay rights…”

Or, y’know, Christians who believe in free speech and don’t want businesses to be punished for expressing opinions some people don’t like.

2012-08-04T11:00:00 JimTreacher
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The National Memo / nationalmemo.com

Smart. Sharp. Funny. Fearless.

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You sound upset.

2012-06-09 01:32:00 JimTreacher

You mad?

2012-06-07 20:39:00 JimTreacher

Also, Barack Obama once impersonated a President of the United States.

2012-06-07 18:45:00 JimTreacher
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gigaom / gigaom.com

Technology news, trends, research and analysis covering the digital world and how it affects you.

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It’s no fun when people who disagree with you… disagree with you.

2012-03-28 02:55:30 JimTreacher
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RebelPundit / rebelpundit.com

Anti-Establishment Citizen Journalism, Video & News Blog Exposing Democrats & Republicans Who Oppose the Principles of Freedom and Liberty in America

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It’s like they think we haven’t seen “Broadcast News.” And that was before Google.

2012-03-08 22:45:39 Jim Treacher
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The American Conservative / theamericanconservative.com

if ( is_category() ) { // retrieve current category object $category = get_category( get_query_var('cat') ); if ( ! empty( $category ) ) echo ' Subscribe!

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And what did Ted Kennedy ever do to anybody?

2012-03-02 12:44:11 Jim Treacher
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SayUncle / saysuncle.com

Remember, I do this to entertain me... not you.

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The fact that it’s from the “Journal of Apocryphal Chemistry” should’ve been a tipoff…

2012-02-29 21:12:47 Jim Treacher
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Why Evolution Is True / whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com

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Imagine the media firestorm if some teabagger mom pushed her little kid in front of Obama and whispered in the tyke's ear, "Ask him how jobs are created." 2011-08-19T05:58:44-07:00 Jim Treacher
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Blogs For Victory / blogsforvictory.com

Where Defeat Is Not An Option

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"The GOP has increased the debt ceiling repeatedly under previous administrations so unless they were pedophiles back then it doesn’t match."

But "terrorist" does, presumably.
2011-08-03T05:21:06-04:00 Jim Treacher
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International Liberty / danieljmitchell.wordpress.com

Restraining Government in America and Around the World

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"The GOP had 8 years to fix this mess and they fucking blew it. Their histrionics carry no weight now. Deal with it or suggest a bettert alternative or shut the fuck up."

How does one argue with such understated eloquence?
2011-07-18T06:44:08-05:00 Jim Treacher
Shared sacrifice: They do the sharing, and we do the sacrificing. 2011-04-13T16:54:49-05:00 Jim Treacher
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Ordinary Times / ordinary-times.com

A Place of Culture, Politics, & Discourse

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John Lewis never said that. You should read more carefully.Report

2011-02-15T13:23:28 Jim Treacher
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Whatever / whatever.scalzi.com


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"Over & over again he proves that not only does his car have no engine, but he’s likely stolen the car."

He wants you to think he stole the car. It's his mom's.
2010-11-13T17:55:15-05:00 Jim Treacher
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The Daily Mush / thedailymush.wordpress.com

All the thoughts to have a fit about!

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What I said was, "Those were the days. You didn’t have to ask, and they didn’t need to tell…"

"They" being the Village People. You didn't have to ask if they were gay, and they didn't need to tell you, because you knew. And it was fine. Because the Village People are awesome.

But your manifesto is good too. Whatever you do, please don't pick your battles.
2010-09-23T17:34:24+00:00 Jim Treacher